Provides foundation for help pages that are generated from loaded extensions, starting with comprehensive search documentation. Addresses #522
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736 lines
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* Name: User Management
* Author: Shish
* Description: Allows people to sign up to the website
class UserBlockBuildingEvent extends Event
/** @var array */
public $parts = [];
public function add_link(string $name, string $link, int $position=50)
while (isset($this->parts[$position])) {
$this->parts[$position] = ["name" => $name, "link" => $link];
class UserPageBuildingEvent extends Event
/** @var User */
public $display_user;
/** @var array */
public $stats = [];
public function __construct(User $display_user)
$this->display_user = $display_user;
public function add_stats(string $html, int $position=50)
while (isset($this->stats[$position])) {
$this->stats[$position] = $html;
class UserCreationEvent extends Event
/** @var string */
public $username;
/** @var string */
public $password;
/** @var string */
public $email;
public function __construct(string $name, string $pass, string $email)
$this->username = $name;
$this->password = $pass;
$this->email = $email;
class UserDeletionEvent extends Event
/** @var int */
public $id;
public function __construct(int $id)
$this->id = $id;
class UserCreationException extends SCoreException
class NullUserException extends SCoreException
class UserPage extends Extension
/** @var UserPageTheme $theme */
public $theme;
public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event)
global $config;
$config->set_default_bool("login_signup_enabled", true);
$config->set_default_int("login_memory", 365);
$config->set_default_string("avatar_host", "none");
$config->set_default_int("avatar_gravatar_size", 80);
$config->set_default_string("avatar_gravatar_default", "");
$config->set_default_string("avatar_gravatar_rating", "g");
$config->set_default_bool("login_tac_bbcode", true);
public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event)
global $config, $database, $page, $user;
if ($event->page_matches("user_admin")) {
if ($event->get_arg(0) == "login") {
if (isset($_POST['user']) && isset($_POST['pass'])) {
$this->page_login($_POST['user'], $_POST['pass']);
} else {
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "recover") {
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "create") {
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "list") {
$limit = 50;
$page_num = int_escape($event->get_arg(1));
if ($page_num <= 0) {
$page_num = 1;
$offset = ($page_num-1) * $limit;
$q = "WHERE 1=1";
$a = [];
if (@$_GET['username']) {
$a["name"] = '%' . $_GET['username'] . '%';
if ($user->can(Permissions::DELETE_USER) && @$_GET['email']) {
$a["email"] = '%' . $_GET['email'] . '%';
if (@$_GET['class']) {
$q .= " AND class LIKE :class";
$a["class"] = $_GET['class'];
$where = $database->scoreql_to_sql($q);
$count = $database->get_one("SELECT count(*) FROM users $where", $a);
$a["offset"] = $offset;
$a["limit"] = $limit;
$rows = $database->get_all("SELECT * FROM users $where LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", $a);
$users = array_map("_new_user", $rows);
$this->theme->display_user_list($page, $users, $user, $page_num, $count/$limit);
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "logout") {
if (!$user->check_auth_token()) {
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "change_name") {
$input = validate_input([
'id' => 'user_id,exists',
'name' => 'user_name',
$duser = User::by_id($input['id']);
$this->change_name_wrapper($duser, $input['name']);
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "change_pass") {
$input = validate_input([
'id' => 'user_id,exists',
'pass1' => 'password',
'pass2' => 'password',
$duser = User::by_id($input['id']);
$this->change_password_wrapper($duser, $input['pass1'], $input['pass2']);
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "change_email") {
$input = validate_input([
'id' => 'user_id,exists',
'address' => 'email',
$duser = User::by_id($input['id']);
$this->change_email_wrapper($duser, $input['address']);
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "change_class") {
$input = validate_input([
'id' => 'user_id,exists',
'class' => 'user_class',
$duser = User::by_id($input['id']);
$this->change_class_wrapper($duser, $input['class']);
} elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "delete_user") {
$this->delete_user($page, isset($_POST["with_images"]), isset($_POST["with_comments"]));
if ($event->page_matches("user")) {
$display_user = ($event->count_args() == 0) ? $user : User::by_name($event->get_arg(0));
if ($event->count_args() == 0 && $user->is_anonymous()) {
"Not Logged In",
"You aren't logged in. First do that, then you can see your stats."
} elseif (!is_null($display_user) && ($display_user->id != $config->get_int("anon_id"))) {
$e = new UserPageBuildingEvent($display_user);
} else {
"No Such User",
"If you typed the ID by hand, try again; if you came from a link on this ".
"site, it might be bug report time..."
public function onUserPageBuilding(UserPageBuildingEvent $event)
global $user, $config;
$h_join_date = autodate($event->display_user->join_date);
if ($event->display_user->can(Permissions::HELLBANNED)) {
$h_class = $event->display_user->class->parent->name;
} else {
$h_class = $event->display_user->class->name;
$event->add_stats("Joined: $h_join_date", 10);
$event->add_stats("Class: $h_class", 90);
$av = $event->display_user->get_avatar_html();
if ($av) {
$event->add_stats($av, 0);
} elseif ((
$config->get_string("avatar_host") == "gravatar"
) &&
($user->id == $event->display_user->id)
) {
"No avatar? This gallery uses <a href='https://gravatar.com'>Gravatar</a> for avatar hosting, use the".
"<br>same email address here and there to have your avatar synced<br>",
public function onPageNavBuilding(PageNavBuildingEvent $event)
global $user;
if ($user->is_anonymous()) {
$event->add_nav_link("user", new Link('user_admin/login'), "Account", null, 10);
} else {
$event->add_nav_link("user", new Link('user'), "Account", null, 10);
private function display_stats(UserPageBuildingEvent $event)
global $user, $page, $config;
$this->theme->display_user_page($event->display_user, $event->stats);
if ($user->id == $event->display_user->id) {
$ubbe = new UserBlockBuildingEvent();
$this->theme->display_user_links($page, $user, $ubbe->parts);
if (
($user->can(Permissions::VIEW_IP) || ($user->is_logged_in() && $user->id == $event->display_user->id)) && # admin or self-user
($event->display_user->id != $config->get_int('anon_id')) # don't show anon's IP list, it is le huge
) {
public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
global $config;
$hosts = [
"None" => "none",
"Gravatar" => "gravatar"
$sb = new SetupBlock("User Options");
$sb->add_bool_option("login_signup_enabled", "Allow new signups: ");
$sb->add_longtext_option("login_tac", "<br>Terms & Conditions:<br>");
$sb->add_choice_option("avatar_host", $hosts, "<br>Avatars: ");
if ($config->get_string("avatar_host") == "gravatar") {
$sb->add_label("<br> <br><b>Gravatar Options</b>");
'Monster ID'=>'monsterid',
"<br>Type: "
['G'=>'g', 'PG'=>'pg', 'R'=>'r', 'X'=>'x'],
"<br>Rating: "
"return to previous page" => 0, // 0 is default
"send to user profile" => 1],
"<br>When user logs in/out"
public function onPageSubNavBuilding(PageSubNavBuildingEvent $event)
global $user;
if($event->parent==="system") {
if ($user->can(Permissions::EDIT_USER_CLASS)) {
$event->add_nav_link("user_admin", new Link('user_admin/list'), "User List", NavLink::is_active(["user_admin"]));
public function onUserBlockBuilding(UserBlockBuildingEvent $event)
global $user;
$event->add_link("My Profile", make_link("user"));
if ($user->can(Permissions::EDIT_USER_CLASS)) {
$event->add_link("User List", make_link("user_admin/list"), 98);
$event->add_link("Log Out", make_link("user_admin/logout"), 99);
public function onUserCreation(UserCreationEvent $event)
public function onSearchTermParse(SearchTermParseEvent $event)
global $user;
$matches = [];
if (preg_match("/^(?:poster|user)[=|:](.*)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) {
$duser = User::by_name($matches[1]);
if (!is_null($duser)) {
$user_id = $duser->id;
} else {
$user_id = -1;
$event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.owner_id = $user_id"));
} elseif (preg_match("/^(?:poster|user)_id[=|:]([0-9]+)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) {
$user_id = int_escape($matches[1]);
$event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.owner_id = $user_id"));
} elseif ($user->can(Permissions::VIEW_IP) && preg_match("/^(?:poster|user)_ip[=|:]([0-9\.]+)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) {
$user_ip = $matches[1]; // FIXME: ip_escape?
$event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.owner_ip = '$user_ip'"));
public function onHelpPageBuilding(HelpPageBuildingEvent $event)
if($event->key===HelpPages::SEARCH) {
$block = new Block();
$block->header = "Users";
$block->body = $this->theme->get_help_html();
private function show_user_info()
global $user, $page;
// user info is shown on all pages
if ($user->is_anonymous()) {
} else {
$ubbe = new UserBlockBuildingEvent();
$this->theme->display_user_block($page, $user, $ubbe->parts);
// }}}
// Things done *with* the user {{{
private function page_login($name, $pass)
global $config, $user, $page;
if (empty($name) || empty($pass)) {
$this->theme->display_error(400, "Error", "Username or password left blank");
$duser = User::by_name_and_pass($name, $pass);
if (!is_null($duser)) {
$user = $duser;
$this->set_login_cookie($duser->name, $pass);
// Try returning to previous page
if ($config->get_int("user_loginshowprofile", 0) == 0 &&
isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) &&
strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "post/")) {
} else {
} else {
$this->theme->display_error(401, "Error", "No user with those details was found");
private function page_logout()
global $page, $config;
$page->add_cookie("session", "", time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * $config->get_int('login_memory'), "/");
# to keep as few versions of content as possible,
# make cookies all-or-nothing
$page->add_cookie("user", "", time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * $config->get_int('login_memory'), "/");
log_info("user", "Logged out");
// Try forwarding to same page on logout unless user comes from registration page
if ($config->get_int("user_loginshowprofile", 0) == 0 &&
isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) &&
strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], "post/")
) {
} else {
private function page_recover(string $username)
$user = User::by_name($username);
if (is_null($user)) {
$this->theme->display_error(404, "Error", "There's no user with that name");
} elseif (is_null($user->email)) {
$this->theme->display_error(400, "Error", "That user has no registered email address");
} else {
// send email
private function page_create()
global $config, $page;
if (!$config->get_bool("login_signup_enabled")) {
} elseif (!isset($_POST['name'])) {
} elseif ($_POST['pass1'] != $_POST['pass2']) {
$this->theme->display_error(400, "Password Mismatch", "Passwords don't match");
} else {
try {
if (!captcha_check()) {
throw new UserCreationException("Error in captcha");
$uce = new UserCreationEvent($_POST['name'], $_POST['pass1'], $_POST['email']);
$this->set_login_cookie($uce->username, $uce->password);
} catch (UserCreationException $ex) {
$this->theme->display_error(400, "User Creation Error", $ex->getMessage());
private function check_user_creation(UserCreationEvent $event)
$name = $event->username;
//$pass = $event->password;
//$email = $event->email;
if (strlen($name) < 1) {
throw new UserCreationException("Username must be at least 1 character");
} elseif (!preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$/', $name)) {
throw new UserCreationException(
"Username contains invalid characters. Allowed characters are ".
"letters, numbers, dash, and underscore"
} elseif (User::by_name($name)) {
throw new UserCreationException("That username is already taken");
private function create_user(UserCreationEvent $event)
global $database, $user;
$email = (!empty($event->email)) ? $event->email : null;
// if there are currently no admins, the new user should be one
$need_admin = ($database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users WHERE class='admin'") == 0);
$class = $need_admin ? 'admin' : 'user';
"INSERT INTO users (name, pass, joindate, email, class) VALUES (:username, :hash, now(), :email, :class)",
["username"=>$event->username, "hash"=>'', "email"=>$email, "class"=>$class]
$uid = $database->get_last_insert_id('users_id_seq');
$user = User::by_name($event->username);
log_info("user", "Created User #$uid ({$event->username})");
private function set_login_cookie(string $name, string $pass)
global $config, $page;
$addr = get_session_ip($config);
$hash = User::by_name($name)->passhash;
// Things done *to* the user {{{
private function user_can_edit_user(User $a, User $b): bool
if ($a->is_anonymous()) {
$this->theme->display_error(401, "Error", "You aren't logged in");
return false;
if (
($a->name == $b->name) ||
($b->can(Permissions::PROTECTED) && $a->class->name == "admin") ||
(!$b->can(Permissions::PROTECTED) && $a->can(Permissions::EDIT_USER_INFO))
) {
return true;
} else {
$this->theme->display_error(401, "Error", "You need to be an admin to change other people's details");
return false;
private function redirect_to_user(User $duser)
global $page, $user;
if ($user->id == $duser->id) {
} else {
private function change_name_wrapper(User $duser, $name)
global $user;
if ($user->can(Permissions::EDIT_USER_NAME) && $this->user_can_edit_user($user, $duser)) {
flash_message("Username changed");
// TODO: set login cookie if user changed themselves
} else {
$this->theme->display_error(400, "Error", "Permission denied");
private function change_password_wrapper(User $duser, string $pass1, string $pass2)
global $user;
if ($this->user_can_edit_user($user, $duser)) {
if ($pass1 != $pass2) {
$this->theme->display_error(400, "Error", "Passwords don't match");
} else {
// FIXME: send_event()
if ($duser->id == $user->id) {
$this->set_login_cookie($duser->name, $pass1);
flash_message("Password changed");
private function change_email_wrapper(User $duser, string $address)
global $user;
if ($this->user_can_edit_user($user, $duser)) {
flash_message("Email changed");
private function change_class_wrapper(User $duser, string $class)
global $user;
if ($user->class->name == "admin") {
flash_message("Class changed");
// }}}
// ips {{{
private function count_upload_ips(User $duser): array
global $database;
$rows = $database->get_pairs("
COUNT(images.id) AS count
FROM images
WHERE owner_id=:id
GROUP BY owner_ip
ORDER BY max(posted) DESC", ["id"=>$duser->id]);
return $rows;
private function count_comment_ips(User $duser): array
global $database;
$rows = $database->get_pairs("
COUNT(comments.id) AS count
FROM comments
WHERE owner_id=:id
GROUP BY owner_ip
ORDER BY max(posted) DESC", ["id"=>$duser->id]);
return $rows;
private function count_log_ips(User $duser): array
if (!class_exists('LogDatabase')) {
return [];
global $database;
$rows = $database->get_pairs("
COUNT(id) AS count
FROM score_log
WHERE username=:username
GROUP BY address
ORDER BY MAX(date_sent) DESC", ["username"=>$duser->name]);
return $rows;
private function delete_user(Page $page, bool $with_images=false, bool $with_comments=false)
global $user, $config, $database;
$page->add_block(new NavBlock());
if (!$user->can(Permissions::DELETE_USER)) {
$page->add_block(new Block("Not Admin", "Only admins can delete accounts"));
} elseif (!isset($_POST['id']) || !is_numeric($_POST['id'])) {
$page->add_block(new Block(
"No ID Specified",
"You need to specify the account number to edit"
} else {
log_warning("user", "Deleting user #{$_POST['id']}");
if ($with_images) {
log_warning("user", "Deleting user #{$_POST['id']}'s uploads");
$rows = $database->get_all("SELECT * FROM images WHERE owner_id = :owner_id", ["owner_id" => $_POST['id']]);
foreach ($rows as $key => $value) {
$image = Image::by_id($value['id']);
if ($image) {
send_event(new ImageDeletionEvent($image));
} else {
"UPDATE images SET owner_id = :new_owner_id WHERE owner_id = :old_owner_id",
["new_owner_id" => $config->get_int('anon_id'), "old_owner_id" => $_POST['id']]
if ($with_comments) {
log_warning("user", "Deleting user #{$_POST['id']}'s comments");
$database->execute("DELETE FROM comments WHERE owner_id = :owner_id", ["owner_id" => $_POST['id']]);
} else {
"UPDATE comments SET owner_id = :new_owner_id WHERE owner_id = :old_owner_id",
["new_owner_id" => $config->get_int('anon_id'), "old_owner_id" => $_POST['id']]
send_event(new UserDeletionEvent($_POST['id']));
"DELETE FROM users WHERE id = :id",
["id" => $_POST['id']]
// }}}