2012-07-28 12:07:55 +01:00

288 lines
8.6 KiB

* Name: IP Ban
* Author: Shish <webmaster@shishnet.org>
* Link: http://code.shishnet.org/shimmie2/
* License: GPLv2
* Description: Ban IP addresses
* Documentation:
* <b>Adding a Ban</b>
* <br>IP: Can be a single IP (eg., or a CIDR block (eg.
* <br>Reason: Any text, for the admin to remember why the ban was put in place
* <br>Until: Either a date in YYYY-MM-DD format, or an offset like "3 days"
// RemoveIPBanEvent {{{
class RemoveIPBanEvent extends Event {
var $id;
public function RemoveIPBanEvent($id) {
$this->id = $id;
// }}}
// AddIPBanEvent {{{
class AddIPBanEvent extends Event {
var $ip;
var $reason;
var $end;
public function AddIPBanEvent(/*string(ip)*/ $ip, /*string*/ $reason, /*string*/ $end) {
$this->ip = trim($ip);
$this->reason = trim($reason);
$this->end = trim($end);
// }}}
class IPBan extends Extension {
public function get_priority() {return 10;}
public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event) {
global $config;
if($config->get_int("ext_ipban_version") < 8) {
public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event) {
if($event->page_matches("ip_ban")) {
global $config, $database, $page, $user;
if($user->can("ban_ip")) {
if($event->get_arg(0) == "add" && $user->check_auth_token()) {
if(isset($_POST['ip']) && isset($_POST['reason']) && isset($_POST['end'])) {
if(empty($_POST['end'])) $end = null;
else $end = $_POST['end'];
send_event(new AddIPBanEvent($_POST['ip'], $_POST['reason'], $end));
flash_message("Ban for {$_POST['ip']} added");
else if($event->get_arg(0) == "remove" && $user->check_auth_token()) {
if(isset($_POST['id'])) {
send_event(new RemoveIPBanEvent($_POST['id']));
flash_message("Ban removed");
else if($event->get_arg(0) == "list") {
$bans = (isset($_GET["all"])) ? $this->get_bans() : $this->get_active_bans();
$this->theme->display_bans($page, $bans);
else {
public function onUserBlockBuilding(UserBlockBuildingEvent $event) {
global $user;
if($user->can("ban_ip")) {
$event->add_link("IP Bans", make_link("ip_ban/list"));
public function onAddIPBan(AddIPBanEvent $event) {
global $user, $database;
$sql = "INSERT INTO bans (ip, reason, end_timestamp, banner_id) VALUES (:ip, :reason, :end, :admin_id)";
$database->Execute($sql, array("ip"=>$event->ip, "reason"=>$event->reason, "end"=>strtotime($event->end), "admin_id"=>$user->id));
log_info("ipban", "Banned {$event->ip} because '{$event->reason}' until {$event->end}");
public function onRemoveIPBan(RemoveIPBanEvent $event) {
global $database;
$ban = $database->get_row("SELECT * FROM bans WHERE id = :id", array("id"=>$event->id));
if($ban) {
$database->Execute("DELETE FROM bans WHERE id = :id", array("id"=>$event->id));
log_info("ipban", "Removed {$ban['ip']}'s ban");
// installer {{{
protected function install() {
global $database;
global $config;
// shortcut to latest
if($config->get_int("ext_ipban_version") < 1) {
$database->create_table("bans", "
end_timestamp INTEGER,
INDEX (end_timestamp)
$config->set_int("ext_ipban_version", 6);
// ===
if($config->get_int("ext_ipban_version") < 1) {
$database->Execute("CREATE TABLE bans (
id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
ip char(15) default NULL,
date datetime default NULL,
end datetime default NULL,
reason varchar(255) default NULL,
$config->set_int("ext_ipban_version", 1);
if($config->get_int("ext_ipban_version") == 1) {
$database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans ADD COLUMN banner_id INTEGER NOT NULL AFTER id");
$config->set_int("ext_ipban_version", 2);
if($config->get_int("ext_ipban_version") == 2) {
$database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans DROP COLUMN date");
$database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans CHANGE ip ip CHAR(20) NOT NULL");
$database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans CHANGE reason reason TEXT NOT NULL");
$database->execute("CREATE INDEX bans__end ON bans(end)");
$config->set_int("ext_ipban_version", 3);
if($config->get_int("ext_ipban_version") == 3) {
$database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans CHANGE end old_end DATE NOT NULL");
$database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans ADD COLUMN end INTEGER");
$database->execute("UPDATE bans SET end = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(old_end)");
$database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans DROP COLUMN old_end");
$database->execute("CREATE INDEX bans__end ON bans(end)");
$config->set_int("ext_ipban_version", 4);
if($config->get_int("ext_ipban_version") == 4) {
$database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans CHANGE end end_timestamp INTEGER");
$config->set_int("ext_ipban_version", 5);
if($config->get_int("ext_ipban_version") == 5) {
$database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans CHANGE ip ip VARCHAR(15)");
$config->set_int("ext_ipban_version", 6);
if($config->get_int("ext_ipban_version") == 6) {
$database->Execute("ALTER TABLE bans ADD FOREIGN KEY (banner_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE");
$config->set_int("ext_ipban_version", 7);
if($config->get_int("ext_ipban_version") == 7) {
$database->execute($database->scoreql_to_sql("ALTER TABLE bans CHANGE ip ip SCORE_INET"));
$database->execute($database->scoreql_to_sql("ALTER TABLE bans ADD COLUMN added SCORE_DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT SCORE_NOW"));
$config->set_int("ext_ipban_version", 8);
// }}}
// deal with banned person {{{
private function check_ip_ban() {
$remote = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$bans = $this->get_active_bans_sorted();
// bans[0] = IPs
if(isset($bans[0][$remote])) {
$this->block($remote); // never returns
// bans[1] = CIDR nets
foreach($bans[1] as $ip => $true) {
if(ip_in_range($remote, $ip)) {
$this->block($remote); // never returns
private function block(/*string*/ $remote) {
global $config, $database;
$prefix = ($database->get_driver_name() == "sqlite" ? "bans." : "");
$bans = $this->get_active_bans();
foreach($bans as $row) {
$ip = $row[$prefix."ip"];
(strstr($ip, '/') && ip_in_range($remote, $ip)) ||
($ip == $remote)
) {
$reason = $row[$prefix.'reason'];
$admin = User::by_id($row[$prefix.'banner_id']);
$date = date("Y-m-d", $row[$prefix.'end_timestamp']);
header("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden");
print "IP <b>$ip</b> has been banned until <b>$date</b> by <b>{$admin->name}</b> because of <b>$reason</b>\n";
print "<p>If you couldn't possibly be guilty of what you're banned for, the person we banned probably had a dynamic IP address and so do you. See <a href='http://whatismyipaddress.com/dynamic-static'>http://whatismyipaddress.com/dynamic-static</a> for more information.\n";
$contact_link = $config->get_string("contact_link");
if(!empty($contact_link)) {
print "<p><a href='$contact_link'>Contact The Admin</a>";
log_error("ipban", "block($remote) called but no bans matched");
// }}}
// database {{{
private function get_bans() {
global $database;
$bans = $database->get_all("
SELECT bans.*, users.name as banner_name
FROM bans
JOIN users ON banner_id = users.id
ORDER BY added, end_timestamp, bans.id
if($bans) {return $bans;}
else {return array();}
private function get_active_bans() {
global $database;
$bans = $database->get_all("
SELECT bans.*, users.name as banner_name
FROM bans
JOIN users ON banner_id = users.id
WHERE (end_timestamp > :end_timestamp) OR (end_timestamp IS NULL)
ORDER BY end_timestamp, bans.id
", array("end_timestamp"=>time()));
if($bans) {return $bans;}
else {return array();}
// returns [ips, nets]
private function get_active_bans_sorted() {
global $database;
$cached = $database->cache->get("ip_bans_sorted");
if($cached) return $cached;
$bans = $this->get_active_bans();
$ips = array(); # "" => false);
$nets = array(); # "" => false);
foreach($bans as $row) {
if(strstr($row['ip'], '/')) {
$nets[$row['ip']] = true;
else {
$ips[$row['ip']] = true;
$sorted = array($ips, $nets);
$database->cache->set("ip_bans_sorted", $sorted, 600);
return $sorted;
// }}}