267 lines
10 KiB
267 lines
10 KiB
* VsqMetaText/Mixer.cs
* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 kbinani
* This file is part of Boare.Lib.Vsq.
* Boare.Lib.Vsq is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the BSD License.
* Boare.Lib.Vsq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace Boare.Lib.Vsq {
/// <summary>
/// vsqファイルのメタテキストの[Mixer]セクションに記録される内容を取り扱う
/// </summary>
public class VsqMixer : ICloneable {
public int MasterFeder;
public int MasterPanpot;
public int MasterMute;
public int OutputMode;
/// <summary>
/// vsqファイルの各トラックのfader, panpot, muteおよびoutputmode値を保持します
/// </summary>
public List<VsqMixerEntry> Slave = new List<VsqMixerEntry>();
public object Clone() {
VsqMixer res = new VsqMixer( MasterFeder, MasterPanpot, MasterMute, OutputMode );
res.Slave = new List<VsqMixerEntry>();
foreach ( VsqMixerEntry item in Slave ) {
res.Slave.Add( (VsqMixerEntry)item.Clone() );
return res;
/// <summary>
/// 各パラメータを指定したコンストラクタ
/// </summary>
/// <param name="master_fader">MasterFader値</param>
/// <param name="master_panpot">MasterPanpot値</param>
/// <param name="master_mute">MasterMute値</param>
/// <param name="output_mode">OutputMode値</param>
public VsqMixer( int master_fader, int master_panpot, int master_mute, int output_mode ) {
this.MasterFeder = master_fader;
this.MasterMute = master_mute;
this.MasterPanpot = master_panpot;
this.OutputMode = output_mode;
Slave = new List<VsqMixerEntry>();
/// <summary>
/// テキストファイルからのコンストラクタ
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sr">読み込み対象</param>
/// <param name="last_line">最後に読み込んだ行が返されます</param>
public VsqMixer( TextMemoryStream sr, ref string last_line ) {
MasterFeder = 0;
MasterPanpot = 0;
MasterMute = 0;
OutputMode = 0;
//Tracks = 1;
int tracks = 0;
string[] spl;
string buffer = "";
last_line = sr.readLine();
while ( !last_line.StartsWith( "[" ) ) {
spl = last_line.Split( new char[] { '=' } );
switch ( spl[0] ) {
case "MasterFeder":
MasterFeder = int.Parse( spl[1] );
case "MasterPanpot":
MasterPanpot = int.Parse( spl[1] );
case "MasterMute":
MasterMute = int.Parse( spl[1] );
case "OutputMode":
OutputMode = int.Parse( spl[1] );
case "Tracks":
tracks = int.Parse( spl[1] );
if ( spl[0].StartsWith( "Feder" ) ||
spl[0].StartsWith( "Panpot" ) ||
spl[0].StartsWith( "Mute" ) ||
spl[0].StartsWith( "Solo" ) ) {
buffer += spl[0] + "=" + spl[1] + Environment.NewLine;
if ( sr.peek() < 0 ) {
last_line = sr.readLine();
Slave = new List<VsqMixerEntry>();
for ( int i = 0; i < tracks; i++ ) {
Slave.Add( new VsqMixerEntry( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
spl = buffer.Split( new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries );
string[] spl2;
for ( int i = 0; i < spl.Length; i++ ) {
string ind = "";
int index;
spl2 = spl[i].Split( new char[] { '=' } );
if ( spl2[0].StartsWith( "Feder" ) ) {
ind = spl2[0].Replace( "Feder", "" );
index = int.Parse( ind );
Slave[index].Feder = int.Parse( spl2[1] );
} else if ( spl2[0].StartsWith( "Panpot" ) ) {
ind = spl2[0].Replace( "Panpot", "" );
index = int.Parse( ind );
Slave[index].Panpot = int.Parse( spl2[1] );
} else if ( spl2[0].StartsWith( "Mute" ) ) {
ind = spl2[0].Replace( "Mute", "" );
index = int.Parse( ind );
Slave[index].Mute = int.Parse( spl2[1] );
} else if ( spl2[0].StartsWith( "Solo" ) ) {
ind = spl2[0].Replace( "Solo", "" );
index = int.Parse( ind );
Slave[index].Solo = int.Parse( spl2[1] );
/// <summary>
/// このインスタンスをテキストファイルに出力します
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sw">出力対象</param>
public void write( TextMemoryStream sw ) {
sw.writeLine( "[Mixer]" );
sw.writeLine( "MasterFeder=" + MasterFeder );
sw.writeLine( "MasterPanpot=" + MasterPanpot );
sw.writeLine( "MasterMute=" + MasterMute );
sw.writeLine( "OutputMode=" + OutputMode );
sw.writeLine( "Tracks=" + Slave.Count );
for ( int i = 0; i < Slave.Count; i++ ) {
sw.writeLine( "Feder" + i + "=" + Slave[i].Feder );
sw.writeLine( "Panpot" + i + "=" + Slave[i].Panpot );
sw.writeLine( "Mute" + i + "=" + Slave[i].Mute );
sw.writeLine( "Solo" + i + "=" + Slave[i].Solo );
/// <summary>
/// VsqMixerのインスタンスを構築するテストを行います
/// </summary>
/// <returns>テストに成功すればtrue、そうでなければfalseを返します</returns>
public static bool test() {
string fpath = Path.GetTempFileName();
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter( fpath, false, Encoding.Unicode );
sw.WriteLine( "MasterFeder=12" );
sw.WriteLine( "MasterPanpot=13" );
sw.WriteLine( "MasterMute=14" );
sw.WriteLine( "OutputMode=15" );
sw.WriteLine( "Tracks=8" );
sw.WriteLine( "Feder0=1" );
sw.WriteLine( "Panpot0=2" );
sw.WriteLine( "Mute0=3" );
sw.WriteLine( "Solo0=4" );
sw.WriteLine( "Feder1=5" );
sw.WriteLine( "Panpot1=6" );
sw.WriteLine( "Mute1=7" );
sw.WriteLine( "Solo1=8" );
sw.WriteLine( "Feder2=9" );
sw.WriteLine( "Panpot2=10" );
sw.WriteLine( "Mute2=11" );
sw.WriteLine( "Solo2=12" );
sw.WriteLine( "Feder3=13" );
sw.WriteLine( "Panpot3=14" );
sw.WriteLine( "Mute3=15" );
sw.WriteLine( "Solo3=16" );
sw.WriteLine( "Feder4=17" );
sw.WriteLine( "Panpot4=18" );
sw.WriteLine( "Mute4=19" );
sw.WriteLine( "Solo4=20" );
sw.WriteLine( "Feder5=21" );
sw.WriteLine( "Panpot5=22" );
sw.WriteLine( "Mute5=23" );
sw.WriteLine( "Solo5=24" );
sw.WriteLine( "Feder6=25" );
sw.WriteLine( "Panpot6=26" );
sw.WriteLine( "Mute6=27" );
sw.WriteLine( "Solo6=28" );
sw.WriteLine( "Feder7=29" );
sw.WriteLine( "Panpot7=30" );
sw.WriteLine( "Mute7=31" );
sw.WriteLine( "Solo7=32" );
sw.WriteLine( "[EventList]" );
TextMemoryStream sr = new TextMemoryStream( fpath, Encoding.Unicode );
string last_line = "";
VsqMixer vsqMixer = new VsqMixer( sr, ref last_line );
if( vsqMixer.MasterFeder == 12 &&
vsqMixer.MasterPanpot == 13 &&
vsqMixer.MasterMute == 14 &&
vsqMixer.OutputMode == 15 &&
vsqMixer.Slave.Count == 8 ){
for( int i = 0; i < vsqMixer.Slave.Count; i++ ){
int start = 4 * i;
if ( vsqMixer.Slave[i].Feder != start + 1 ||
vsqMixer.Slave[i].Panpot != start + 2 ||
vsqMixer.Slave[i].Mute != start + 3 ||
vsqMixer.Slave[i].Solo != start + 4 ) {
File.Delete( fpath );
return false;
File.Delete( fpath );
return false;
File.Delete( fpath );
return true;
/// <summary>
/// VsqMixerのSlave要素に格納される各エントリ
/// </summary>
public class VsqMixerEntry : ICloneable {
public int Feder;
public int Panpot;
public int Mute;
public int Solo;
public object Clone() {
VsqMixerEntry res = new VsqMixerEntry( Feder, Panpot, Mute, Solo );
return res;
/// <summary>
/// 各パラメータを指定したコンストラクタ
/// </summary>
/// <param name="feder">Feder値</param>
/// <param name="panpot">Panpot値</param>
/// <param name="mute">Mute値</param>
/// <param name="solo">Solo値</param>
public VsqMixerEntry( int feder, int panpot, int mute, int solo ) {
this.Feder = feder;
this.Panpot = panpot;
this.Mute = mute;
this.Solo = solo;