db->Quote($input); } /** * Turn a human readable filesize into an integer, eg 1KB -> 1024 * * @retval int */ function parse_shorthand_int($limit) { if(is_numeric($limit)) { return (int)$limit; } if(preg_match('/^([\d\.]+)([gmk])?b?$/i', "$limit", $m)) { $value = $m[1]; if (isset($m[2])) { switch(strtolower($m[2])) { case 'g': $value *= 1024; # fallthrough case 'm': $value *= 1024; # fallthrough case 'k': $value *= 1024; break; default: $value = -1; } } return (int)$value; } else { return -1; } } /** * Turn an integer into a human readable filesize, eg 1024 -> 1KB * * @retval string */ function to_shorthand_int($int) { if($int >= pow(1024, 3)) { return sprintf("%.1fGB", $int / pow(1024, 3)); } else if($int >= pow(1024, 2)) { return sprintf("%.1fMB", $int / pow(1024, 2)); } else if($int >= 1024) { return sprintf("%.1fKB", $int / 1024); } else { return "$int"; } } /** * Turn a date into a time, a date, an "X minutes ago...", etc * * @retval string */ function autodate($date) { global $config; if($config->get_bool('use_autodate', true)) { $diff = time() - strtotime($date); if ($diff<60) return $diff . " second" . plural($diff) . " ago"; $diff = round($diff/60); if ($diff<60) return $diff . " minute" . plural($diff) . " ago"; $diff = round($diff/60); if ($diff<24) return $diff . " hour" . plural($diff) . " ago"; $diff = round($diff/24); if ($diff<7) return $diff . " day" . plural($diff) . " ago"; $diff = round($diff/7); if ($diff<4) return $diff . " week" . plural($diff) . " ago"; } return "on " . date("F j, Y", strtotime($date)); } /** * Return a pluraliser if necessary * * @retval string */ function plural($num, $single_form="", $plural_form="s") { return ($num == 1) ? $single_form : $plural_form; } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ * HTML Generation * \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /** * Figure out the correct way to link to a page, taking into account * things like the nice URLs setting * * @retval string */ function make_link($page=null, $query=null) { global $config; if(is_null($page)) $page = $config->get_string('main_page'); if($config->get_bool('nice_urls', false)) { #$full = "http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $full = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; $base = str_replace("/index.php", "", $full); } else { $base = "./index.php?q="; } if(is_null($query)) { return str_replace("//", "/", "$base/$page"); } else { if(strpos($base, "?")) { return "$base/$page&$query"; } else { return "$base/$page?$query"; } } } /** * Turn a relative link into an absolute one, including hostname * * @retval string */ function make_http($link) { if(strpos($link, "ttp://") > 0) return $link; if($link[0] != '/') $link = get_base_href().'/'.$link; $link = "http://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"].$link; $link = str_replace("/./", "/", $link); return $link; } /** * Make a link to a static file in the current theme's * directory */ function theme_file($filepath) { global $config; $theme = $config->get_string("theme","default"); return make_link("themes/$theme/$filepath"); } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ * Misc * \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /** * @private */ function _version_check() { if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.0.0") == -1) { print " Currently SCore Engine doesn't support versions of PHP lower than 5.0.0 -- PHP4 and earlier are officially dead according to their creators, please tell your host to upgrade. "; exit; } } /** * @private */ function check_cli() { if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { print "This script is to be run from the command line only."; exit; } $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ""; } /** * $db is the connection object * * @private */ function _count_execs($db, $sql, $inputarray) { global $_execs; if(DEBUG) { $fp = fopen("sql.log", "a"); if(is_array($inputarray)) { fwrite($fp, preg_replace('/\s+/msi', ' ', $sql)." -- ".join(", ", $inputarray)."\n"); } else { fwrite($fp, preg_replace('/\s+/msi', ' ', $sql)."\n"); } fclose($fp); } if (!is_array($inputarray)) $_execs++; # handle 2-dimensional input arrays else if (is_array(reset($inputarray))) $_execs += sizeof($inputarray); else $_execs++; # in PHP4.4 and PHP5, we need to return a value by reference $null = null; return $null; } /** * Find the theme object for a given extension */ function get_theme_object(Extension $class, $fatal=true) { $base = get_class($class); if(class_exists("Custom{$base}Theme")) { $class = "Custom{$base}Theme"; return new $class(); } elseif ($fatal || class_exists("{$base}Theme")) { $class = "{$base}Theme"; return new $class(); } else { return false; } } /** * Compare two Block objects, used to sort them before being displayed * * @retval int */ function blockcmp(Block $a, Block $b) { if($a->position == $b->position) { return 0; } else { return ($a->position > $b->position); } } /** * Figure out PHP's internal memory limit * * @retval int */ function get_memory_limit() { global $config; // thumbnail generation requires lots of memory $default_limit = 8*1024*1024; $shimmie_limit = parse_shorthand_int($config->get_int("thumb_mem_limit")); if($shimmie_limit < 3*1024*1024) { // we aren't going to fit, override $shimmie_limit = $default_limit; } ini_set("memory_limit", $shimmie_limit); $memory = parse_shorthand_int(ini_get("memory_limit")); // changing of memory limit is disabled / failed if($memory == -1) { $memory = $default_limit; } assert($memory > 0); return $memory; } /** * Get the currently active IP, masked to make it not change when the last * octet or two change, for use in session cookies and such * * @retval string */ function get_session_ip($config) { $mask = $config->get_string("session_hash_mask", ""); $addr = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $addr = inet_ntop(inet_pton($addr) & inet_pton($mask)); return $addr; } /** * Figure out the path to the shimmie install root. * * PHP really, really sucks. * * @retval string */ function get_base_href() { $possible_vars = array('SCRIPT_NAME', 'PHP_SELF', 'PATH_INFO', 'ORIG_PATH_INFO'); $ok_var = null; foreach($possible_vars as $var) { if(substr($_SERVER[$var], -4) == '.php') { $ok_var = $_SERVER[$var]; break; } } assert(!empty($ok_var)); $dir = dirname($ok_var); if($dir == "/" || $dir == "\\") $dir = ""; return $dir; } /** * A shorthand way to send a TextFormattingEvent and get the * results * * @retval string */ function format_text($string) { $tfe = new TextFormattingEvent($string); send_event($tfe); return $tfe->formatted; } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ * Logging convenience * \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ if(!defined("LOG_CRITICAL")) define("LOG_CRITICAL", 50); if(!defined("LOG_ERROR")) define("LOG_ERROR", 40); if(!defined("LOG_WARNING")) define("LOG_WARNING", 30); if(!defined("LOG_INFO")) define("LOG_INFO", 20); if(!defined("LOG_DEBUG")) define("LOG_DEBUG", 10); if(!defined("LOG_NOTSET")) define("LOG_NOTSET", 0); /** * A shorthand way to send a LogEvent */ function log_msg($section, $priority, $message) { send_event(new LogEvent($section, $priority, $message)); } /** * A shorthand way to send a LogEvent */ function log_info($section, $message) { log_msg($section, LOG_INFO, $message); } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ * Things which should be in the core API * \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /** * Remove an item from an array * * @retval array */ function array_remove($array, $to_remove) { $array = array_unique($array); $a2 = array(); foreach($array as $existing) { if($existing != $to_remove) { $a2[] = $existing; } } return $a2; } /** * Add an item to an array * * @retval array */ function array_add($array, $element) { $array[] = $element; $array = array_unique($array); return $array; } /** * Return the unique elements of an array, case insensitively * * @retval array */ function array_iunique($array) { $ok = array(); foreach($array as $element) { $found = false; foreach($ok as $existing) { if(strtolower($element) == strtolower($existing)) { $found = true; break; } } if(!$found) { $ok[] = $element; } } return $ok; } /** * Figure out if an IP is in a specified range * * from http://uk.php.net/network * * @retval bool */ function ip_in_range($IP, $CIDR) { list ($net, $mask) = explode("/", $CIDR); $ip_net = ip2long ($net); $ip_mask = ~((1 << (32 - $mask)) - 1); $ip_ip = ip2long ($IP); $ip_ip_net = $ip_ip & $ip_mask; return ($ip_ip_net == $ip_net); } /** * Delete an entire file heirachy * * from a patch by Christian Walde; only intended for use in the * "extension manager" extension, but it seems to fit better here */ function deltree($f) { if (is_link($f)) { unlink($f); } else if(is_dir($f)) { foreach(glob($f.'/*') as $sf) { if (is_dir($sf) && !is_link($sf)) { deltree($sf); } else { unlink($sf); } } rmdir($f); } } /** * Copy an entire file heirachy * * from a comment on http://uk.php.net/copy */ function full_copy($source, $target) { if(is_dir($source)) { @mkdir($target); $d = dir($source); while(FALSE !== ($entry = $d->read())) { if($entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue; } $Entry = $source . '/' . $entry; if(is_dir($Entry)) { full_copy($Entry, $target . '/' . $entry); continue; } copy($Entry, $target . '/' . $entry); } $d->close(); } else { copy($source, $target); } } /** * @private */ function weighted_random($weights) { $total = 0; foreach($weights as $k => $w) { $total += $w; } $r = mt_rand(0, $total); foreach($weights as $k => $w) { $r -= $w; if($r <= 0) { return $k; } } } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ * Event API * \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /** @private */ $_event_listeners = array(); /** * Register an Extension */ function add_event_listener(Extension $extension, $pos=50) { global $_event_listeners; while(isset($_event_listeners[$pos])) { $pos++; } $_event_listeners[$pos] = $extension; } /** @private */ $_event_count = 0; /** * Send an event to all registered Extensions */ function send_event(Event $event) { global $_event_listeners, $_event_count; $my_event_listeners = $_event_listeners; // http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=35106 ksort($my_event_listeners); foreach($my_event_listeners as $listener) { $listener->receive_event($event); } $_event_count++; } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ * Debugging functions * \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ function get_debug_info() { global $config, $_event_count; if(function_exists('memory_get_usage')) { $i_mem = sprintf("%5.2f", ((memory_get_usage()+512)/1024)/1024); } else { $i_mem = "???"; } if(function_exists('getrusage')) { $ru = getrusage(); $i_utime = sprintf("%5.2f", ($ru["ru_utime.tv_sec"]*1e6+$ru["ru_utime.tv_usec"])/1000000); $i_stime = sprintf("%5.2f", ($ru["ru_stime.tv_sec"]*1e6+$ru["ru_stime.tv_usec"])/1000000); } else { $i_utime = "???"; $i_stime = "???"; } $i_files = count(get_included_files()); global $_execs; global $database; $hits = $database->cache->get_hits(); $miss = $database->cache->get_misses(); $debug = "
Took $i_utime + $i_stime seconds and {$i_mem}MB of RAM"; $debug .= "; Used $i_files files and $_execs queries"; $debug .= "; Sent $_event_count events"; $debug .= "; $hits cache hits and $miss misses"; return $debug; } // print_obj ($object, $title, $return) function print_obj($object,$title="Object Information", $return=false) { global $user; if(DEBUG && isset($_GET['debug']) && $user->is_admin()) { $pr = print_r($object,true); $count = substr_count($pr,"\n")<=25?substr_count($pr,"\n"):25; $pr = ""; if($return) { return $pr; } else { global $page; $page->add_block(new Block($title,$pr,"main",1000)); return true; } } } // preset tests. // Prints the contents of $event->args, even though they are clearly visible in // the URL bar. function print_url_args() { global $event; print_obj($event->args,"URL Arguments"); } // Prints all the POST data. function print_POST() { print_obj($_POST,"\$_POST"); } // Prints GET, though this is also visible in the url ( url?var&var&var) function print_GET() { print_obj($_GET,"\$_GET"); } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ * Request initialisation stuff * \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /** @privatesection */ function _stripslashes_r($arr) { return is_array($arr) ? array_map('_stripslashes_r', $arr) : stripslashes($arr); } function _sanitise_environment() { if(DEBUG) { error_reporting(E_ALL); assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE, 1); assert_options(ASSERT_BAIL, 1); } ob_start(); if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_GET = _stripslashes_r($_GET); $_POST = _stripslashes_r($_POST); $_COOKIE = _stripslashes_r($_COOKIE); } } /** * Turn ^^ into ^ and ^s into / * * Necessary because various servers and various clients * think that / is special... */ function _decaret($str) { $out = ""; for($i=0; $i 0 && $path[0] == '/') { $path = substr($path, 1); } $parts = explode('/', $path); if(strpos($path, "^") === FALSE) { return $parts; } else { $unescaped = array(); foreach($parts as $part) { $unescaped[] = _decaret($part); } return $unescaped; } } function _get_page_request() { global $config; $args = _get_query_parts(); if(count($args) == 0 || strlen($args[0]) == 0) { $args = split('/', $config->get_string('front_page')); } return new PageRequestEvent($args); } function _get_user() { global $config, $database; $user = null; if(isset($_COOKIE["shm_user"]) && isset($_COOKIE["shm_session"])) { $tmp_user = User::by_session($_COOKIE["shm_user"], $_COOKIE["shm_session"]); if(!is_null($tmp_user)) { $user = $tmp_user; } } if(is_null($user)) { $user = User::by_id($config->get_int("anon_id", 0)); } assert(!is_null($user)); return $user; } $_cache_hash = null; $_cache_memcache = false; $_cache_filename = null; function _cache_active() { return ((CACHE_MEMCACHE || CACHE_DIR) && $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET" && !isset($_COOKIE["shm_session"]) && !isset($_COOKIE["shm_nocache"])); } function _start_cache() { global $_cache_hash, $_cache_memcache, $_cache_filename; if(_cache_active()) { $_cache_hash = md5($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]); if(CACHE_MEMCACHE) { $_cache_memcache = new Memcache; $_cache_memcache->pconnect('localhost', 11211); $zdata = $_cache_memcache->get($hash); if($zdata) { header("Content-type: text/html"); $data = @gzuncompress($zdata); if($data) { print $data; exit; } } } if(CACHE_DIR) { $ab = substr($_cache_hash, 0, 2); $cd = substr($_cache_hash, 2, 2); $_cache_filename = "data/$ab/$cd/$_cache_hash"; if(!file_exists(dirname($_cache_filename))) { mkdir(dirname($_cache_filename), 0750, true); } if(file_exists($_cache_filename) && (filemtime($cachename) > time() - 3600)) { $gmdate_mod = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($_cache_filename)) . ' GMT'; if(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"])) { $if_modified_since = preg_replace('/;.*$/', '', $_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"]); if($if_modified_since == $gmdate_mod) { header("HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified"); header("Content-type: text/html"); exit; } } else { header("Content-type: text/html"); header("Last-Modified: $gmdate_mod"); $zdata = @file_get_contents($_cache_filename); if(CACHE_MEMCACHE) { $_cache_memcache->set($_cache_hash, $zdata, 0, 600); } $data = @gzuncompress($zdata); if($data) { print $data; exit; } } } ob_start(); } } } function _end_cache() { global $_cache_hash, $_cache_memcache, $_cache_filename; if(_cache_active()) { $data = gzcompress(ob_get_contents(), 9); if(CACHE_MEMCACHE) { $_cache_memcache->set($_cache_hash, $data, 0, 600); } if(CACHE_DIR) { file_put_contents($_cache_filename, $data); } } } ?>