Matthew Barbour 63b2601e67 Mime type handling overhaul
Changed mime type map to deal with the reality that certain file types have multiple extensions and/or multiple mime types, as well as constants supporting all of the data. Created new functions using the updated mime type map to resolve mime types and extensions. Updated various items around the project that determine mime/extension to take advantage of the new functions.
2020-06-03 19:47:40 +01:00

264 lines
9.9 KiB

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
abstract class ResizeConfig
const ENABLED = 'resize_enabled';
const UPLOAD = 'resize_upload';
const ENGINE = 'resize_engine';
const DEFAULT_WIDTH = 'resize_default_width';
const DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 'resize_default_height';
* This class handles image resize requests.
class ResizeImage extends Extension
/** @var ResizeImageTheme */
protected $theme;
* Needs to be after the data processing extensions
public function get_priority(): int
return 55;
public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event)
global $config;
$config->set_default_bool(ResizeConfig::ENABLED, true);
$config->set_default_bool(ResizeConfig::UPLOAD, false);
$config->set_default_string(ResizeConfig::ENGINE, MediaEngine::GD);
$config->set_default_int(ResizeConfig::DEFAULT_WIDTH, 0);
$config->set_default_int(ResizeConfig::DEFAULT_HEIGHT, 0);
public function onImageAdminBlockBuilding(ImageAdminBlockBuildingEvent $event)
global $user, $config;
if ($user->can(Permissions::EDIT_FILES) && $config->get_bool(ResizeConfig::ENABLED)
&& $this->can_resize_format($event->image->ext, $event->image->lossless)) {
/* Add a link to resize the image */
public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
$sb = new SetupBlock("Image Resize");
$sb->add_choice_option(ResizeConfig::ENGINE, Media::IMAGE_MEDIA_ENGINES, "Engine: ", true);
$sb->add_bool_option(ResizeConfig::ENABLED, "Allow resizing images: ", true);
$sb->add_bool_option(ResizeConfig::UPLOAD, "Resize on upload: ", true);
$sb->add_table_header("Preset/Default Dimensions");
$sb->add_label("<tr><td></td><td>(enter 0 for no default)</td></tr>");
public function onDataUpload(DataUploadEvent $event)
global $config, $page;
$image_obj = Image::by_id($event->image_id);
if ($config->get_bool(ResizeConfig::UPLOAD) == true
&& $this->can_resize_format($event->type, $image_obj->lossless)) {
$width = $height = 0;
if ($config->get_int(ResizeConfig::DEFAULT_WIDTH) !== 0) {
$height = $config->get_int(ResizeConfig::DEFAULT_WIDTH);
if ($config->get_int(ResizeConfig::DEFAULT_HEIGHT) !== 0) {
$height = $config->get_int(ResizeConfig::DEFAULT_HEIGHT);
$isanigif = 0;
if ($image_obj->ext == EXTENSION_GIF) {
$image_filename = warehouse_path(Image::IMAGE_DIR, $image_obj->hash);
if (($fh = @fopen($image_filename, 'rb'))) {
//check if gif is animated (via https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imagecreatefromgif.php#104473)
while (!feof($fh) && $isanigif < 2) {
$chunk = fread($fh, 1024 * 100);
$isanigif += preg_match_all('#\x00\x21\xF9\x04.{4}\x00[\x2C\x21]#s', $chunk, $matches);
if ($isanigif == 0) {
try {
$this->resize_image($image_obj, $width, $height);
} catch (ImageResizeException $e) {
$this->theme->display_resize_error($page, "Error Resizing", $e->error);
//Need to generate thumbnail again...
//This only seems to be an issue if one of the sizes was set to 0.
$image_obj = Image::by_id($event->image_id); //Must be a better way to grab the new hash than setting this again..
send_event(new ThumbnailGenerationEvent($image_obj->hash, $image_obj->ext, true));
log_info("resize", "Image #{$event->image_id} has been resized to: ".$width."x".$height);
//TODO: Notify user that image has been resized.
public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event)
global $page, $user;
if ($event->page_matches("resize") && $user->can(Permissions::EDIT_FILES)) {
// Try to get the image ID
$image_id = int_escape($event->get_arg(0));
if (empty($image_id)) {
$image_id = isset($_POST['image_id']) ? int_escape($_POST['image_id']) : null;
if (empty($image_id)) {
throw new ImageResizeException("Can not resize Image: No valid Image ID given.");
$image = Image::by_id($image_id);
if (is_null($image)) {
$this->theme->display_error(404, "Image not found", "No image in the database has the ID #$image_id");
} else {
/* Check if options were given to resize an image. */
if (isset($_POST['resize_width']) || isset($_POST['resize_height'])) {
/* get options */
$width = $height = 0;
if (isset($_POST['resize_width'])) {
$width = int_escape($_POST['resize_width']);
if (isset($_POST['resize_height'])) {
$height = int_escape($_POST['resize_height']);
/* Attempt to resize the image */
try {
$this->resize_image($image, $width, $height);
//$this->theme->display_resize_page($page, $image_id);
} catch (ImageResizeException $e) {
$this->theme->display_resize_error($page, "Error Resizing", $e->error);
private function can_resize_format($format, ?bool $lossless = null): bool
global $config;
$engine = $config->get_string(ResizeConfig::ENGINE);
return Media::is_input_supported($engine, $format, $lossless)
&& Media::is_output_supported($engine, $format, $lossless);
// Private functions
/* ----------------------------- */
private function resize_image(Image $image_obj, int $width, int $height)
global $config;
if (($height <= 0) && ($width <= 0)) {
throw new ImageResizeException("Invalid options for height and width. ($width x $height)");
$engine = $config->get_string(ResizeConfig::ENGINE);
if (!$this->can_resize_format($image_obj->ext, $image_obj->lossless)) {
throw new ImageResizeException("Engine $engine cannot resize selected image");
$hash = $image_obj->hash;
$image_filename = warehouse_path(Image::IMAGE_DIR, $hash);
$info = getimagesize($image_filename);
if (($image_obj->width != $info[0]) || ($image_obj->height != $info[1])) {
throw new ImageResizeException("The current image size does not match what is set in the database! - Aborting Resize.");
list($new_height, $new_width) = $this->calc_new_size($image_obj, $width, $height);
/* Temp storage while we resize */
$tmp_filename = tempnam("/tmp", 'shimmie_resize');
if (empty($tmp_filename)) {
throw new ImageResizeException("Unable to save temporary image file.");
send_event(new MediaResizeEvent(
$new_image = new Image();
$new_image->hash = md5_file($tmp_filename);
$new_image->filesize = filesize($tmp_filename);
$new_image->filename = 'resized-'.$image_obj->filename;
$new_image->width = $new_width;
$new_image->height = $new_height;
$new_image->ext = $image_obj->ext;
/* Move the new image into the main storage location */
$target = warehouse_path(Image::IMAGE_DIR, $new_image->hash);
if (!@copy($tmp_filename, $target)) {
throw new ImageResizeException("Failed to copy new image file from temporary location ({$tmp_filename}) to archive ($target)");
/* Remove temporary file */
send_event(new ImageReplaceEvent($image_obj->id, $new_image));
log_info("resize", "Resized Image #{$image_obj->id} - New hash: {$new_image->hash}");
* #return int[]
private function calc_new_size(Image $image_obj, int $width, int $height): array
/* Calculate the new size of the image */
if ($height > 0 && $width > 0) {
$new_height = $height;
$new_width = $width;
return [$new_height, $new_width];
} else {
// Scale the new image
if ($width == 0) {
$factor = $height / $image_obj->height;
} elseif ($height == 0) {
$factor = $width / $image_obj->width;
} else {
$factor = min($width / $image_obj->width, $height / $image_obj->height);
$new_width = round($image_obj->width * $factor);
$new_height = round($image_obj->height * $factor);
return [$new_height, $new_width];