Rating ".($can_rate ? " $human_rating ".$this->get_selection_rater_html([$rating])." " : " $human_rating ")." "; return $html; } public function display_form(array $current_ratings, array $available_ratings) { global $page, $database; $html = make_form(make_link("admin/update_ratings"))."
\n"; $page->add_block(new Block("Update Ratings", $html)); } // public function display_bulk_rater(string $terms) // { // global $page; // $html = " // ".make_form(make_link("admin/bulk_rate"))." // // // // // "; // $page->add_block(new Block("List Controls", $html, "left")); // } public function get_selection_rater_html(array $selected_options, bool $multiple = false, array $available_options = null) { global $_shm_ratings; $output = ""; } public function get_help_html(array $ratings) { $output = '

Search for images with one or more possible ratings.


Returns images with the '.$ratings[0]->name.' rating.

Ratings can be abbreviated to a single letter as well


Returns images with the '.$ratings[0]->name.' rating.

If abbreviations are used, multiple ratings can be searched for.


Returns images with the '.$ratings[0]->name.' or '.$ratings[1]->name.' rating.

Available ratings:

'; foreach ($ratings as $rating) { $output .= ""; } $output .= "
NameSearch TermAbbreviation
"; return $output; } public function get_user_options(User $user, array $selected_ratings, array $available_ratings): string { $html = "

Default Rating Filter
This controls the default rating search results will be filtered by, and nothing else. To override in your search results, add rating:* to your search.
".$this->get_selection_rater_html($selected_ratings, true, $available_ratings)."
"; return $html; } }