Matthew Barbour b1db833d51 Added additional media properties to the images table, video, audio, length, and lossless.
Added new event to handle fetching media properties like height, width, and the newly added fields, and admin controls to manually scan files for their properties.
Added a search terms content:video and content:audio to search for images that do (or do not) have those flags.
2019-07-08 08:07:09 -05:00

1032 lines
31 KiB

* Class Image
* An object representing an entry in the images table.
* As of 2.2, this no longer necessarily represents an
* image per se, but could be a video, sound file, or any
* other supported upload type.
class Image
public const IMAGE_DIR = "images";
public const THUMBNAIL_DIR = "thumbs";
private static $tag_n = 0; // temp hack
public static $order_sql = null; // this feels ugly
/** @var null|int */
public $id = null;
/** @var int */
public $height;
/** @var int */
public $width;
/** @var string */
public $hash;
public $filesize;
/** @var string */
public $filename;
/** @var string */
public $ext;
/** @var string[]|null */
public $tag_array;
/** @var int */
public $owner_id;
/** @var string */
public $owner_ip;
/** @var string */
public $posted;
/** @var string */
public $source;
/** @var boolean */
public $locked = false;
/** @var boolean */
public $lossless = null;
/** @var boolean */
public $video = null;
/** @var boolean */
public $audio = null;
/** @var int */
public $length = null;
* One will very rarely construct an image directly, more common
* would be to use Image::by_id, Image::by_hash, etc.
public function __construct(?array $row=null)
if (!is_null($row)) {
foreach ($row as $name => $value) {
// some databases use rather than name
$name = str_replace("images.", "", $name);
$this->$name = $value; // hax, this is likely the cause of much scrutinizer-ci complaints.
$this->locked = bool_escape($this->locked);
public static function by_id(int $id): ?Image
global $database;
$row = $database->get_row("SELECT * FROM images WHERE", ["id"=>$id]);
return ($row ? new Image($row) : null);
public static function by_hash(string $hash): ?Image
global $database;
$row = $database->get_row("SELECT images.* FROM images WHERE hash=:hash", ["hash"=>$hash]);
return ($row ? new Image($row) : null);
public static function by_random(array $tags=[]): ?Image
$max = Image::count_images($tags);
if ($max < 1) {
return null;
} // From Issue #22 - opened by HungryFeline on May 30, 2011.
$rand = mt_rand(0, $max-1);
$set = Image::find_images($rand, 1, $tags);
if (count($set) > 0) {
return $set[0];
} else {
return null;
private static function find_images_internal(int $start = 0, ?int $limit = null, array $tags=[]): iterable
global $database, $user, $config;
if ($start < 0) {
$start = 0;
if ($limit!=null && $limit < 1) {
$limit = 1;
if (SPEED_HAX) {
if (!$user->can("big_search") and count($tags) > 3) {
throw new SCoreException("Anonymous users may only search for up to 3 tags at a time");
list($tag_conditions, $img_conditions) = self::terms_to_conditions($tags);
$result = Image::get_accelerated_result($tag_conditions, $img_conditions, $start, $limit);
if (!$result) {
$querylet = Image::build_search_querylet($tag_conditions, $img_conditions);
$querylet->append(new Querylet(" ORDER BY ".(Image::$order_sql ?: "images.".$config->get_string("index_order"))));
if($limit!=null) {
$querylet->append(new Querylet(" LIMIT :limit ", ["limit" => $limit]));
$querylet->append(new Querylet(" OFFSET :offset ", ["offset"=>$start]));
#var_dump($querylet->sql); var_dump($querylet->variables);
$result = $database->get_all_iterable($querylet->sql, $querylet->variables);
Image::$order_sql = null;
return $result;
* Search for an array of images
* #param string[] $tags
* #return Image[]
public static function find_images(int $start, int $limit, array $tags=[]): array
$result = self::find_images_internal($start, $limit, $tags);
$images = [];
foreach ($result as $row) {
$images[] = new Image($row);
return $images;
* Search for an array of images, returning a iterable object of Image
public static function find_images_iterable(int $start = 0, ?int $limit = null, array $tags=[]): Generator
$result = self::find_images_internal($start, $limit, $tags);
foreach ($result as $row) {
yield new Image($row);
* Accelerator stuff
public static function get_acceleratable(array $tag_conditions): ?array
$ret = [
"yays" => [],
"nays" => [],
$yays = 0;
$nays = 0;
foreach ($tag_conditions as $tq) {
if (strpos($tq->tag, "*") !== false) {
// can't deal with wildcards
return null;
if ($tq->positive) {
$ret["yays"][] = $tq->tag;
} else {
$ret["nays"][] = $tq->tag;
if ($yays > 1 || $nays > 0) {
return $ret;
return null;
public static function get_accelerated_result(array $tag_conditions, array $img_conditions, int $offset, ?int $limit): ?PDOStatement
if (!SEARCH_ACCEL || !empty($img_conditions) || isset($_GET['DISABLE_ACCEL'])) {
return null;
global $database;
$req = Image::get_acceleratable($tag_conditions);
if (!$req) {
return null;
$req["offset"] = $offset;
$req["limit"] = $limit;
$response = Image::query_accelerator($req);
if ($response) {
$list = implode(",", $response);
$result = $database->execute("SELECT * FROM images WHERE id IN ($list) ORDER BY DESC");
} else {
$result = $database->execute("SELECT * FROM images WHERE 1=0 ORDER BY DESC");
return $result;
public static function get_accelerated_count(array $tag_conditions, array $img_conditions): ?int
if (!SEARCH_ACCEL || !empty($img_conditions) || isset($_GET['DISABLE_ACCEL'])) {
return null;
$req = Image::get_acceleratable($tag_conditions);
if (!$req) {
return null;
$req["count"] = true;
return Image::query_accelerator($req);
public static function query_accelerator($req)
global $_tracer;
$fp = @fsockopen("", 21212);
if (!$fp) {
return null;
$req_str = json_encode($req);
$_tracer->begin("Accelerator Query", ["req"=>$req_str]);
fwrite($fp, $req_str);
$data = "";
while (($buffer = fgets($fp, 4096)) !== false) {
$data .= $buffer;
if (!feof($fp)) {
die("Error: unexpected fgets() fail in query_accelerator($req_str)\n");
return json_decode($data);
* Image-related utility functions
* Count the number of image results for a given search
* #param string[] $tags
public static function count_images(array $tags=[]): int
global $database;
$tag_count = count($tags);
if ($tag_count === 0) {
$total = $database->cache->get("image-count");
if (!$total) {
$total = $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM images");
$database->cache->set("image-count", $total, 600);
} elseif ($tag_count === 1 && !preg_match("/[:=><\*\?]/", $tags[0])) {
$total = $database->get_one(
$database->scoreql_to_sql("SELECT count FROM tags WHERE SCORE_STRNORM(tag) = SCORE_STRNORM(:tag)"),
} else {
list($tag_conditions, $img_conditions) = self::terms_to_conditions($tags);
$total = Image::get_accelerated_count($tag_conditions, $img_conditions);
if (is_null($total)) {
$querylet = Image::build_search_querylet($tag_conditions, $img_conditions);
$total = $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM ($querylet->sql) AS tbl", $querylet->variables);
if (is_null($total)) {
return 0;
return $total;
* Count the number of pages for a given search
* #param string[] $tags
public static function count_pages(array $tags=[]): float
global $config;
return ceil(Image::count_images($tags) / $config->get_int('index_images'));
private static function terms_to_conditions(array $terms): array
$tag_conditions = [];
$img_conditions = [];
* Turn a bunch of strings into a bunch of TagCondition
* and ImgCondition objects
$stpe = new SearchTermParseEvent(null, $terms);
if ($stpe->is_querylet_set()) {
foreach ($stpe->get_querylets() as $querylet) {
$img_conditions[] = new ImgCondition($querylet, true);
foreach ($terms as $term) {
$positive = true;
if (is_string($term) && !empty($term) && ($term[0] == '-')) {
$positive = false;
$term = substr($term, 1);
if (strlen($term) === 0) {
$stpe = new SearchTermParseEvent($term, $terms);
if ($stpe->is_querylet_set()) {
foreach ($stpe->get_querylets() as $querylet) {
$img_conditions[] = new ImgCondition($querylet, $positive);
} else {
// if the whole match is wild, skip this
if (str_replace("*", "", $term) != "") {
$tag_conditions[] = new TagCondition($term, $positive);
return [$tag_conditions, $img_conditions];
* Accessors & mutators
* Find the next image in the sequence.
* Rather than simply $this_id + 1, one must take into account
* deleted images and search queries
* #param string[] $tags
public function get_next(array $tags=[], bool $next=true): ?Image
global $database;
if ($next) {
$gtlt = "<";
$dir = "DESC";
} else {
$gtlt = ">";
$dir = "ASC";
if (count($tags) === 0) {
$row = $database->get_row('
SELECT images.*
FROM images
WHERE '.$gtlt.' '.$this->id.'
ORDER BY '.$dir.'
} else {
$tags[] = 'id'. $gtlt . $this->id;
list($tag_conditions, $img_conditions) = self::terms_to_conditions($tags);
$querylet = Image::build_search_querylet($tag_conditions, $img_conditions);
$querylet->append_sql(' ORDER BY '.$dir.' LIMIT 1');
$row = $database->get_row($querylet->sql, $querylet->variables);
return ($row ? new Image($row) : null);
* The reverse of get_next
* #param string[] $tags
public function get_prev(array $tags=[]): ?Image
return $this->get_next($tags, false);
* Find the User who owns this Image
public function get_owner(): User
return User::by_id($this->owner_id);
* Set the image's owner.
public function set_owner(User $owner): void
global $database;
if ($owner->id != $this->owner_id) {
UPDATE images
SET owner_id=:owner_id
WHERE id=:id
", ["owner_id"=>$owner->id, "id"=>$this->id]);
log_info("core_image", "Owner for Image #{$this->id} set to {$owner->name}", null, ["image_id" => $this->id]);
* Get this image's tags as an array.
* #return string[]
public function get_tag_array(): array
global $database;
if (!isset($this->tag_array)) {
$this->tag_array = $database->get_col("
FROM image_tags
JOIN tags ON image_tags.tag_id =
WHERE image_id=:id
", ["id"=>$this->id]);
return $this->tag_array;
* Get this image's tags as a string.
public function get_tag_list(): string
return Tag::implode($this->get_tag_array());
* Get the URL for the full size image
public function get_image_link(): string
return $this->get_link(ImageConfig::ILINK, '_images/$hash/$id%20-%20$tags.$ext', 'image/$id.$ext');
* Get the nicely formatted version of the file name
public function get_nice_image_name(): string
return $this->parse_link_template('$id - $tags.$ext');
* Get the URL for the thumbnail
public function get_thumb_link(): string
global $config;
$ext = $config->get_string(ImageConfig::THUMB_TYPE);
return $this->get_link(ImageConfig::TLINK, '_thumbs/$hash/thumb.'.$ext, 'thumb/$id.'.$ext);
* Check configured template for a link, then try nice URL, then plain URL
private function get_link(string $template, string $nice, string $plain): string
global $config;
$image_link = $config->get_string($template);
if (!empty($image_link)) {
if (!(strpos($image_link, "://") > 0) && !startsWith($image_link, "/")) {
$image_link = make_link($image_link);
return $this->parse_link_template($image_link);
} elseif ($config->get_bool('nice_urls', false)) {
return $this->parse_link_template(make_link($nice));
} else {
return $this->parse_link_template(make_link($plain));
* Get the tooltip for this image, formatted according to the
* configured template.
public function get_tooltip(): string
global $config;
$tt = $this->parse_link_template($config->get_string(ImageConfig::TIP), "no_escape");
// Removes the size tag if the file is an mp3
if ($this->ext === 'mp3') {
$iitip = $tt;
$mp3tip = ["0x0"];
$h_tip = str_replace($mp3tip, " ", $iitip);
// Makes it work with a variation of the default tooltips (I.E $tags // $filesize // $size)
$justincase = [" //", "// ", " //", "// ", " "];
if (strstr($h_tip, " ")) {
$h_tip = html_escape(str_replace($justincase, "", $h_tip));
} else {
$h_tip = html_escape($h_tip);
return $h_tip;
} else {
return $tt;
* Figure out where the full size image is on disk.
public function get_image_filename(): string
return warehouse_path(self::IMAGE_DIR, $this->hash);
* Figure out where the thumbnail is on disk.
public function get_thumb_filename(): string
return warehouse_path(self::THUMBNAIL_DIR, $this->hash);
* Get the original filename.
public function get_filename(): string
return $this->filename;
* Get the image's mime type.
public function get_mime_type(): string
return getMimeType($this->get_image_filename(), $this->get_ext());
* Get the image's filename extension
public function get_ext(): string
return $this->ext;
* Get the image's source URL
public function get_source(): ?string
return $this->source;
* Set the image's source URL
public function set_source(string $new_source): void
global $database;
$old_source = $this->source;
if (empty($new_source)) {
$new_source = null;
if ($new_source != $old_source) {
$database->execute("UPDATE images SET source=:source WHERE id=:id", ["source"=>$new_source, "id"=>$this->id]);
log_info("core_image", "Source for Image #{$this->id} set to: $new_source (was $old_source)", null, ["image_id" => $this->id]);
* Check if the image is locked.
public function is_locked(): bool
return $this->locked;
public function set_locked(bool $tf): void
global $database;
$ln = $tf ? "Y" : "N";
$sln = $database->scoreql_to_sql('SCORE_BOOL_'.$ln);
$sln = str_replace("'", "", $sln);
$sln = str_replace('"', "", $sln);
if (bool_escape($sln) !== $this->locked) {
$database->execute("UPDATE images SET locked=:yn WHERE id=:id", ["yn"=>$sln, "id"=>$this->id]);
log_info("core_image", "Setting Image #{$this->id} lock to: $ln", null, ["image_id" => $this->id]);
* Delete all tags from this image.
* Normally in preparation to set them to a new set.
public function delete_tags_from_image(): void
global $database;
if ($database->get_driver_name() == DatabaseDriver::MYSQL) {
//mysql < 5.6 has terrible subquery optimization, using EXISTS / JOIN fixes this
UPDATE tags t
INNER JOIN image_tags it ON = it.tag_id
SET count = count - 1
WHERE it.image_id = :id",
} else {
SET count = count - 1
SELECT tag_id
FROM image_tags
WHERE image_id = :id
", ["id"=>$this->id]);
FROM image_tags
WHERE image_id=:id
", ["id"=>$this->id]);
* Set the tags for this image.
public function set_tags(array $unfiltered_tags): void
global $database;
$unfiltered_tags = array_unique($unfiltered_tags);
$tags = [];
foreach ($unfiltered_tags as $tag) {
if (mb_strlen($tag, 'UTF-8') > 255) {
flash_message("Can't set a tag longer than 255 characters");
if (startsWith($tag, "-")) {
flash_message("Can't set a tag which starts with a minus");
$tags[] = $tag;
if (count($tags) <= 0) {
throw new SCoreException('Tried to set zero tags');
if (Tag::implode($tags) != $this->get_tag_list()) {
// delete old
$written_tags = [];
// insert each new tags
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$id = $database->get_one(
FROM tags
if (empty($id)) {
// a new tag
"INSERT INTO tags(tag) VALUES (:tag)",
"INSERT INTO image_tags(image_id, tag_id)
VALUES(:id, (SELECT id FROM tags WHERE tag = :tag))",
["id"=>$this->id, "tag"=>$tag]
} else {
// check if tag has already been written
if (in_array($id, $written_tags)) {
INSERT INTO image_tags(image_id, tag_id)
VALUES(:iid, :tid)
", ["iid"=>$this->id, "tid"=>$id]);
array_push($written_tags, $id);
SET count = count + 1
log_info("core_image", "Tags for Image #{$this->id} set to: ".Tag::implode($tags), null, ["image_id" => $this->id]);
* Send list of metatags to be parsed.
* #param string[] $metatags
public function parse_metatags(array $metatags, int $image_id): void
foreach ($metatags as $tag) {
$ttpe = new TagTermParseEvent($tag, $image_id, true);
* Delete this image from the database and disk
public function delete(): void
global $database;
$database->execute("DELETE FROM images WHERE id=:id", ["id"=>$this->id]);
log_info("core_image", 'Deleted Image #'.$this->id.' ('.$this->hash.')', null, ["image_id" => $this->id]);
* This function removes an image (and thumbnail) from the DISK ONLY.
* It DOES NOT remove anything from the database.
public function remove_image_only(): void
log_info("core_image", 'Removed Image File ('.$this->hash.')', null, ["image_id" => $this->id]);
public function parse_link_template(string $tmpl, string $_escape="url_escape", int $n=0): string
global $config;
// don't bother hitting the database if it won't be used...
$tags = "";
if (strpos($tmpl, '$tags') !== false) { // * stabs dynamically typed languages with a rusty spoon *
$tags = $this->get_tag_list();
$tags = str_replace("/", "", $tags);
$tags = preg_replace("/^\.+/", "", $tags);
$base_href = $config->get_string('base_href');
$fname = $this->get_filename();
$base_fname = strpos($fname, '.') ? substr($fname, 0, strrpos($fname, '.')) : $fname;
$tmpl = str_replace('$id', $this->id, $tmpl);
$tmpl = str_replace('$hash_ab', substr($this->hash, 0, 2), $tmpl);
$tmpl = str_replace('$hash_cd', substr($this->hash, 2, 2), $tmpl);
$tmpl = str_replace('$hash', $this->hash, $tmpl);
$tmpl = str_replace('$tags', $_escape($tags), $tmpl);
$tmpl = str_replace('$base', $base_href, $tmpl);
$tmpl = str_replace('$ext', $this->ext, $tmpl);
$tmpl = str_replace('$size', "{$this->width}x{$this->height}", $tmpl);
$tmpl = str_replace('$filesize', to_shorthand_int($this->filesize), $tmpl);
$tmpl = str_replace('$filename', $_escape($base_fname), $tmpl);
$tmpl = str_replace('$title', $_escape($config->get_string("title")), $tmpl);
$tmpl = str_replace('$date', $_escape(autodate($this->posted, false)), $tmpl);
// nothing seems to use this, sending the event out to 50 exts is a lot of overhead
if (!SPEED_HAX) {
$plte = new ParseLinkTemplateEvent($tmpl, $this);
$tmpl = $plte->link;
static $flexihashes = [];
$matches = [];
if (preg_match("/(.*){(.*)}(.*)/", $tmpl, $matches)) {
$pre = $matches[1];
$opts = $matches[2];
$post = $matches[3];
if(isset($flexihashes[$opts])) {
$flexihash = $flexihashes[$opts];
else {
$flexihash = new Flexihash\Flexihash();
foreach (explode(",", $opts) as $opt) {
$parts = explode("=", $opt);
$parts_count = count($parts);
$opt_val = "";
$opt_weight = 0;
if ($parts_count === 2) {
$opt_val = $parts[0];
$opt_weight = $parts[1];
} elseif ($parts_count === 1) {
$opt_val = $parts[0];
$opt_weight = 1;
$flexihash->addTarget($opt_val, $opt_weight);
$flexihashes[$opts] = $flexihash;
// $choice = $flexihash->lookup($pre.$post);
$choices = $flexihash->lookupList($this->hash, $n+1); // hash doesn't change
$choice = $choices[$n];
$tmpl = $pre.$choice.$post;
return $tmpl;
* #param string[] $terms
private static function build_search_querylet(array $tag_conditions, array $img_conditions): Querylet
global $database;
$positive_tag_count = 0;
$negative_tag_count = 0;
foreach ($tag_conditions as $tq) {
if ($tq->positive) {
} else {
* Turn a bunch of Querylet objects into a base query
* Must follow the format
* SELECT images.*
* FROM (...) AS images
* WHERE (...)
* ie, return a set of images.* columns, and end with a WHERE
// no tags, do a simple search
if ($positive_tag_count === 0 && $negative_tag_count === 0) {
$query = new Querylet("
SELECT images.*
FROM images
// more than one positive tag, or more than zero negative tags
else {
$query = Image::build_accurate_search_querylet($tag_conditions);
* Merge all the image metadata searches into one generic querylet
* and append to the base querylet with "AND blah"
if (!empty($img_conditions)) {
$n = 0;
$img_sql = "";
$img_vars = [];
foreach ($img_conditions as $iq) {
if ($n++ > 0) {
$img_sql .= " AND";
if (!$iq->positive) {
$img_sql .= " NOT";
$img_sql .= " (" . $iq->qlet->sql . ")";
$img_vars = array_merge($img_vars, $iq->qlet->variables);
$query->append_sql(" AND ");
$query->append(new Querylet($img_sql, $img_vars));
return $query;
* #param TagQuerylet[] $tag_conditions
private static function build_accurate_search_querylet(array $tag_conditions): Querylet
global $database;
$positive_tag_id_array = [];
$positive_wildcard_id_array = [];
$negative_tag_id_array = [];
foreach ($tag_conditions as $tq) {
$tag_ids = $database->get_col(
FROM tags
["tag" => Tag::sqlify($tq->tag)]
$tag_count = count($tag_ids);
if ($tq->positive) {
if ($tag_count== 0) {
# one of the positive tags had zero results, therefor there
# can be no results; "where 1=0" should shortcut things
return new Querylet("
SELECT images.*
FROM images
} elseif($tag_count==1) {
// All wildcard terms that qualify for a single tag can be treated the same as non-wildcards
$positive_tag_id_array[] = $tag_ids[0];
} else {
// Terms that resolve to multiple tags act as an OR within themselves
// and as an AND in relation to all other terms,
$positive_wildcard_id_array[] = $tag_ids;
} else {
// Unlike positive criteria, negative criteria are all handled in an OR fashion,
// so we can just compile them all into a single sub-query.
$negative_tag_id_array = array_merge($negative_tag_id_array, $tag_ids);
$sql = "";
assert($positive_tag_id_array || $positive_wildcard_id_array || $negative_tag_id_array, @$_GET['q']);
if(!empty($positive_tag_id_array) || !empty($positive_wildcard_id_array)) {
$inner_joins = [];
if (!empty($positive_tag_id_array)) {
foreach($positive_tag_id_array as $tag) {
$inner_joins[] = "= $tag";
if(!empty($positive_wildcard_id_array)) {
foreach ($positive_wildcard_id_array as $tags) {
$positive_tag_id_list = join(', ', $tags);
$inner_joins[] = "IN ($positive_tag_id_list)";
$first = array_shift($inner_joins);
$sub_query = "SELECT it.image_id FROM image_tags it ";
$i = 0;
foreach ($inner_joins as $inner_join) {
$sub_query .= " INNER JOIN image_tags it$i ON it$i.image_id = it.image_id AND it$i.tag_id $inner_join ";
if(!empty($negative_tag_id_array)) {
$negative_tag_id_list = join(', ', $negative_tag_id_array);
$sub_query .= " LEFT JOIN image_tags negative ON negative.image_id = it.image_id AND negative.tag_id IN ($negative_tag_id_list) ";
$sub_query .= "WHERE it.tag_id $first ";
if(!empty($negative_tag_id_array)) {
$sub_query .= " AND negative.image_id IS NULL";
$sub_query .= " GROUP BY it.image_id ";
$sql = "
SELECT images.*
) a on a.image_id =
} elseif(!empty($negative_tag_id_array)) {
$negative_tag_id_list = join(', ', $negative_tag_id_array);
$sql = "
SELECT images.*
FROM images LEFT JOIN image_tags negative ON negative.image_id = AND negative.tag_id in ($negative_tag_id_list)
WHERE negative.image_id IS NULL
} else {
throw new SCoreException("No criteria specified");
return new Querylet($sql);