metadata = $metadata; $this->set_tmpname($tmpname); if (array_key_exists("extension", $metadata)) { $mime = MimeType::get_for_file($tmpname, $metadata["extension"]); } else { $mime = MimeType::get_for_file($tmpname); } if (empty($mime)) { throw new UploadException("Could not determine mime type for file " . $metadata["filename"]); } $this->set_mime($mime); } public function set_mime(String $mime) { $this->mime = strtolower($mime); $this->metadata["mime"] = $this->mime; } public function set_tmpname(String $tmpname) { $this->tmpname = $tmpname; $this->metadata['hash'] = md5_file($tmpname); $this->metadata['size'] = filesize($tmpname); // useful for most file handlers, so pull directly into fields $this->hash = $this->metadata['hash']; } } class UploadException extends SCoreException { } /** * Main upload class. * All files that are uploaded to the site are handled through this class. * This also includes transloaded files as well. */ class Upload extends Extension { /** @var UploadTheme */ protected $theme; /** @var bool */ public $is_full; /** * Early, so it can stop the DataUploadEvent before any data handlers see it. */ public function get_priority(): int { return 40; } public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event) { global $config; $config->set_default_int(UploadConfig::COUNT, 3); $config->set_default_int(UploadConfig::SIZE, parse_shorthand_int('1MB')); $config->set_default_int(UploadConfig::MIN_FREE_SPACE, parse_shorthand_int('100MB')); $config->set_default_bool(UploadConfig::TLSOURCE, true); $this->is_full = false; $min_free_space = $config->get_int(UploadConfig::MIN_FREE_SPACE); if ($min_free_space > 0) { // SHIT: fucking PHP "security" measures -_-;;; $img_path = realpath("./images/"); if ($img_path) { $free_num = @disk_free_space($img_path); if ($free_num !== false) { $this->is_full = $free_num < $min_free_space; } } } } public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event) { $tes = []; $tes["Disabled"] = "none"; if (function_exists("curl_init")) { $tes["cURL"] = "curl"; } $tes["fopen"] = "fopen"; $tes["WGet"] = "wget"; $sb = $event->panel->create_new_block("Upload"); $sb->position = 10; // Output the limits from PHP so the user has an idea of what they can set. $sb->add_int_option(UploadConfig::COUNT, "Max uploads: "); $sb->add_label("PHP Limit = " . ini_get('max_file_uploads') . ""); $sb->add_shorthand_int_option(UploadConfig::SIZE, "
Max size per file: "); $sb->add_label("PHP Limit = " . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . ""); $sb->add_choice_option(UploadConfig::TRANSLOAD_ENGINE, $tes, "
Transload: "); $sb->add_bool_option(UploadConfig::TLSOURCE, "
Use transloaded URL as source if none is provided: "); } public function onPageNavBuilding(PageNavBuildingEvent $event) { global $user; if ($user->can(Permissions::CREATE_IMAGE)) { $event->add_nav_link("upload", new Link('upload'), "Upload"); } } public function onPageSubNavBuilding(PageSubNavBuildingEvent $event) { if ($event->parent=="upload") { if (class_exists("Wiki")) { $event->add_nav_link("upload_guidelines", new Link('wiki/upload_guidelines'), "Guidelines"); } } } public function onDataUpload(DataUploadEvent $event) { global $config; if ($this->is_full) { throw new UploadException("Upload failed; disk nearly full"); } if (filesize($event->tmpname) > $config->get_int(UploadConfig::SIZE)) { $size = to_shorthand_int(filesize($event->tmpname)); $limit = to_shorthand_int($config->get_int(UploadConfig::SIZE)); throw new UploadException("File too large ($size > $limit)"); } } public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event) { global $cache, $page, $user; if ($user->can(Permissions::CREATE_IMAGE)) { if ($this->is_full) { $this->theme->display_full($page); } else { $this->theme->display_block($page); } } if ($event->page_matches("upload/replace")) { if (!$user->can(Permissions::REPLACE_IMAGE)) { $this->theme->display_error(403, "Error", "{$user->name} doesn't have permission to replace images"); return; } if ($this->is_full) { $this->theme->display_error(507, "Error", "Can't replace images: disk nearly full"); return; } // Try to get the image ID if ($event->count_args() >= 1) { $image_id = int_escape($event->get_arg(0)); } elseif (isset($_POST['image_id'])) { $image_id = int_escape($_POST['image_id']); } else { throw new UploadException("Can not replace Post: No valid Post ID given."); } $image_old = Image::by_id($image_id); if (is_null($image_old)) { throw new UploadException("Can not replace Post: No post with ID $image_id"); } $source = $_POST['source'] ?? null; if (!empty($_POST["url"])) { $image_ids = $this->try_transload($_POST["url"], [], $source, $image_id); $cache->delete("thumb-block:{$image_id}"); $this->theme->display_upload_status($page, $image_ids); } elseif (count($_FILES) > 0) { $image_ids = $this->try_upload($_FILES["data"], [], $source, $image_id); $cache->delete("thumb-block:{$image_id}"); $this->theme->display_upload_status($page, $image_ids); } elseif (!empty($_GET['url'])) { $image_ids = $this->try_transload($_GET['url'], [], $source, $image_id); $cache->delete("thumb-block:{$image_id}"); $this->theme->display_upload_status($page, $image_ids); } else { $this->theme->display_replace_page($page, $image_id); } } elseif ($event->page_matches("upload")) { if (!$user->can(Permissions::CREATE_IMAGE)) { $this->theme->display_error(403, "Error", "{$user->name} doesn't have permission to upload images"); return; } if ($this->is_full) { $this->theme->display_error(507, "Error", "Can't upload images: disk nearly full"); return; } /* Regular Upload Image */ if (count($_FILES) > 0 || count($_POST) > 0) { $image_ids = []; foreach ($_FILES as $name => $file) { $tags = $this->tags_for_upload_slot(int_escape(substr($name, 4))); $source = $_POST['source'] ?? null; $image_ids += $this->try_upload($file, $tags, $source); } foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) { if (str_starts_with($name, "url") && strlen($value) > 0) { $tags = $this->tags_for_upload_slot(int_escape(substr($name, 3))); $source = $_POST['source'] ?? $value; $image_ids += $this->try_transload($value, $tags, $source); } } $this->theme->display_upload_status($page, $image_ids); } elseif (!empty($_GET['url'])) { $url = $_GET['url']; $source = $_GET['source'] ?? $url; $tags = ['tagme']; if (!empty($_GET['tags']) && $_GET['tags'] != "null") { $tags = Tag::explode($_GET['tags']); } $image_ids = $this->try_transload($url, $tags, $source); $this->theme->display_upload_status($page, $image_ids); } else { $this->theme->display_page($page); } } } private function tags_for_upload_slot(int $id): array { # merge then explode, not explode then merge - else # one of the merges may create a surplus "tagme" return Tag::explode( ($_POST["tags"] ?? "") . " " . ($_POST["tags$id"] ?? "") ); } /** * Returns a descriptive error message for the specified PHP error code. * * This is a helper function based on the one from the online PHP Documentation * which is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License * * TODO: Make these messages user/admin editable */ private function upload_error_message(int $error_code): string { switch ($error_code) { case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: return 'The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini'; case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: return 'The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form'; case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: return 'The uploaded file was only partially uploaded'; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: return 'No file was uploaded'; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR: return 'Missing a temporary folder'; case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE: return 'Failed to write file to disk'; case UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION: return 'File upload stopped by extension'; default: return 'Unknown upload error'; } } /** * Handle an upload. * #param string[] $file * #param string[] $tags */ private function try_upload(array $file, array $tags, ?string $source = null, ?int $replace_id = null): array { global $page, $config; // blank file boxes cause empty uploads, no need for error message if (empty($file['name'])) { return []; } if (empty($source)) { $source = null; } $image_ids = []; $num_files = count($file['name']); $limit = $config->get_int(UploadConfig::COUNT); try { if ($num_files > $limit) { throw new UploadException("Upload limited to $limit"); } for ($i = 0; $i < $num_files; $i++) { if (empty($file['name'][$i])) { continue; } try { // check if the upload was successful if ($file['error'][$i] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { throw new UploadException($this->upload_error_message($file['error'][$i])); } $pathinfo = pathinfo($file['name'][$i]); $metadata = []; $metadata['filename'] = $pathinfo['basename']; $metadata['extension'] = $pathinfo['extension'] ?? ""; $metadata['mime'] = MimeType::get_for_file($file['tmp_name'][$i], $metadata['extension']); if (empty($metadata['mime'])) { throw new UploadException("Unable to determine MIME for file " . $metadata['filename']); } $metadata['tags'] = $tags; $metadata['source'] = $source; $event = new DataUploadEvent($file['tmp_name'][$i], $metadata); $event->replace_id = $replace_id; send_event($event); if ($event->image_id == -1) { throw new UploadException("MIME type not supported: " . $metadata['mime']); } $image_ids[] = $event->image_id; $page->add_http_header("X-Shimmie-Post-ID: " . $event->image_id); } catch (UploadException $ex) { $this->theme->display_upload_error( $page, "Error with " . html_escape($file['name'][$i]), $ex->getMessage() ); } } } catch (UploadException $ex) { $this->theme->display_upload_error( $page, "Error with upload", $ex->getMessage() ); } return $image_ids; } private function try_transload(string $url, array $tags, string $source = null, ?int $replace_id = null): array { global $page, $config, $user; $image_ids = []; $tmp_filename = tempnam(ini_get('upload_tmp_dir'), "shimmie_transload"); try { // Fetch file $headers = fetch_url($url, $tmp_filename); if (is_null($headers)) { log_warning("core-util", "Failed to fetch $url"); throw new UploadException("Error reading from " . html_escape($url)); } if (filesize($tmp_filename) == 0) { throw new UploadException("No data found in " . html_escape($url) . " -- perhaps the site has hotlink protection?"); } // Parse metadata $s_filename = find_header($headers, 'Content-Disposition'); $h_filename = ($s_filename ? preg_replace('/^.*filename="([^ ]+)"/i', '$1', $s_filename) : null); $filename = $h_filename ?: basename($url); $pathinfo = pathinfo($url); $metadata = []; $metadata['filename'] = $filename; $metadata['tags'] = $tags; $metadata['source'] = (($url == $source) && !$config->get_bool(UploadConfig::TLSOURCE) ? "" : $source); $metadata['extension'] = $pathinfo['extension'] ?? ""; if ($user->can(Permissions::EDIT_IMAGE_LOCK) && !empty($_GET['locked'])) { $metadata['locked'] = bool_escape($_GET['locked']) ? "on" : ""; } if (Extension::is_enabled(RatingsInfo::KEY) && !empty($_GET['rating'])) { // Rating event will validate that this is s/q/e/u $metadata['rating'] = strtolower($_GET['rating'])[0]; } // Upload file $event = new DataUploadEvent($tmp_filename, $metadata); $event->replace_id = $replace_id; send_event($event); if ($event->image_id == -1) { throw new UploadException("File type not supported: " . $metadata['extension']); } $image_ids[] = $event->image_id; } catch (UploadException $ex) { $this->theme->display_upload_error( $page, "Error with " . html_escape($url), $ex->getMessage() ); } finally { if (file_exists($tmp_filename)) { unlink($tmp_filename); } } return $image_ids; } }