<?php class IndexTheme extends Themelet { public function set_page($page_number, $total_pages, $search_terms) { $this->page_number = $page_number; $this->total_pages = $total_pages; $this->search_terms = $search_terms; } public function display_intro(Page $page) { $text = " <div style='text-align: left;'> <p>The first thing you'll probably want to do is create a new account; note that the first account you create will by default be marked as the board's administrator, and any further accounts will be regular users. <p>Once logged in you can play with the settings, install extra features, and of course start organising your images :-) <p>This message will go away once your first image is uploaded~ </div> "; $page->set_title("Welcome to Shimmie ".VERSION); $page->set_heading("Welcome to Shimmie"); $page->add_block(new Block("Installation Succeeded!", $text, "main", 0)); } public function display_page(Page $page, $images) { global $config; if(count($this->search_terms) == 0) { $query = null; $page_title = $config->get_string('title'); } else { $search_string = implode(' ', $this->search_terms); $query = url_escape($search_string); $page_title = html_escape($search_string); if(count($images) > 0) { $page->set_subheading("Page {$this->page_number} / {$this->total_pages}"); } } if($this->page_number > 1 || count($this->search_terms) > 0) { // $page_title .= " / $page_number"; } $nav = $this->build_navigation($this->page_number, $this->total_pages, $this->search_terms); $page->set_title($page_title); $page->set_heading($page_title); $page->add_block(new Block("Navigation", $nav, "left", 0)); if(count($images) > 0) { if($query) { $page->add_block(new Block("Images", $this->build_table($images, "#search=$query"), "main", 10, "image-list")); $this->display_paginator($page, "post/list/$query", null, $this->page_number, $this->total_pages); } else { $page->add_block(new Block("Images", $this->build_table($images, null), "main", 10, "image-list")); $this->display_paginator($page, "post/list", null, $this->page_number, $this->total_pages); } } else { $page->add_block(new Block("No Images Found", "No images were found to match the search criteria")); } } protected function build_navigation($page_number, $total_pages, $search_terms) { $prev = $page_number - 1; $next = $page_number + 1; $u_tags = url_escape(implode(" ", $search_terms)); $query = empty($u_tags) ? "" : '/'.$u_tags; $h_prev = ($page_number <= 1) ? "Prev" : '<a href="'.make_link('post/list'.$query.'/'.$prev).'">Prev</a>'; $h_index = "<a href='".make_link()."'>Index</a>"; $h_next = ($page_number >= $total_pages) ? "Next" : '<a href="'.make_link('post/list'.$query.'/'.$next).'">Next</a>'; $h_search_string = html_escape(implode(" ", $search_terms)); $h_search_link = make_link(); $h_search = " <p><form action='$h_search_link' method='GET'> <input class='autocomplete_tags' name='search' type='text' placeholder='Search' value='$h_search_string' /> <input type='hidden' name='q' value='/post/list'> <input type='submit' value='Find' style='display: none;' /> </form> "; return $h_prev.' | '.$h_index.' | '.$h_next.'<br>'.$h_search; } protected function build_table($images, $query) { $table = ""; foreach($images as $image) { $table .= $this->build_thumb_html($image, $query); } return $table; } } ?>