<?php /** * \page eande Events and Extensions * * An event is a little blob of data saying "something happened", possibly * "something happened, here's the specific data". Events are sent with the * send_event() function. Since events can store data, they can be used to * return data to the extension which sent them, for example: * * \code * $tfe = new TextFormattingEvent($original_text); * send_event($tfe); * $formatted_text = $tfe->formatted; * \endcode * * An extension is something which is capable of reacting to events. * * * \page hello The Hello World Extension * * \code * // ext/hello/main.php * public class Hello extends Extension { * public void onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event) { * global $page, $user; * $this->theme->display_hello($page, $user); * } * } * * // ext/hello/theme.php * public class HelloTheme extends Themelet { * public void display_hello(Page $page, User $user) { * $page->add_block(new Block("Hello!", "Hello there ".html_escape($user->name)); * } * } * * // ext/hello/test.php * public class HelloTest extends SCoreWebTestCase { * public void testHello() { * $this->get_page("post/list"); * $this->assert_text("Hello there"); * } * } * * // themes/mytheme/hello.theme.php * public class CustomHelloTheme extends HelloTheme { * public function display_hello(Page $page, User $user) { * $h_user = html_escape($user->name); * $page->add_block(new Block( * "Hello!", * "Hello there $h_user, look at my snazzy custom theme!" * ); * } * } * \endcode * */ /** * send_event(BlahEvent()) -> onBlah($event) * * Also loads the theme object into $this->theme if available * * The original concept came from Artanis's Extension extension * --> http://github.com/Artanis/simple-extension/tree/master * Then re-implemented by Shish after he broke the forum and couldn't * find the thread where the original was posted >_< */ abstract class Extension { var $theme; var $_child; // in PHP5.3, late static bindings can take care of this; __CLASS__ // used here will refer to the subclass // http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.late-static-bindings.php public function i_am(Extension $child) { $this->_child = $child; if(is_null($this->theme)) $this->theme = get_theme_object($child, false); } public function get_priority() { return 50; } } /** * Several extensions have this in common, make a common API */ abstract class FormatterExtension extends Extension { public function onTextFormatting(TextFormattingEvent $event) { $event->formatted = $this->format($event->formatted); $event->stripped = $this->strip($event->stripped); } abstract public function format(/*string*/ $text); abstract public function strip(/*string*/ $text); } /** * This too is a common class of extension with many methods in common, * so we have a base class to extend from */ abstract class DataHandlerExtension extends Extension { public function onDataUpload(DataUploadEvent $event) { if($this->supported_ext($event->type) && $this->check_contents($event->tmpname)) { if(!move_upload_to_archive($event)) return; send_event(new ThumbnailGenerationEvent($event->hash, $event->type)); /* Check if we are replacing an image */ if(array_key_exists('replace', $event->metadata) && isset($event->metadata['replace'])) { /* hax: This seems like such a dirty way to do this.. */ /* Validate things */ $image_id = int_escape($event->metadata['replace']); /* Check to make sure the image exists. */ $existing = Image::by_id($image_id); if(is_null($existing)) { throw new UploadException("Image to replace does not exist!"); } if ($existing->hash === $event->metadata['hash']) { throw new UploadException("The uploaded image is the same as the one to replace."); } // even more hax.. $event->metadata['tags'] = $existing->get_tag_list(); $image = $this->create_image_from_data(warehouse_path("images", $event->metadata['hash']), $event->metadata); if(is_null($image)) { throw new UploadException("Data handler failed to create image object from data"); } $ire = new ImageReplaceEvent($image_id, $image); send_event($ire); $event->image_id = $image_id; } else { $image = $this->create_image_from_data(warehouse_path("images", $event->hash), $event->metadata); if(is_null($image)) { throw new UploadException("Data handler failed to create image object from data"); } $iae = new ImageAdditionEvent($event->user, $image); send_event($iae); $event->image_id = $iae->image->id; // Rating Stuff. if(!empty($event->metadata['rating'])){ global $user; $rating = $event->metadata['rating']; send_event(new RatingSetEvent($image, $user, $rating)); } // Locked Stuff. if(!empty($event->metadata['locked'])){ $locked = $event->metadata['locked']; send_event(new LockSetEvent($image, !empty($locked))); } } } } public function onThumbnailGeneration(ThumbnailGenerationEvent $event) { if($this->supported_ext($event->type)) { if (method_exists($this, 'create_thumb_force') && $event->force == true) { $this->create_thumb_force($event->hash); } else { $this->create_thumb($event->hash); } } } public function onDisplayingImage(DisplayingImageEvent $event) { global $page; if($this->supported_ext($event->image->ext)) { $this->theme->display_image($page, $event->image); } } public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event) { $sb = $this->setup(); if($sb) $event->panel->add_block($sb); } protected function setup() {} abstract protected function supported_ext($ext); abstract protected function check_contents($tmpname); abstract protected function create_image_from_data($filename, $metadata); abstract protected function create_thumb($hash); } ?>