* Modified By: Shish , jgen , im-mi * License: GPLv2 * Description: Handle FLV, MP4, OGV and WEBM video files. * Documentation: * Based heavily on "Handle MP3" by Shish.

* FLV: Flash player
* MP4: HTML5 with Flash fallback
* MP4's flash fallback is forced with a bit of Javascript as some browsers won't fallback if they can't play H.264. * In the future, it may be necessary to change the user agent checks to reflect the current state of H.264 support.

*/ class VideoFileHandler extends DataHandlerExtension { public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event) { global $config; if($config->get_int("ext_handle_video_version") < 1) { if($ffmpeg = shell_exec((PHP_OS == 'WINNT' ? 'where' : 'which') . ' ffmpeg')) { //ffmpeg exists in PATH, check if it's executable, and if so, default to it instead of static if(is_executable(strtok($ffmpeg, PHP_EOL))) { $config->set_default_string('thumb_ffmpeg_path', 'ffmpeg'); } } else { $config->set_default_string('thumb_ffmpeg_path', ''); } $config->set_int("ext_handle_video_version", 1); log_info("handle_video", "extension installed"); } $config->set_default_bool('video_playback_autoplay', TRUE); $config->set_default_bool('video_playback_loop', TRUE); } public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event) { $sb = new SetupBlock("Video Options"); $sb->add_label("
Path to ffmpeg: "); $sb->add_text_option("thumb_ffmpeg_path"); $sb->add_label("
"); $sb->add_bool_option("video_playback_autoplay", "Autoplay: "); $sb->add_label("
"); $sb->add_bool_option("video_playback_loop", "Loop: "); $event->panel->add_block($sb); } /** * Generate the Thumbnail image for particular file. * * @param string $hash * @return bool Returns true on successful thumbnail creation. */ protected function create_thumb(string $hash): bool { global $config; $ok = false; $ffmpeg = $config->get_string("thumb_ffmpeg_path"); $inname = warehouse_path("images", $hash); $outname = warehouse_path("thumbs", $hash); $orig_size = $this->video_size($inname); $scaled_size = get_thumbnail_size($orig_size[0], $orig_size[1]); $cmd = escapeshellcmd(Tag::implode([ escapeshellarg($ffmpeg), "-y", "-i", escapeshellarg($inname), "-vf", "scale={$scaled_size[0]}:{$scaled_size[1]}", "-ss", "00:00:00.0", "-f", "image2", "-vframes", "1", escapeshellarg($outname), ])); exec($cmd, $output, $ret); if ((int)$ret == (int)1) { $ok = true; } // error_log("Generating thumbnail with command `$cmd`, returns $ret"); log_debug('handle_video', "Generating thumbnail with command `$cmd`, returns $ret"); return $ok; } protected function video_size(string $filename) { global $config; $ffmpeg = $config->get_string("thumb_ffmpeg_path"); $cmd = escapeshellcmd(Tag::implode([ escapeshellarg($ffmpeg), "-y", "-i", escapeshellarg($filename), "-vstats" ])); $output = shell_exec($cmd . " 2>&1"); // error_log("Getting size with `$cmd`"); $regex_sizes = "/Video: .* ([0-9]{1,4})x([0-9]{1,4})/"; if (preg_match($regex_sizes, $output, $regs)) { if (preg_match("/displaymatrix: rotation of (90|270).00 degrees/", $output)) { return [$regs[2], $regs[1]]; } else { return [$regs[1], $regs[2]]; } } else { return [1, 1]; } } /** * @param string $ext * @return bool */ protected function supported_ext(string $ext): bool { $exts = array("flv", "mp4", "m4v", "ogv", "webm"); return in_array(strtolower($ext), $exts); } /** * @param string $filename * @param mixed[] $metadata * @return Image */ protected function create_image_from_data(string $filename, array $metadata) { $image = new Image(); //NOTE: No need to set width/height as we don't use it. $size = $this->video_size($filename); $image->width = $size[0]; $image->height = $size[1]; switch (getMimeType($filename)) { case "video/webm": $image->ext = "webm"; break; case "video/mp4": $image->ext = "mp4"; break; case "video/ogg": $image->ext = "ogv"; break; case "video/flv": $image->ext = "flv"; break; case "video/x-flv": $image->ext = "flv"; break; } $image->filesize = $metadata['size']; $image->hash = $metadata['hash']; $image->filename = $metadata['filename']; $image->tag_array = is_array($metadata['tags']) ? $metadata['tags'] : Tag::explode($metadata['tags']); $image->source = $metadata['source']; return $image; } /** * @param string $tmpname * @return bool */ protected function check_contents(string $tmpname): bool { $success = FALSE; if (file_exists($tmpname)) { $mimeType = getMimeType($tmpname); $success = in_array($mimeType, [ 'video/webm', 'video/mp4', 'video/ogg', 'video/flv', 'video/x-flv' ]); } return $success; } }