<?php declare(strict_types=1); class MP3FileHandler extends DataHandlerExtension { public function onMediaCheckProperties(MediaCheckPropertiesEvent $event) { switch ($event->ext) { case "mp3": $event->image->audio = true; $event->image->video = false; $event->image->lossless = false; $event->image->image = false; break; } // TODO: Buff out audio format support, length scanning } protected function create_thumb(string $hash, string $type): bool { copy("ext/handle_mp3/thumb.jpg", warehouse_path(Image::THUMBNAIL_DIR, $hash)); return true; } protected function supported_ext(string $ext): bool { $exts = ["mp3"]; return in_array(strtolower($ext), $exts); } protected function create_image_from_data(string $filename, array $metadata) { $image = new Image(); //NOTE: No need to set width/height as we don't use it. $image->width = 1; $image->height = 1; $image->filesize = $metadata['size']; $image->hash = $metadata['hash']; //Filename is renamed to "artist - title.mp3" when the user requests download by using the download attribute & jsmediatags.js $image->filename = $metadata['filename']; $image->ext = $metadata['extension']; $image->tag_array = is_array($metadata['tags']) ? $metadata['tags'] : Tag::explode($metadata['tags']); $image->source = $metadata['source']; return $image; } protected function check_contents(string $tmpname): bool { $success = false; if (file_exists($tmpname)) { $mimeType = getMimeType($tmpname); $success = ($mimeType == 'audio/mpeg'); } return $success; } }