<?php /* * Name: System Info * Author: Shish <webmaster@shishnet.org> * License: GPLv2 * Description: Show various bits of system information * Documentation: * Knowing the information that this extension shows can be * very useful for debugging. There's also an option to send * your stats to my database, so I can get some idea of how * shimmie is used, which servers I need to support, which * versions of PHP I should test with, etc. */ class ET extends Extension { public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event) { global $user; if($event->page_matches("system_info")) { if($user->can("view_sysinfo")) { $this->theme->display_info_page($this->get_info()); } } } public function onUserBlockBuilding(UserBlockBuildingEvent $event) { global $user; if($user->can("view_sysinfo")) { $event->add_link("System Info", make_link("system_info")); } } /** * Collect the information and return it in a keyed array. */ private function get_info() { global $config, $database; global $_event_listeners; // yay for using secret globals \o/ $info = array(); $info['site_title'] = $config->get_string("title"); $info['site_theme'] = $config->get_string("theme"); $info['site_url'] = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . get_base_href(); $info['sys_shimmie'] = VERSION; $info['sys_schema'] = $config->get_string("db_version"); $info['sys_php'] = phpversion(); $info['sys_db'] = $database->get_driver_name(); $info['sys_os'] = php_uname(); $info['sys_disk'] = to_shorthand_int(disk_total_space("./") - disk_free_space("./")) . " / " . to_shorthand_int(disk_total_space("./")); $info['sys_server'] = $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"]; $info['thumb_engine'] = $config->get_string("thumb_engine"); $info['thumb_quality'] = $config->get_int('thumb_quality'); $info['thumb_width'] = $config->get_int('thumb_width'); $info['thumb_height'] = $config->get_int('thumb_height'); $info['thumb_mem'] = $config->get_int("thumb_mem_limit"); $info['stat_images'] = $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM images"); $info['stat_comments'] = $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments"); $info['stat_users'] = $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users"); $info['stat_tags'] = $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tags"); $info['stat_image_tags'] = $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM image_tags"); $els = array(); foreach(get_declared_classes() as $class) { $rclass = new ReflectionClass($class); if($rclass->isAbstract()) { // don't do anything } elseif(is_subclass_of($class, "Extension")) { $els[] = $class; } } $info['sys_extensions'] = join(', ', $els); //$cfs = array(); //foreach($database->get_all("SELECT name, value FROM config") as $pair) { // $cfs[] = $pair['name']."=".$pair['value']; //} //$info[''] = "Config: ".join(", ", $cfs); return $info; } } ?>