git-svn-id: file:///home/shish/svn/shimmie2/trunk@294 7f39781d-f577-437e-ae19-be835c7a54ca
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class Upgrade extends Extension {
public function receive_event($event) {
if(is_a($event, 'InitExtEvent')) {
private function do_things() {
global $config;
global $database;
if($config->get_bool("in_upgrade")) {
if(!is_numeric($config->get_string("db_version"))) {
$config->set_int("db_version", 2);
if($config->get_int("db_version") <= 2) {
$database->Execute("CREATE TABLE layout (
title varchar(64) primary key not null,
section varchar(32) not null default \"left\",
position int not null default 50,
visible enum('Y', 'N') default 'Y' not null
$config->set_int("db_version", 3);
if($config->get_int("db_version") == 3) {
$config->set_bool("in_upgrade", true);
$database->Execute("RENAME TABLE tags TO old_tags");
$database->Execute("CREATE TABLE tags (
id int not null auto_increment primary key,
tag varchar(64) not null unique,
count int not null default 0,
KEY tags_count(count)
$database->Execute("CREATE TABLE image_tags (
image_id int NOT NULL default 0,
tag_id int NOT NULL default 0,
UNIQUE KEY image_id_tag_id (image_id,tag_id),
KEY tags_tag_id (tag_id),
KEY tags_image_id (image_id)
$config->set_int("db_version", 4);
$config->set_bool("in_upgrade", false);
if($config->get_int("db_version") == 4) {
$config->set_bool("in_upgrade", true);
$database->Execute("DELETE FROM tags");
$database->Execute("INSERT INTO tags(tag) SELECT DISTINCT tag FROM old_tags");
$database->Execute("DELETE FROM image_tags");
$database->Execute("INSERT INTO image_tags(image_id, tag_id) SELECT old_tags.image_id, tags.id FROM old_tags JOIN tags ON old_tags.tag = tags.tag");
$database->Execute("UPDATE tags SET count=(SELECT COUNT(image_id) FROM image_tags WHERE tag_id=tags.id GROUP BY tag_id)");
$config->set_int("db_version", 5);
$config->set_bool("in_upgrade", false);
if($config->get_int("db_version") == 5) {
$config->set_bool("in_upgrade", true);
$tables = $database->db->GetCol("SHOW TABLES");
foreach($tables as $table) {
$database->Execute("ALTER TABLE $table CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8");
$config->set_int("db_version", 6);
$config->set_bool("in_upgrade", false);
add_event_listener(new Upgrade(), 5);