Changed mime type map to deal with the reality that certain file types have multiple extensions and/or multiple mime types, as well as constants supporting all of the data. Created new functions using the updated mime type map to resolve mime types and extensions. Updated various items around the project that determine mime/extension to take advantage of the new functions.
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439 lines
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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* Class Extension
* send_event(BlahEvent()) -> onBlah($event)
* Also loads the theme object into $this->theme if available
* The original concept came from Artanis's Extension extension
* -->
* Then re-implemented by Shish after he broke the forum and couldn't
* find the thread where the original was posted >_<
abstract class Extension
/** @var string */
public $key;
/** @var Themelet */
protected $theme;
/** @var ExtensionInfo */
public $info;
private static $enabled_extensions = [];
public function __construct($class = null)
$class = $class ?? get_called_class();
$this->theme = $this->get_theme_object($class);
$this->info = ExtensionInfo::get_for_extension_class($class);
if ($this->info===null) {
throw new ScoreException("Info class not found for extension $class");
$this->key = $this->info->key;
* Find the theme object for a given extension.
private function get_theme_object(string $base): ?Themelet
$custom = 'Custom'.$base.'Theme';
$normal = $base.'Theme';
if (class_exists($custom)) {
return new $custom();
} elseif (class_exists($normal)) {
return new $normal();
} else {
return null;
* Override this to change the priority of the extension,
* lower numbered ones will receive events first.
public function get_priority(): int
return 50;
public static function determine_enabled_extensions()
self::$enabled_extensions = [];
foreach (array_merge(
explode(",", EXTRA_EXTS)
) as $key) {
$ext = ExtensionInfo::get_by_key($key);
if ($ext===null || !$ext->is_supported()) {
// FIXME: error if one of our dependencies isn't supported
self::$enabled_extensions[] = $ext->key;
if (!empty($ext->dependencies)) {
foreach ($ext->dependencies as $dep) {
self::$enabled_extensions[] = $dep;
public static function is_enabled(string $key): ?bool
return in_array($key, self::$enabled_extensions);
public static function get_enabled_extensions(): array
return self::$enabled_extensions;
public static function get_enabled_extensions_as_string(): string
return implode(",", self::$enabled_extensions);
protected function get_version(string $name): int
global $config;
return $config->get_int($name, 0);
protected function set_version(string $name, int $ver)
global $config;
$config->set_int($name, $ver);
log_info("upgrade", "Set version for $name to $ver");
abstract class ExtensionInfo
// Every credit you get costs us RAM. It stops now.
public const SHISH_NAME = "Shish";
public const SHISH_EMAIL = "";
public const SHIMMIE_URL = "";
public const SHISH_AUTHOR = [self::SHISH_NAME=>self::SHISH_EMAIL];
public const LICENSE_GPLV2 = "GPLv2";
public const LICENSE_MIT = "MIT";
public const LICENSE_WTFPL = "WTFPL";
public const VISIBLE_ADMIN = "admin";
public const VISIBLE_HIDDEN = "hidden";
public $key;
public $core = false;
public $beta = false;
public $name;
public $authors = [];
public $link;
public $license;
public $version;
public $dependencies = [];
public $visibility;
public $description;
public $documentation;
/** @var array which DBs this ext supports (blank for 'all') */
public $db_support = [];
/** @var bool */
private $supported = null;
/** @var string */
private $support_info = null;
public function is_supported(): bool
if ($this->supported===null) {
return $this->supported;
public function get_support_info(): string
if ($this->supported===null) {
return $this->support_info;
private static $all_info_by_key = [];
private static $all_info_by_class = [];
private static $core_extensions = [];
protected function __construct()
assert(!empty($this->key), "key field is required");
assert(!empty($this->name), "name field is required for extension $this->key");
assert(empty($this->visibility) || in_array($this->visibility, self::VALID_VISIBILITY), "Invalid visibility for extension $this->key");
assert(is_array($this->db_support), "db_support has to be an array for extension $this->key");
assert(is_array($this->authors), "authors has to be an array for extension $this->key");
assert(is_array($this->dependencies), "dependencies has to be an array for extension $this->key");
public function is_enabled(): bool
return Extension::is_enabled($this->key);
private function check_support()
global $database;
$this->support_info = "";
if (!empty($this->db_support) && !in_array($database->get_driver_name(), $this->db_support)) {
$this->support_info .= "Database not supported. ";
// Additional checks here as needed
$this->supported = empty($this->support_info);
public static function get_all(): array
return array_values(self::$all_info_by_key);
public static function get_all_keys(): array
return array_keys(self::$all_info_by_key);
public static function get_core_extensions(): array
return self::$core_extensions;
public static function get_by_key(string $key): ?ExtensionInfo
if (array_key_exists($key, self::$all_info_by_key)) {
return self::$all_info_by_key[$key];
} else {
return null;
public static function get_for_extension_class(string $base): ?ExtensionInfo
$normal = $base.'Info';
if (array_key_exists($normal, self::$all_info_by_class)) {
return self::$all_info_by_class[$normal];
} else {
return null;
public static function load_all_extension_info()
foreach (getSubclassesOf("ExtensionInfo") as $class) {
$extension_info = new $class();
if (array_key_exists($extension_info->key, self::$all_info_by_key)) {
throw new ScoreException("Extension Info $class with key $extension_info->key has already been loaded");
self::$all_info_by_key[$extension_info->key] = $extension_info;
self::$all_info_by_class[$class] = $extension_info;
if ($extension_info->core===true) {
self::$core_extensions[] = $extension_info->key;
* Class FormatterExtension
* Several extensions have this in common, make a common API.
abstract class FormatterExtension extends Extension
public function onTextFormatting(TextFormattingEvent $event)
$event->formatted = $this->format($event->formatted);
$event->stripped = $this->strip($event->stripped);
abstract public function format(string $text): string;
abstract public function strip(string $text): string;
* Class DataHandlerExtension
* This too is a common class of extension with many methods in common,
* so we have a base class to extend from.
abstract class DataHandlerExtension extends Extension
protected $SUPPORTED_MIME = [];
protected function move_upload_to_archive(DataUploadEvent $event)
$target = warehouse_path(Image::IMAGE_DIR, $event->hash);
if (!@copy($event->tmpname, $target)) {
$errors = error_get_last();
throw new UploadException(
"Failed to copy file from uploads ({$event->tmpname}) to archive ($target): ".
"{$errors['type']} / {$errors['message']}"
public function onDataUpload(DataUploadEvent $event)
$supported_ext = $this->supported_ext($event->type);
$check_contents = $this->check_contents($event->tmpname);
if ($supported_ext && $check_contents) {
send_event(new ThumbnailGenerationEvent($event->hash, $event->type));
/* Check if we are replacing an image */
if (!is_null($event->replace_id)) {
/* hax: This seems like such a dirty way to do this.. */
/* Check to make sure the image exists. */
$existing = Image::by_id($event->replace_id);
if (is_null($existing)) {
throw new UploadException("Image to replace does not exist!");
if ($existing->hash === $event->metadata['hash']) {
throw new UploadException("The uploaded image is the same as the one to replace.");
// even more hax..
$event->metadata['tags'] = $existing->get_tag_list();
$image = $this->create_image_from_data(warehouse_path(Image::IMAGE_DIR, $event->metadata['hash']), $event->metadata);
if (is_null($image)) {
throw new UploadException("Data handler failed to create image object from data");
try {
send_event(new MediaCheckPropertiesEvent($image));
} catch (MediaException $e) {
throw new UploadException("Unable to scan media properties: ".$e->getMessage());
send_event(new ImageReplaceEvent($event->replace_id, $image));
$event->image_id = $event->replace_id;
} else {
$image = $this->create_image_from_data(warehouse_path(Image::IMAGE_DIR, $event->hash), $event->metadata);
if (is_null($image)) {
throw new UploadException("Data handler failed to create image object from data");
try {
send_event(new MediaCheckPropertiesEvent($image));
} catch (MediaException $e) {
throw new UploadException("Unable to scan media properties: ".$e->getMessage());
$iae = send_event(new ImageAdditionEvent($image));
$event->image_id = $iae->image->id;
$event->merged = $iae->merged;
// Rating Stuff.
if (!empty($event->metadata['rating'])) {
$rating = $event->metadata['rating'];
send_event(new RatingSetEvent($image, $rating));
// Locked Stuff.
if (!empty($event->metadata['locked'])) {
$locked = $event->metadata['locked'];
send_event(new LockSetEvent($image, !empty($locked)));
} elseif ($supported_ext && !$check_contents) {
// We DO support this extension - but the file looks corrupt
throw new UploadException("Invalid or corrupted file");
public function onThumbnailGeneration(ThumbnailGenerationEvent $event)
$result = false;
if ($this->supported_ext($event->type)) {
if ($event->force) {
$result = $this->create_thumb($event->hash, $event->type);
} else {
$outname = warehouse_path(Image::THUMBNAIL_DIR, $event->hash);
if (file_exists($outname)) {
$result = $this->create_thumb($event->hash, $event->type);
if ($result) {
$event->generated = true;
public function onDisplayingImage(DisplayingImageEvent $event)
global $page;
if ($this->supported_ext($event->image->ext)) {
/** @noinspection PhpPossiblePolymorphicInvocationInspection */
$this->theme->display_image($page, $event->image);
public function onMediaCheckProperties(MediaCheckPropertiesEvent $event)
if ($this->supported_ext($event->ext)) {
protected function create_image_from_data(string $filename, array $metadata): Image
global $config;
$image = new Image();
$image->filesize = $metadata['size'];
$image->hash = $metadata['hash'];
$image->filename = (($pos = strpos($metadata['filename'], '?')) !== false) ? substr($metadata['filename'], 0, $pos) : $metadata['filename'];
if ($config->get_bool("upload_use_mime")) {
$image->ext = get_extension_for_file($filename);
} else {
$image->ext = (($pos = strpos($metadata['extension'], '?')) !== false) ? substr($metadata['extension'], 0, $pos) : $metadata['extension'];
$image->tag_array = is_array($metadata['tags']) ? $metadata['tags'] : Tag::explode($metadata['tags']);
$image->source = $metadata['source'];
return $image;
abstract protected function media_check_properties(MediaCheckPropertiesEvent $event): void;
abstract protected function check_contents(string $tmpname): bool;
abstract protected function create_thumb(string $hash, string $type): bool;
protected function supported_ext(string $ext): bool
return in_array(get_mime_for_extension($ext), $this->SUPPORTED_MIME);
public static function get_all_supported_exts(): array
$arr = [];
foreach (getSubclassesOf("DataHandlerExtension") as $handler) {
$handler = (new $handler());
foreach($handler->SUPPORTED_MIME as $mime) {
$arr = array_merge($arr, get_all_extension_for_mime($mime));
$arr = array_unique($arr);
return $arr;