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* UstFile.cs
* Copyright (c) 2009 kbinani, PEX
* This file is part of Boare.Lib.Vsq.
* Boare.Lib.Vsq is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the BSD License.
* Boare.Lib.Vsq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#if JAVA
package org.kbinani.vsq;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import org.kbinani.*;
using System;
using bocoree;
using bocoree.java.util;
using bocoree.java.io;
namespace Boare.Lib.Vsq {
using Float = System.Single;
using boolean = System.Boolean;
#if JAVA
public class UstFile implements Cloneable {
public class UstFile : ICloneable {
/// <summary>
/// [#PREV]が指定されているUstEventのIndex
/// </summary>
public const int PREV_INDEX = int.MinValue;
/// <summary>
/// [#NEXT]が指定されているUstEventのIndex
/// </summary>
public const int NEXT_INDEX = int.MaxValue;
public Object Tag;
private float m_tempo = 120.00f;
private String m_project_name = "";
private String m_voice_dir = "";
private String m_out_file = "";
private String m_cache_dir = "";
private String m_tool1 = "";
private String m_tool2 = "";
private Vector<UstTrack> m_tracks = new Vector<UstTrack>();
private Vector<TempoTableEntry> m_tempo_table;
public UstFile( String path ) {
BufferedReader sr = null;
try {
sr = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( new FileInputStream( path ), "Shift_JIS" ) );
bocoree.debug.push_log( "path=" + path );
bocoree.debug.push_log( "(sr==null)=" + (sr == null) );
String line = sr.readLine();
if ( !line.Equals( "[#SETTING]" ) ) {
throw new Exception( "invalid ust file" );
UstTrack track = new UstTrack();
int type = 0; //0 => reading "SETTING" section
while ( true ) {
PortUtil.println( "line=" + line );
UstEvent ue = null;
if ( type == 1 ) {
ue = new UstEvent();
int index = 0;
if ( line.Equals( "[#TRACKEND]" ) ) {
} else if ( line.ToUpper().Equals( "[#NEXT]" ) ) {
index = NEXT_INDEX;
} else if ( line.ToUpper().Equals( "[#PREV]" ) ) {
index = PREV_INDEX;
} else {
String s = line.Replace( "[#", "" ).Replace( "]", "" ).Trim();
try {
index = PortUtil.parseInt( s );
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
PortUtil.println( "UstFile#.ctor; ex=" + ex );
bocoree.debug.push_log( "index=" + index );
line = sr.readLine(); // "[#" 直下の行
if ( line == null ) {
while ( !line.StartsWith( "[#" ) ) {
PortUtil.println( "line=" + line );
String[] spl = PortUtil.splitString( line, new char[] { '=' }, 2 );
if ( type == 0 ) {
// reading "SETTING" section
if ( spl[0].Equals( "Tempo" ) ) {
m_tempo = 125f;
float v = 125f;
try {
v = PortUtil.parseFloat( spl[1] );
m_tempo = v;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
} else if ( spl[0].Equals( "ProjectName" ) ) {
m_project_name = spl[1];
} else if ( spl[0].Equals( "VoiceDir" ) ) {
m_voice_dir = spl[1];
} else if ( spl[0].Equals( "OutFile" ) ) {
m_out_file = spl[1];
} else if ( spl[0].Equals( "CacheDir" ) ) {
m_cache_dir = spl[1];
} else if ( spl[0].Equals( "Tool1" ) ) {
m_tool1 = spl[1];
} else if ( spl[0].Equals( "Tool2" ) ) {
m_tool2 = spl[1];
} else if ( type == 1 ) {
// readin event section
if ( spl[0].Equals( "Length" ) ) {
ue.setLength( 0 );
int v = 0;
try {
v = PortUtil.parseInt( spl[1] );
ue.setLength( v );
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
} else if ( spl[0].Equals( "Lyric" ) ) {
ue.Lyric = spl[1];
} else if ( spl[0].Equals( "NoteNum" ) ) {
ue.Note = 0;
int v = 0;
try {
v = PortUtil.parseInt( spl[1] );
ue.Note = v;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
} else if ( spl[0].Equals( "Intensity" ) ) {
ue.Intensity = 64;
int v = 64;
try {
v = PortUtil.parseInt( spl[1] );
ue.Intensity = v;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
} else if ( spl[0].Equals( "PBType" ) ) {
ue.PBType = 5;
int v = 5;
try {
v = PortUtil.parseInt( spl[1] );
ue.PBType = v;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
} else if ( spl[0].Equals( "Piches" ) ) {
String[] spl2 = PortUtil.splitString( spl[1], ',' );
float[] t = new float[spl2.Length];
for ( int i = 0; i < spl2.Length; i++ ) {
float v = 0;
try {
v = PortUtil.parseFloat( spl2[i] );
t[i] = v;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
ue.Pitches = t;
} else if ( spl[0].Equals( "Tempo" ) ) {
ue.Tempo = 125f;
float v;
try {
v = PortUtil.parseFloat( spl[1] );
ue.Tempo = v;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
} else if ( spl[0].Equals( "VBR" ) ) {
ue.Vibrato = new UstVibrato( line );
} else if ( spl[0].Equals( "PBW" ) || spl[0].Equals( "PBS" ) || spl[0].Equals( "PBY" ) || spl[0].Equals( "PBM" ) ) {
if ( ue.Portamento == null ) {
ue.Portamento = new UstPortamento();
ue.Portamento.ParseLine( line );
} else if ( spl[0].Equals( "Envelope" ) ) {
ue.Envelope = new UstEnvelope( line );
} else if ( spl[0].Equals( "VoiceOverlap" ) ) {
if ( spl[1] != "" ) {
ue.VoiceOverlap = PortUtil.parseInt( spl[1] );
} else if ( spl[0].Equals( "PreUtterance" ) ) {
if ( spl[1] != "" ) {
ue.PreUtterance = PortUtil.parseInt( spl[1] );
} else if ( spl[0].Equals( "Flags" ) ) {
ue.Flags = line.Substring( 6 );
} else {
PortUtil.println( "UstFile#.ctor; info: don't know how to process this line; line=" + line );
if ( !sr.ready() ) {
line = sr.readLine();
bocoree.debug.push_log( "(ue==null)=" + (ue == null) );
if ( type == 0 ) {
type = 1;
} else if ( type == 1 ) {
ue.Index = index;
track.addEvent( ue );
m_tracks.add( track );
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
bocoree.debug.push_log( "ex=" + ex );
} finally {
if ( sr != null ) {
try {
} catch ( Exception ex2 ) {
/// <summary>
/// vsqの指定したトラックを元にトラックを1つだけ持つustを構築します
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vsq"></param>
/// <param name="track_index"></param>
public UstFile( VsqFile vsq, int track_index ) {
VsqTrack track = vsq.Track.get( track_index );
// デフォルトのテンポ
if( vsq.TempoTable.size() <= 0 ){
m_tempo = 120.0f;
m_tempo = (float)(60e6 / (double)vsq.TempoTable.get( 0 ).Tempo);
// R用音符のテンプレート
int PBTYPE = 5;
UstEvent template = new UstEvent();
template.Lyric = "R";
template.Note = 60;
template.PreUtterance = 0;
template.VoiceOverlap = 0;
template.Intensity = 100;
template.Moduration = 0;
// 再生秒時をとりあえず無視して,ゲートタイム基準で音符を追加
UstTrack track_add = new UstTrack();
int last_clock = 0;
int index = 0;
for( Iterator itr = track.getNoteEventIterator(); itr.hasNext(); ){
VsqEvent item = (VsqEvent)itr.next();
if( last_clock < item.Clock ){
// ゲートタイム差ありRを追加
UstEvent itemust = (UstEvent)template.clone();
itemust.setLength( item.Clock - last_clock );
itemust.Index = index;
track_add.addEvent( itemust );
UstEvent item_add = new UstEvent();
item_add.setLength( item.ID.getLength() );
item_add.Lyric = item.ID.LyricHandle.L0.Phrase;
item_add.Note = item.ID.Note;
item_add.Index = index;
item_add.Intensity = item.ID.Dynamics;
item_add.Moduration = item.UstEvent.Moduration;
item_add.PreUtterance = item.UstEvent.PreUtterance;
item_add.VoiceOverlap = item.UstEvent.VoiceOverlap;
track_add.addEvent( item_add );
last_clock = item.Clock + item.ID.getLength();
// 再生秒時を無視して,ピッチベンドを追加
//VsqBPList pbs = track.getCurve( "pbs" );
//VsqBPList pit = track.getCurve( "pit" );
int clock = 0;
for ( Iterator itr = track_add.getNoteEventIterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
UstEvent item = (UstEvent)itr.next();
int clock_begin = clock;
int clock_end = clock + item.getLength();
Vector<Float> pitch = new Vector<Float>();
boolean allzero = true;
for ( int cl = clock_begin; cl <= clock_end; cl += PBTYPE ) {
float pit = (float)track.getPitchAt( cl );
if ( pit != 0.0 ) {
allzero = false;
pitch.add( pit );
if ( !allzero ) {
item.Pitches = PortUtil.convertFloatArray( pitch.toArray( new Float[] { } ) );
item.PBType = PBTYPE;
} else {
item.PBType = -1;
clock += item.getLength();
// 再生秒時を考慮して,適時テンポを追加
//TODO: このへん
// throw new NotImplementedException();
m_tracks.add( track_add );
private UstFile() {
public String getProjectName() {
return m_project_name;
public int getBaseTempo() {
return (int)(6e7 / m_tempo);
public double getTotalSec() {
int max = 0;
for ( int track = 0; track < m_tracks.size(); track++ ) {
int count = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_tracks.get( track ).getEventCount(); i++ ) {
count += (int)m_tracks.get( track ).getEvent( i ).getLength();
max = Math.Max( max, count );
return getSecFromClock( max );
public Vector<TempoTableEntry> getTempoList() {
return m_tempo_table;
public UstTrack getTrack( int track ) {
return m_tracks.get( track );
public int getTrackCount() {
return m_tracks.size();
/// <summary>
/// TempoTableの[*].Timeの部分を更新します
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public void updateTempoInfo() {
m_tempo_table = new Vector<TempoTableEntry>();
if ( m_tracks.size() <= 0 ) {
int clock = 0;
double time = 0.0;
int last_tempo_clock = 0; //最後にTempo値が代入されていたイベントのクロック
float last_tempo = m_tempo; //最後に代入されていたテンポの値
for ( int i = 0; i < m_tracks.get( 0 ).getEventCount(); i++ ) {
if ( m_tracks.get( 0 ).getEvent( i ).Tempo > 0f ) {
time += (clock - last_tempo_clock) / (8.0 * last_tempo);
if ( m_tempo_table.size() == 0 && clock != 0 ) {
m_tempo_table.add( new TempoTableEntry( 0, (int)(6e7 / m_tempo), 0.0 ) );
m_tempo_table.add( new TempoTableEntry( clock, (int)(6e7 / m_tracks.get( 0 ).getEvent( i ).Tempo), time ) );
last_tempo = m_tracks.get( 0 ).getEvent( i ).Tempo;
last_tempo_clock = clock;
clock += (int)m_tracks.get( 0 ).getEvent( i ).getLength();
/// <summary>
/// 指定したクロックにおける、clock=0からの演奏経過時間(sec)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="clock"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public double getSecFromClock( int clock ) {
int c = m_tempo_table.size();
for ( int i = c - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
TempoTableEntry item = m_tempo_table.get( i );
if ( item.Clock < clock ) {
double init = item.Time;
int dclock = clock - item.Clock;
double sec_per_clock1 = item.Tempo * 1e-6 / 480.0;
return init + dclock * sec_per_clock1;
double sec_per_clock = 0.125 / m_tempo;
return clock * sec_per_clock;
public void write( String file ) {
BufferedWriter sw = null;
try {
sw = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream( file ), "Shift_JIS" ) );
sw.write( "[#SETTING]" );
sw.write( "Tempo=" + m_tempo );
sw.write( "Tracks=1" );
sw.write( "ProjectName=" + m_project_name );
sw.write( "VoiceDir=" + m_voice_dir );
sw.write( "OutFile=" + m_out_file );
sw.write( "CacheDir=" + m_cache_dir );
sw.write( "Tool1=" + m_tool1 );
sw.write( "Tool2=" + m_tool2 );
UstTrack target = m_tracks.get( 0 );
int count = target.getEventCount();
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
target.getEvent( i ).print( sw );
sw.write( "[#TRACKEND]" );
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
} finally {
if ( sw != null ) {
try {
} catch ( Exception ex2 ) {
public Object clone() {
UstFile ret = new UstFile();
ret.m_tempo = m_tempo;
ret.m_project_name = m_project_name;
ret.m_voice_dir = m_voice_dir;
ret.m_out_file = m_out_file;
ret.m_cache_dir = m_cache_dir;
ret.m_tool1 = m_tool1;
ret.m_tool2 = m_tool2;
for ( int i = 0; i < m_tracks.size(); i++ ) {
ret.m_tracks.set( i, (UstTrack)m_tracks.get( i ).clone() );
ret.m_tempo_table = new Vector<TempoTableEntry>();
for ( int i = 0; i < m_tempo_table.size(); i++ ) {
ret.m_tempo_table.add( (TempoTableEntry)m_tempo_table.get( i ).clone() );
return ret;
#if !JAVA
public object Clone() {
return clone();
#if !JAVA