<?php declare(strict_types=1); class RandomImageInfo extends ExtensionInfo { public const KEY = "random_image"; public $key = self::KEY; public $name = "Random Image"; public $url = self::SHIMMIE_URL; public $authors = self::SHISH_AUTHOR; public $license = self::LICENSE_GPLV2; public $description = "Do things with a random image"; public $documentation = "<b>Viewing a random image</b> <br>Visit <code>/random_image/view</code> <p><b>Downloading a random image</b> <br>Link to <code>/random_image/download</code>. This will give the raw data for an image (no HTML). This is useful so that you can set your desktop wallpaper to be the download URL, refreshed every couple of hours. <p><b>Getting a random image from a subset</b> <br>Adding a slash and some search terms will get a random image from those results. This can be useful if you want a specific size of random image, or from a category. You could link to <code>/random_image/download/size=1024x768+cute</code>"; }