shish c7c33a1a8d fix tag editing with danbooru theme, hopefully in a more permanant way
git-svn-id: file:///home/shish/svn/shimmie2/trunk@721 7f39781d-f577-437e-ae19-be835c7a54ca
2008-02-17 02:39:43 +00:00

109 lines
3.1 KiB

class ViewTheme extends Themelet {
* Build a page showing $image and some info about it
public function display_page($page, $image, $editor_parts) {
$page->set_title("Image {$image->id}: ".html_escape($image->get_tag_list()));
$page->add_block(new Block("Navigation", $this->build_navigation($image->id), "left", 0));
$page->add_block(new Block(null, $this->build_info($image, $editor_parts), "main", 10));
$page->add_block(new Block(null, $this->build_pin($image->id), "main", 11));
var $pin = null;
protected function build_pin($image_id) {
if(!is_null($this->pin)) {
return $this->pin;
global $database;
if(isset($_GET['search'])) {
$search_terms = explode(' ', $_GET['search']);
$query = "search=".url_escape($_GET['search']);
else {
$search_terms = array();
$query = null;
$next = $database->get_next_image($image_id, $search_terms);
$prev = $database->get_prev_image($image_id, $search_terms);
$h_prev = (!is_null($prev) ? "<a href='".make_link("post/view/{$prev->id}", $query)."'>Prev</a>" : "Prev");
$h_index = "<a href='".make_link()."'>Index</a>";
$h_next = (!is_null($next) ? "<a href='".make_link("post/view/{$next->id}", $query)."'>Next</a>" : "Next");
$this->pin = "$h_prev | $h_index | $h_next";
return $this->pin;
protected function build_navigation($image_id) {
$h_pin = $this->build_pin($image_id);
$h_search = "
<p><form action='".make_link()."' method='GET'>
<input id='search_input' name='search' type='text'
value='Search' autocomplete='off'>
<input type='submit' value='Find' style='display: none;'>
<div id='search_completions'></div>";
return "$h_pin<br>$h_search";
protected function build_info($image, $editor_parts) {
global $user;
$owner = $image->get_owner();
$h_owner = html_escape($owner->name);
$h_ip = html_escape($image->owner_ip);
$h_source = html_escape($image->source);
$i_owner_id = int_escape($owner->id);
$html = "";
$html .= "<p>Uploaded by <a href='".make_link("user/$h_owner")."'>$h_owner</a>";
if($user->is_admin()) {
$html .= " ($h_ip)";
if(!is_null($image->source)) {
if(substr($image->source, 0, 7) == "http://") {
$html .= " (<a href='$h_source'>source</a>)";
else {
$html .= " (<a href='http://$h_source'>source</a>)";
$html .= $this->build_image_editor($image, $editor_parts);
return $html;
protected function build_image_editor($image, $editor_parts) {
if(isset($_GET['search'])) {$h_query = "search=".url_escape($_GET['search']);}
else {$h_query = "";}
$html = " (<a href=\"javascript: toggle('imgdata')\">edit info</a>)";
$html .= "
<div id='imgdata'>
<form action='".make_link("post/set")."' method='POST'>
<input type='hidden' name='image_id' value='{$image->id}'>
<input type='hidden' name='query' value='$h_query'>
foreach($editor_parts as $part) {
$html .= $part;
$html .= "
<input type='submit' value='Set'>
return $html;