git-svn-id: file:///home/shish/svn/shimmie2/trunk@994 7f39781d-f577-437e-ae19-be835c7a54ca
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186 lines
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* A class to handle adding / getting / removing image
* files from the disk
class ImageIO extends Extension {
// event handling {{{
public function receive_event($event) {
if($event instanceof InitExtEvent) {
global $config;
$config->set_default_int('thumb_width', 192);
$config->set_default_int('thumb_height', 192);
$config->set_default_int('thumb_quality', 75);
$config->set_default_int('thumb_mem_limit', '8MB');
$config->set_default_string('image_ilink', '$base/image/$id.$ext');
$config->set_default_string('image_tlink', '$base/thumb/$id.jpg');
$config->set_default_string('image_tip', '$tags // $size // $filesize');
$config->set_default_string('upload_collision_handler', 'error');
if($event instanceof PageRequestEvent) {
$num = $event->get_arg(0);
$matches = array();
if(!is_null($num) && preg_match("/(\d+)/", $num, $matches)) {
$num = $matches[1];
if($event->page_name == "image") {
$this->send_file($num, "image");
else if($event->page_name == "thumb") {
$this->send_file($num, "thumb");
if($event instanceof ImageAdditionEvent) {
$error = $this->add_image($event->image);
if(!empty($error)) $event->veto($error);
if($event instanceof ImageDeletionEvent) {
if($event instanceof SetupBuildingEvent) {
$sb = new SetupBlock("Image Options");
$sb->position = 30;
$sb->add_text_option("image_ilink", "Image link: ");
$sb->add_text_option("image_tlink", "<br>Thumbnail link: ");
$sb->add_text_option("image_tip", "<br>Image tooltip: ");
$sb->add_choice_option("upload_collision_handler", array('Error'=>'error', 'Merge'=>'merge'), "<br>Upload collision handler: ");
$thumbers = array();
$thumbers['Built-in GD'] = "gd";
$thumbers['ImageMagick'] = "convert";
$sb = new SetupBlock("Thumbnailing");
$sb->add_choice_option("thumb_engine", $thumbers, "Engine: ");
$sb->add_label("<br>Size ");
$sb->add_label(" x ");
$sb->add_label(" px at ");
$sb->add_label(" % quality ");
$sb->add_shorthand_int_option("thumb_mem_limit", "<br>Max memory use: ");
// }}}
// add image {{{
private function add_image($image) {
global $page;
global $user;
global $database;
global $config;
* Validate things
if(strlen(trim($image->source)) == 0) {
$image->source = null;
if(!empty($image->source)) {
if(!preg_match("#^(https?|ftp)://#", $image->source)) {
$error = "Image's source isn't a valid URL";
return $error;
* Check for an existing image
$existing = $database->get_image_by_hash($image->hash);
if(!is_null($existing)) {
$handler = $config->get_string("upload_collision_handler");
if($handler == "merge") {
$merged = array_merge($image->get_tag_array(), $existing->get_tag_array());
send_event(new TagSetEvent($existing->id, $merged));
return null;
else {
$error = "Image <a href='".make_link("post/view/{$existing->id}")."'>{$existing->id}</a> ".
"already has hash {$image->hash}:<p>".Themelet::build_thumb_html($existing);
return $error;
// actually insert the info
"INSERT INTO images(
owner_id, owner_ip, filename, filesize,
hash, ext, width, height, posted, source)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, now(), ?)",
array($user->id, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $image->filename, $image->filesize,
$image->hash, $image->ext, $image->width, $image->height, $image->source));
$image->id = $database->db->Insert_ID();
send_event(new TagSetEvent($image->id, $image->get_tag_array()));
return null;
// }}}
// fetch image {{{
private function send_file($image_id, $type) {
global $database;
$image = $database->get_image($image_id);
global $page;
if(!is_null($image)) {
if($type == "thumb") {
$file = $image->get_thumb_filename();
else {
$file = $image->get_image_filename();
$if_modified_since = preg_replace('/;.*$/', '', $_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"]);
else {
$if_modified_since = "";
$gmdate_mod = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($file)) . ' GMT';
// FIXME: should be $page->blah
if($if_modified_since == $gmdate_mod) {
header("HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified");
else {
header("Last-Modified: $gmdate_mod");
header("Expires: Fri, 2 Sep 2101 12:42:42 GMT"); // War was beginning
else {
$page->set_title("Not Found");
$page->set_heading("Not Found");
$page->add_block(new Block("Navigation", "<a href='".make_link()."'>Index</a>", "left", 0));
$page->add_block(new Block("Image not in database",
"The requested image was not found in the database"));
// }}}
// delete image {{{
private function remove_image($image) {
global $database;
// }}}
add_event_listener(new ImageIO());