Fixes issue with unpriveleged users being able to circumvent the ratings they could see, just by searching for it. Also makes code much much prettier.
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227 lines
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* Name: Image Ratings
* Author: Shish <>
* Link:
* License: GPLv2
* Description: Allow users to rate images "safe", "questionable" or "explicit"
class RatingSetEvent extends Event {
var $image, $rating;
public function RatingSetEvent(Image $image, /*char*/ $rating) {
assert(in_array($rating, array("s", "q", "e", "u")));
$this->image = $image;
$this->rating = $rating;
class Ratings extends Extension {
public function get_priority() {return 50;}
public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event) {
global $config;
if($config->get_int("ext_ratings2_version") < 2) {
$config->set_default_string("ext_rating_anon_privs", 'squ');
$config->set_default_string("ext_rating_user_privs", 'sqeu');
$config->set_default_string("ext_rating_admin_privs", 'sqeu');
public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event) {
$privs = array();
$privs['Safe Only'] = 's';
$privs['Safe and Unknown'] = 'su';
$privs['Safe and Questionable'] = 'sq';
$privs['Safe, Questionable, Unknown'] = 'squ';
$privs['All'] = 'sqeu';
$sb = new SetupBlock("Image Ratings");
$sb->add_choice_option("ext_rating_anon_privs", $privs, "Anonymous: ");
$sb->add_choice_option("ext_rating_user_privs", $privs, "<br>Users: ");
$sb->add_choice_option("ext_rating_admin_privs", $privs, "<br>Admins: ");
public function onPostListBuilding(PostListBuildingEvent $event) {
global $user;
if($user->is_admin() && !empty($event->search_terms)) {
$this->theme->display_bulk_rater(implode(" ", $event->search_terms));
public function onDisplayingImage(DisplayingImageEvent $event) {
global $user, $database, $page;
* Deny images upon insufficient permissions.
$user_view_level = Ratings::get_user_privs($user);
$user_view_level = preg_split('//', $user_view_level, -1);
if(!in_array($event->image->rating, $user_view_level)) {
public function onRatingSet(RatingSetEvent $event) {
$old_rating = "";
$old_rating = $event->image->rating;
$this->set_rating($event->image->id, $event->rating, $old_rating);
public function onImageInfoBoxBuilding(ImageInfoBoxBuildingEvent $event) {
if($this->can_rate()) {
$event->add_part($this->theme->get_rater_html($event->image->id, $event->image->rating), 80);
public function onImageInfoSet(ImageInfoSetEvent $event) {
global $user;
if($this->can_rate() && isset($_POST["rating"])) {
send_event(new RatingSetEvent($event->image, $_POST['rating']));
public function onParseLinkTemplate(ParseLinkTemplateEvent $event) {
$event->replace('$rating', $this->theme->rating_to_name($event->image->rating));
public function onSearchTermParse(SearchTermParseEvent $event) {
global $user;
$matches = array();
if(is_null($event->term) && $this->no_rating_query($event->context)) {
$set = Ratings::privs_to_sql(Ratings::get_user_privs($user));
$event->add_querylet(new Querylet("rating IN ($set)"));
if(preg_match("/^rating=(?:([sqeu]+)|(safe|questionable|explicit|unknown))$", strtolower($event->term), $matches)) {
$ratings = $matches[1] ? $matches[1] : array($matches[2][0]);
$ratings = array_intersect($ratings, str_split(Ratings::get_user_privs($user)));
$set = "'" . join("', '", $ratings) . "'";
$event->add_querylet(new Querylet("rating IN ($set)"));
public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event) {
global $database, $user, $page;
if ($event->page_matches("admin/bulk_rate")) {
if(!$user->is_admin()) {
throw PermissionDeniedException();
else {
$n = 0;
while(true) {
$images = Image::find_images($n, 100, Tag::explode($_POST["query"]));
if(count($images) == 0) break;
reset($images); // rewind to first element in array.
foreach($images as $image) {
send_event(new RatingSetEvent($image, $_POST['rating']));
$n += 100;
# update images set rating=? where in (
# select image_id from image_tags join tags
# on image_tags.tag_id = where tags.tag = ?);
# ", array($_POST["rating"], $_POST["tag"]));
public static function get_user_privs($user) {
global $config;
if($user->is_anonymous()) {
$sqes = $config->get_string("ext_rating_anon_privs");
else if($user->is_admin()) {
$sqes = $config->get_string("ext_rating_admin_privs");
else {
$sqes = $config->get_string("ext_rating_user_privs");
return $sqes;
public static function privs_to_sql(/*string*/ $sqes) {
$arr = array();
$length = strlen($sqes);
for($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) {
$arr[] = "'" . $sqes[$i] . "'";
$set = join(', ', $arr);
return $set;
public static function rating_to_human(/*string*/ $rating) {
switch($rating) {
case "s": return "Safe";
case "q": return "Questionable";
case "e": return "Explicit";
default: return "Unknown";
// FIXME: this is a bit ugly and guessey, should have proper options
private function can_rate() {
global $config, $user;
if($user->is_anonymous() && $config->get_string("ext_rating_anon_privs") == "sqeu") return false;
if($user->is_admin()) return true;
if(!$user->is_anonymous() && $config->get_string("ext_rating_user_privs") == "sqeu") return true;
return false;
private function no_rating_query($context) {
foreach($context as $term) {
if(preg_match("/^rating=/", $term)) {
return false;
return true;
private function install() {
global $database;
global $config;
if($config->get_int("ext_ratings2_version") < 1) {
$database->Execute("ALTER TABLE images ADD COLUMN rating CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'u'");
$database->Execute("CREATE INDEX images__rating ON images(rating)");
$config->set_int("ext_ratings2_version", 3);
if($config->get_int("ext_ratings2_version") < 2) {
$database->Execute("CREATE INDEX images__rating ON images(rating)");
$config->set_int("ext_ratings2_version", 2);
if($config->get_int("ext_ratings2_version") < 3) {
$database->Execute("ALTER TABLE images CHANGE rating rating CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'u'");
$config->set_int("ext_ratings2_version", 3);
private function set_rating(/*int*/ $image_id, /*string*/ $rating, /*string*/ $old_rating) {
global $database;
if($old_rating != $rating){
$database->Execute("UPDATE images SET rating=? WHERE id=?", array($rating, $image_id));
log_info("rating", "Rating for Image #{$image_id} set to: ".$this->theme->rating_to_name($rating));