<?php declare(strict_types=1); class WikiUpdateEvent extends Event { /** @var User */ public $user; /** @var WikiPage */ public $wikipage; public function __construct(User $user, WikiPage $wikipage) { parent::__construct(); $this->user = $user; $this->wikipage = $wikipage; } } class WikiDeleteRevisionEvent extends Event { public $title; public $revision; public function __construct($title, $revision) { parent::__construct(); $this->title = $title; $this->revision = $revision; } } class WikiDeletePageEvent extends Event { public $title; public function __construct($title) { parent::__construct(); $this->title = $title; } } class WikiUpdateException extends SCoreException { } class WikiPage { /** @var int|string */ public $id; /** @var int */ public $owner_id; /** @var string */ public $owner_ip; /** @var string */ public $date; /** @var string */ public $title; /** @var int */ public $revision; /** @var bool */ public $locked; /** @var string */ public $body; public function __construct(array $row=null) { //assert(!empty($row)); if (!is_null($row)) { $this->id = (int)$row['id']; $this->owner_id = (int)$row['owner_id']; $this->owner_ip = $row['owner_ip']; $this->date = $row['date']; $this->title = $row['title']; $this->revision = (int)$row['revision']; $this->locked = ($row['locked'] == 'Y'); $this->body = $row['body']; } } public function get_owner(): User { return User::by_id($this->owner_id); } public function is_locked(): bool { return $this->locked; } } class Wiki extends Extension { /** @var WikiTheme */ protected $theme; public function onDatabaseUpgrade(DatabaseUpgradeEvent $event) { global $database; if ($this->get_version("ext_wiki_version") < 1) { $database->create_table("wiki_pages", " id SCORE_AIPK, owner_id INTEGER NOT NULL, owner_ip SCORE_INET NOT NULL, date TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, title VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, revision INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, locked SCORE_BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT SCORE_BOOL_N, body TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE (title, revision), FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE RESTRICT "); $this->set_version("ext_wiki_version", 2); } if ($this->get_version("ext_wiki_version") < 2) { $database->Execute("ALTER TABLE wiki_pages ADD COLUMN locked ENUM('Y', 'N') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL AFTER REVISION"); $this->set_version("ext_wiki_version", 2); } } public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event) { global $page, $user; if ($event->page_matches("wiki")) { if ($event->count_args() == 0 || strlen(trim($event->get_arg(0))) === 0) { $title = "Index"; } else { $title = $event->get_arg(0); } $content = $this->get_page($title); $this->theme->display_page($page, $content, $this->get_page("wiki:sidebar")); } elseif ($event->page_matches("wiki_admin/edit")) { $content = $this->get_page($_POST['title']); $this->theme->display_page_editor($page, $content); } elseif ($event->page_matches("wiki_admin/save")) { $title = $_POST['title']; $rev = int_escape($_POST['revision']); $body = $_POST['body']; $lock = $user->can(Permissions::WIKI_ADMIN) && isset($_POST['lock']) && ($_POST['lock'] == "on"); if ($this->can_edit($user, $this->get_page($title))) { $wikipage = $this->get_page($title); $wikipage->revision = $rev; $wikipage->body = $body; $wikipage->locked = $lock; try { send_event(new WikiUpdateEvent($user, $wikipage)); $u_title = url_escape($title); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("wiki/$u_title")); } catch (WikiUpdateException $e) { $original = $this->get_page($title); // @ because arr_diff is full of warnings $original->body = @$this->arr_diff( explode("\n", $original->body), explode("\n", $wikipage->body) ); $this->theme->display_page_editor($page, $original); } } else { $this->theme->display_permission_denied(); } } elseif ($event->page_matches("wiki_admin/delete_revision")) { if ($user->can(Permissions::WIKI_ADMIN)) { send_event(new WikiDeleteRevisionEvent($_POST["title"], $_POST["revision"])); $u_title = url_escape($_POST["title"]); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("wiki/$u_title")); } } elseif ($event->page_matches("wiki_admin/delete_all")) { if ($user->can(Permissions::WIKI_ADMIN)) { send_event(new WikiDeletePageEvent($_POST["title"])); $u_title = url_escape($_POST["title"]); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("wiki/$u_title")); } } } public function onPageNavBuilding(PageNavBuildingEvent $event) { $event->add_nav_link("wiki", new Link('wiki'), "Wiki"); } public function onPageSubNavBuilding(PageSubNavBuildingEvent $event) { if ($event->parent=="wiki") { $event->add_nav_link("wiki_rules", new Link('wiki/rules'), "Rules"); $event->add_nav_link("wiki_help", new Link('ext_doc/wiki'), "Help"); } } public function onWikiUpdate(WikiUpdateEvent $event) { global $database; $wpage = $event->wikipage; try { $database->Execute( " INSERT INTO wiki_pages(owner_id, owner_ip, date, title, revision, locked, body) VALUES (:owner_id, :owner_ip, now(), :title, :revision, :locked, :body)", ["owner_id"=>$event->user->id, "owner_ip"=>$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "title"=>$wpage->title, "revision"=>$wpage->revision, "locked"=>$wpage->locked?'Y':'N', "body"=>$wpage->body] ); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new WikiUpdateException("Somebody else edited that page at the same time :-("); } } public function onWikiDeleteRevision(WikiDeleteRevisionEvent $event) { global $database; $database->Execute( "DELETE FROM wiki_pages WHERE title=:title AND revision=:rev", ["title"=>$event->title, "rev"=>$event->revision] ); } public function onWikiDeletePage(WikiDeletePageEvent $event) { global $database; $database->Execute( "DELETE FROM wiki_pages WHERE title=:title", ["title" => $event->title] ); } /** * See if the given user is allowed to edit the given page. */ public static function can_edit(User $user, WikiPage $page): bool { // admins can edit everything if ($user->can(Permissions::WIKI_ADMIN)) { return true; } // anon / user can't ever edit locked pages if ($page->is_locked()) { return false; } // anon / user can edit if allowed by config if ($user->can(Permissions::EDIT_WIKI_PAGE)) { return true; } return false; } public static function get_page(string $title, int $revision=-1): WikiPage { global $database; // first try and get the actual page $row = $database->get_row( " SELECT * FROM wiki_pages WHERE LOWER(title) LIKE LOWER(:title) ORDER BY revision DESC ", ["title"=>$title] ); // fall back to wiki:default if (empty($row)) { $row = $database->get_row(" SELECT * FROM wiki_pages WHERE title LIKE :title ORDER BY revision DESC ", ["title"=>"wiki:default"]); // fall further back to manual if (empty($row)) { $row = [ "id" => -1, "owner_ip" => "", "date" => "", "revision" => 0, "locked" => false, "body" => "This is a default page for when a page is empty, ". "it can be edited by editing [[wiki:default]].", ]; } // correct the default global $config; $row["title"] = $title; $row["owner_id"] = $config->get_int("anon_id", 0); } assert(!empty($row)); return new WikiPage($row); } /** Diff implemented in pure php, written from scratch. Copyright (C) 2003 Daniel Unterberger <diff.phpnet@holomind.de> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html About: I searched a function to compare arrays and the array_diff() was not specific enough. It ignores the order of the array-values. So I reimplemented the diff-function which is found on unix-systems but this you can use directly in your code and adopt for your needs. Simply adopt the formatline-function. with the third-parameter of arr_diff() you can hide matching lines. Hope someone has use for this. Contact: d.u.diff@holomind.de <daniel unterberger> **/ private function arr_diff($f1, $f2, $show_equal = 0) { $c1 = 0 ; # current line of left $c2 = 0 ; # current line of right $max1 = count($f1) ; # maximal lines of left $max2 = count($f2) ; # maximal lines of right $outcount = 0; # output counter $hit1 = []; # hit in left $hit2 = []; # hit in right $stop = 0; $out = ""; while ( $c1 < $max1 # have next line in left and $c2 < $max2 # have next line in right and ($stop++) < 1000 # don-t have more then 1000 ( loop-stopper ) and $outcount < 20 # output count is less then 20 ) { /** * is the trimmed line of the current left and current right line * the same ? then this is a hit (no difference) */ if (trim($f1[$c1]) == trim($f2[$c2])) { /** * add to output-string, if "show_equal" is enabled */ $out .= ($show_equal==1) ? $this->formatline(($c1), ($c2), "=", $f1[ $c1 ]) : "" ; /** * increase the out-putcounter, if "show_equal" is enabled * this ist more for demonstration purpose */ if ($show_equal == 1) { $outcount++ ; } /** * move the current-pointer in the left and right side */ $c1 ++; $c2 ++; } /** * the current lines are different so we search in parallel * on each side for the next matching pair, we walk on both * sided at the same time comparing with the current-lines * this should be most probable to find the next matching pair * we only search in a distance of 10 lines, because then it * is not the same function most of the time. other algos * would be very complicated, to detect 'real' block movements. */ else { $b = "" ; $s1 = 0 ; # search on left $s2 = 0 ; # search on right $found = 0 ; # flag, found a matching pair $b1 = "" ; $b2 = "" ; $fstop = 0 ; # distance of maximum search #fast search in on both sides for next match. while ( $found == 0 # search until we find a pair and ($c1 + $s1 <= $max1) # and we are inside of the left lines and ($c2 + $s2 <= $max2) # and we are inside of the right lines and $fstop++ < 10 # and the distance is lower than 10 lines ) { /** * test the left side for a hit * * comparing current line with the searching line on the left * b1 is a buffer, which collects the line which not match, to * show the differences later, if one line hits, this buffer will * be used, else it will be discarded later */ #hit if (trim($f1[$c1+$s1]) == trim($f2[$c2])) { $found = 1 ; # set flag to stop further search $s2 = 0 ; # reset right side search-pointer $c2-- ; # move back the current right, so next loop hits $b = $b1 ; # set b=output (b)uffer } #no hit: move on else { /** * prevent finding a line again, which would show wrong results * * add the current line to leftbuffer, if this will be the hit */ if ($hit1[ ($c1 + $s1) . "_" . ($c2) ] != 1) { /** * add current search-line to diffence-buffer */ $b1 .= $this->formatline(($c1 + $s1), ($c2), "-", $f1[ $c1+$s1 ]); /** * mark this line as 'searched' to prevent doubles. */ $hit1[ ($c1 + $s1) . "_" . $c2 ] = 1 ; } } /** * test the right side for a hit * * comparing current line with the searching line on the right */ if (trim($f1[$c1]) == trim($f2[$c2+$s2])) { $found = 1 ; # flag to stop search $s1 = 0 ; # reset pointer for search $c1-- ; # move current line back, so we hit next loop $b = $b2 ; # get the buffered difference } else { /** * prevent to find line again */ if ($hit2[ ($c1) . "_" . ($c2 + $s2) ] != 1) { /** * add current searchline to buffer */ $b2 .= $this->formatline(($c1), ($c2 + $s2), "+", $f2[ $c2+$s2 ]); /** * mark current line to prevent double-hits */ $hit2[ ($c1) . "_" . ($c2 + $s2) ] = 1; } } /** * search in bigger distance * * increase the search-pointers (satelites) and try again */ $s1++ ; # increase left search-pointer $s2++ ; # increase right search-pointer } /** * add line as different on both arrays (no match found) */ if ($found == 0) { $b .= $this->formatline(($c1), ($c2), "-", $f1[ $c1 ]); $b .= $this->formatline(($c1), ($c2), "+", $f2[ $c2 ]); } /** * add current buffer to outputstring */ $out .= $b; $outcount++ ; #increase outcounter $c1++ ; #move currentline forward $c2++ ; #move currentline forward /** * comment the lines are tested quite fast, because * the current line always moves forward */ } /*endif*/ }/*endwhile*/ return $out; }/*end func*/ /** * callback function to format the diffence-lines with your 'style' */ private function formatline(int $nr1, int $nr2, string $stat, &$value): string { #change to $value if problems if (trim($value) == "") { return ""; } switch ($stat) { case "=": // return $nr1. " : $nr2 : = ".htmlentities( $value ) ."<br>"; return "$value\n"; break; case "+": //return $nr1. " : $nr2 : + <font color='blue' >".htmlentities( $value ) ."</font><br>"; return "+++ $value\n"; break; case "-": //return $nr1. " : $nr2 : - <font color='red' >".htmlentities( $value ) ."</font><br>"; return "--- $value\n"; break; default: throw new RuntimeException("stat needs to be =, + or -"); } } }