* VsqMetaText/Common.cs
* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 kbinani
* This file is part of Boare.Lib.Vsq.
* Boare.Lib.Vsq is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the BSD License.
* Boare.Lib.Vsq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;
using bocoree;
namespace Boare.Lib.Vsq {
using boolean = System.Boolean;
/// vsqファイルのメタテキストの[Common]セクションに記録される内容を取り扱う
public class VsqCommon : ICloneable {
public String Version;
public String Name;
public String Color;
public int DynamicsMode;
public int PlayMode;
public object Clone() {
String[] spl = Color.Split( ",".ToCharArray(), 3 );
int r = int.Parse( spl[0] );
int g = int.Parse( spl[1] );
int b = int.Parse( spl[2] );
System.Drawing.Color color = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( r, g, b );
VsqCommon res = new VsqCommon( Name, color, DynamicsMode, PlayMode );
res.Version = Version;
return res;
/// 各パラメータを指定したコンストラクタ
/// トラック名
/// Color値(意味は不明)
/// DynamicsMode(デフォルトは1)
/// PlayMode(デフォルトは1)
public VsqCommon( String name, Color color, int dynamics_mode, int play_mode ) {
this.Version = "DSB301";
this.Name = name;
this.Color = color.R + "," + color.G + "," + color.B;
this.DynamicsMode = dynamics_mode;
this.PlayMode = play_mode;
public VsqCommon()
: this( "Miku", System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb( 179, 181, 123 ), 1, 1 ) {
/// MetaTextのテキストファイルからのコンストラクタ
/// 読み込むテキストファイル
/// 読み込んだ最後の行が返される
public VsqCommon( TextMemoryStream sr, ref String last_line ) {
Version = "";
Name = "";
Color = "0,0,0";
DynamicsMode = 0;
PlayMode = 0;
last_line = sr.readLine();
String[] spl;
while ( !last_line.StartsWith( "[" ) ) {
spl = last_line.Split( new char[] { '=' } );
switch ( spl[0] ) {
case "Version":
this.Version = spl[1];
case "Name":
this.Name = spl[1];
case "Color":
this.Color = spl[1];
case "DynamicsMode":
this.DynamicsMode = int.Parse( spl[1] );
case "PlayMode":
this.PlayMode = int.Parse( spl[1] );
if ( sr.peek() < 0 ) {
last_line = sr.readLine();
/// インスタンスの内容をテキストファイルに出力します
/// 出力先
public void write( TextMemoryStream sw ) {
sw.writeLine( "[Common]" );
sw.writeLine( "Version=" + Version );
sw.writeLine( "Name=" + Name );
sw.writeLine( "Color=" + Color );
sw.writeLine( "DynamicsMode=" + DynamicsMode );
sw.writeLine( "PlayMode=" + PlayMode );
/// VsqCommon構造体を構築するテストを行います
/// テストに成功すればtrue、そうでなければfalse
public static boolean test() {
String fpath = Path.GetTempFileName();
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter( fpath, false, Encoding.Unicode );
sw.WriteLine( "Version=DSB301" );
sw.WriteLine( "Name=Voice1" );
sw.WriteLine( "Color=181,162,123" );
sw.WriteLine( "DynamicsMode=1" );
sw.WriteLine( "PlayMode=1" );
sw.WriteLine( "[Master]" );
VsqCommon vsqCommon;
String last_line = "";
using ( TextMemoryStream sr = new TextMemoryStream( fpath, Encoding.Unicode ) ) {
vsqCommon = new VsqCommon( sr, ref last_line );
boolean result;
if ( vsqCommon.Version.Equals( "DSB301" ) &&
vsqCommon.Name.Equals( "Voice1" ) &&
vsqCommon.Color.Equals( "181,162,123" ) &&
vsqCommon.DynamicsMode == 1 &&
vsqCommon.PlayMode == 1 &&
last_line.Equals( "[Master]" ) ) {
result = true;
} else {
result = false;
File.Delete( fpath );
return result;