Matthew Barbour 63b2601e67 Mime type handling overhaul
Changed mime type map to deal with the reality that certain file types have multiple extensions and/or multiple mime types, as well as constants supporting all of the data. Created new functions using the updated mime type map to resolve mime types and extensions. Updated various items around the project that determine mime/extension to take advantage of the new functions.
2020-06-03 19:47:40 +01:00

198 lines
6.6 KiB

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
class XMLSitemap extends Extension
private $sitemap_queue = "";
private $sitemap_filepath = ""; // set onPageRequest
public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event)
if ($event->page_matches("sitemap.xml")) {
global $config;
$this->sitemap_filepath = data_path("cache/sitemap.xml");
// determine if new sitemap needs to be generated
if ($this->new_sitemap_needed()) {
// determine which type of sitemap to generate
if ($config->get_bool("sitemap_generatefull", false)) {
$this->handle_full_sitemap(); // default false until cache fixed
} else {
} else {
public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
$sb = new SetupBlock("Sitemap");
$sb->add_bool_option("sitemap_generatefull", "Generate full sitemap");
$sb->add_label("<br>(Enabled: every image and tag in sitemap, generation takes longer)");
$sb->add_label("<br>(Disabled: only display the last 50 uploads in the sitemap)");
// sitemap with only the latest 50 images
private function handle_smaller_sitemap()
/* --- Add latest images to sitemap with higher priority --- */
$latestimages = Image::find_images(0, 50, []);
if (empty($latestimages)) {
$latestimages_urllist = [];
$last_image = null;
foreach ($latestimages as $arrayid => $image) {
// create url from image id's
$latestimages_urllist[$arrayid] = "post/view/$image->id";
$last_image = $image;
date("Y-m-d", strtotime($last_image->posted))
/* --- Display page --- */
// when sitemap is ok, display it from the file
// Full sitemap
private function handle_full_sitemap()
global $database, $config;
// add index
$index = [];
$index[0] = $config->get_string(SetupConfig::FRONT_PAGE);
$this->add_sitemap_queue($index, "weekly", "1");
/* --- Add 20 most used tags --- */
$popular_tags = $database->get_all("SELECT tag, count FROM tags ORDER BY `count` DESC LIMIT 0,20");
foreach ($popular_tags as $arrayid => $tag) {
$tag = $tag['tag'];
$popular_tags[$arrayid] = "post/list/$tag/";
$this->add_sitemap_queue($popular_tags, "monthly", "0.9" /* not sure how to deal with date here */);
/* --- Add latest images to sitemap with higher priority --- */
$latestimages = Image::find_images(0, 50, []);
$latestimages_urllist = [];
$latest_image = null;
foreach ($latestimages as $arrayid => $image) {
// create url from image id's
$latestimages_urllist[$arrayid] = "post/view/$image->id";
$latest_image = $image;
$this->add_sitemap_queue($latestimages_urllist, "monthly", "0.8", date("Y-m-d", strtotime($latest_image->posted)));
/* --- Add other tags --- */
$other_tags = $database->get_all("SELECT tag, count FROM tags ORDER BY `count` DESC LIMIT 21,10000000");
foreach ($other_tags as $arrayid => $tag) {
$tag = $tag['tag'];
// create url from tags (tagme ignored)
if ($tag != "tagme") {
$other_tags[$arrayid] = "post/list/$tag/";
$this->add_sitemap_queue($other_tags, "monthly", "0.7" /* not sure how to deal with date here */);
/* --- Add all other images to sitemap with lower priority --- */
$otherimages = Image::find_images(51, 10000000, []);
$image = null;
foreach ($otherimages as $arrayid => $image) {
// create url from image id's
$otherimages[$arrayid] = "post/view/$image->id";
$this->add_sitemap_queue($otherimages, "monthly", "0.6", date("Y-m-d", strtotime($image->posted)));
/* --- Display page --- */
// when sitemap is ok, display it from the file
* Adds an array of urls to the sitemap with the given information.
private function add_sitemap_queue(
array $urls,
string $changefreq = "monthly",
string $priority = "0.5",
string $date = "2013-02-01"
) {
foreach ($urls as $url) {
$link = make_http(make_link("$url"));
$this->sitemap_queue .= "
// sets sitemap with entries in sitemap_queue
private function generate_display_sitemap()
global $page;
$xml = "<" . "?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?" . ">
<urlset xmlns=\"\">
// Generate new sitemap
file_put_contents($this->sitemap_filepath, $xml);
* Returns true if a new sitemap is needed.
private function new_sitemap_needed(): bool
if (!file_exists($this->sitemap_filepath)) {
return true;
$sitemap_generation_interval = 86400; // allow new site map every day
$last_generated_time = filemtime($this->sitemap_filepath);
// if file doesn't exist, return true
if ($last_generated_time == false) {
return true;
// if it's been a day since last sitemap creation, return true
if ($last_generated_time + $sitemap_generation_interval < time()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
private function display_existing_sitemap()
global $page;
$xml = file_get_contents($this->sitemap_filepath);