<?php declare(strict_types=1); require_once "config.php"; /* * This is used by the image transcoding code when there is an error while transcoding */ class ImageTranscodeException extends SCoreException { } class TranscodeImage extends Extension { /** @var TranscodeImageTheme */ protected $theme; const ACTION_BULK_TRANSCODE = "bulk_transcode"; const INPUT_MIMES = [ "BMP" => MimeType::BMP, "GIF" => MimeType::GIF, "ICO" => MimeType::ICO, "JPG" => MimeType::JPEG, "PNG" => MimeType::PNG, "PSD" => MimeType::PSD, "TIFF" => MimeType::TIFF, "WEBP" => MimeType::WEBP ]; const OUTPUT_MIMES = [ "" => "", "JPEG (lossy)" => MimeType::JPEG, "PNG (lossless)" => MimeType::PNG, "WEBP (lossy)" => MimeType::WEBP, "WEBP (lossless)" => MimeType::WEBP_LOSSLESS, ]; /** * Needs to be after upload, but before the processing extensions */ public function get_priority(): int { return 45; } public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event) { global $config; $config->set_default_bool(TranscodeConfig::ENABLED, true); $config->set_default_bool(TranscodeConfig::GET_ENABLED, false); $config->set_default_bool(TranscodeConfig::UPLOAD, false); $config->set_default_string(TranscodeConfig::ENGINE, MediaEngine::GD); $config->set_default_int(TranscodeConfig::QUALITY, 80); $config->set_default_string(TranscodeConfig::ALPHA_COLOR, Media::DEFAULT_ALPHA_CONVERSION_COLOR); foreach (array_values(self::INPUT_MIMES) as $mime) { $config->set_default_string(self::get_mapping_name($mime), ""); } } private static function get_mapping_name(string $mime): string { $mime = str_replace(".", "_", $mime); $mime = str_replace("/", "_", $mime); return TranscodeConfig::UPLOAD_PREFIX.$mime; } private static function get_mapping(String $mime): ?string { global $config; return $config->get_string(self::get_mapping_name($mime)); } private static function set_mapping(String $from_mime, ?String $to_mime): void { global $config; $config->set_string(self::get_mapping_name($from_mime), $to_mime); } public static function get_enabled_mimes(): array { $output = []; foreach (array_values(self::INPUT_MIMES) as $mime) { $value = self::get_mapping($mime); if (!empty($value)) { $output[] = $mime; } } return $output; } public function onDatabaseUpgrade(DatabaseUpgradeEvent $event) { global $config; if ($this->get_version(TranscodeConfig::VERSION) < 1) { $old_extensions =[]; foreach (array_values(self::INPUT_MIMES) as $mime) { $old_extensions = array_merge($old_extensions, FileExtension::get_all_for_mime($mime)); } foreach ($old_extensions as $old_extension) { $oldValue = $this->get_mapping($old_extension); if (!empty($oldValue)) { $from_mime = MimeType::get_for_extension($old_extension); if (empty($from_mime)) { continue; } $to_mime = MimeType::get_for_extension($oldValue); if (empty($to_mime)) { continue; } $this->set_mapping($from_mime, $to_mime); $this->set_mapping($old_extension, null); } } $this->set_version(TranscodeConfig::VERSION, 1); } } public function onImageAdminBlockBuilding(ImageAdminBlockBuildingEvent $event) { global $user, $config; if ($user->can(Permissions::EDIT_FILES)) { $engine = $config->get_string(TranscodeConfig::ENGINE); if ($this->can_convert_mime($engine, $event->image->get_mime())) { $options = $this->get_supported_output_mimes($engine, $event->image->get_mime()); $event->add_part($this->theme->get_transcode_html($event->image, $options)); } } } public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event) { global $config; $engine = $config->get_string(TranscodeConfig::ENGINE); $sb = new SetupBlock("Image Transcode"); $sb->start_table(); $sb->add_bool_option(TranscodeConfig::ENABLED, "Allow transcoding images", true); $sb->add_bool_option(TranscodeConfig::GET_ENABLED, "Enable GET args", true); $sb->add_bool_option(TranscodeConfig::UPLOAD, "Transcode on upload", true); $sb->add_choice_option(TranscodeConfig::ENGINE, MediaEngine::IMAGE_ENGINES, "Engine", true); foreach (self::INPUT_MIMES as $display=> $mime) { if (MediaEngine::is_input_supported($engine, $mime)) { $outputs = $this->get_supported_output_mimes($engine, $mime); $sb->add_choice_option(self::get_mapping_name($mime), $outputs, "$display", true); } } $sb->add_int_option(TranscodeConfig::QUALITY, "Lossy Format Quality", true); $sb->add_color_option(TranscodeConfig::ALPHA_COLOR, "Alpha Conversion Color", true); $sb->end_table(); $event->panel->add_block($sb); } public function onDataUpload(DataUploadEvent $event) { global $config; if ($config->get_bool(TranscodeConfig::UPLOAD) == true) { $mime = strtolower($event->mime); if ($mime===MimeType::GIF&&MimeType::is_animated_gif($event->tmpname)) { return; } if (in_array($mime, array_values(self::INPUT_MIMES))) { $target_mime = self::get_mapping($mime); if (empty($target_mime)) { return; } try { $new_image = $this->transcode_image($event->tmpname, $mime, $target_mime); $event->set_mime($target_mime); $event->set_tmpname($new_image); } catch (Exception $e) { log_error("transcode", "Error while performing upload transcode: ".$e->getMessage()); // We don't want to interfere with the upload process, // so if something goes wrong the untranscoded image jsut continues } } } } public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event) { global $page, $user; if ($event->page_matches("transcode") && $user->can(Permissions::EDIT_FILES)) { if ($event->count_args() >= 1) { $image_id = int_escape($event->get_arg(0)); } elseif (isset($_POST['image_id'])) { $image_id = int_escape($_POST['image_id']); } else { throw new ImageTranscodeException("Can not resize Image: No valid Image ID given."); } $image_obj = Image::by_id($image_id); if (is_null($image_obj)) { $this->theme->display_error(404, "Image not found", "No image in the database has the ID #$image_id"); } else { if (isset($_POST['transcode_mime'])) { try { $this->transcode_and_replace_image($image_obj, $_POST['transcode_mime']); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("post/view/".$image_id)); } catch (ImageTranscodeException $e) { $this->theme->display_transcode_error($page, "Error Transcoding", $e->getMessage()); } } } } } public function onImageDownloading(ImageDownloadingEvent $event) { global $config, $user; if ($config->get_bool(TranscodeConfig::GET_ENABLED) && isset($_GET['transcode']) && $user->can(Permissions::EDIT_FILES) && $this->can_convert_mime($config->get_string(TranscodeConfig::ENGINE), $event->image->get_mime())) { $target_mime = $_GET['transcode']; if (!MimeType::is_mime($target_mime)) { $target_mime = MimeType::get_for_extension($target_mime); } if (empty($target_mime)) { throw new ImageTranscodeException("Unable to determine output MIME for ".$_GET['transcode']); } MediaEngine::is_output_supported($config->get_string(TranscodeConfig::ENGINE), $target_mime); $source_mime = $event->image->get_mime(); if ($source_mime!=$target_mime) { $tmp_filename = $this->transcode_image($event->path, $source_mime, $target_mime); if ($event->file_modified===true&&$event->path!=$event->image->get_image_filename()) { // This means that we're dealing with a temp file that will need cleaned up unlink($event->path); } $event->path = $tmp_filename; $event->mime = $target_mime; $event->file_modified = true; } } } public function onBulkActionBlockBuilding(BulkActionBlockBuildingEvent $event) { global $user, $config; $engine = $config->get_string(TranscodeConfig::ENGINE); if ($user->can(Permissions::EDIT_FILES)) { $event->add_action(self::ACTION_BULK_TRANSCODE, "Transcode Image", null, "", $this->theme->get_transcode_picker_html($this->get_supported_output_mimes($engine))); } } public function onBulkAction(BulkActionEvent $event) { global $user, $database, $page; switch ($event->action) { case self::ACTION_BULK_TRANSCODE: if (!isset($_POST['transcode_mime'])) { return; } if ($user->can(Permissions::EDIT_FILES)) { $mime = $_POST['transcode_mime']; $total = 0; $size_difference = 0; foreach ($event->items as $image) { try { $database->begin_transaction(); $before_size = $image->filesize; $new_image = $this->transcode_and_replace_image($image, $mime); // If a subsequent transcode fails, the database needs to have everything about the previous // transcodes recorded already, otherwise the image entries will be stuck pointing to // missing image files $database->commit(); $total++; $size_difference += ($before_size - $new_image->filesize); } catch (Exception $e) { log_error("transcode", "Error while bulk transcode on item {$image->id} to $mime: ".$e->getMessage()); try { $database->rollback(); } catch (Exception $e) { // is this safe? o.o } } } if ($size_difference>0) { $page->flash("Transcoded $total items, reduced size by ".human_filesize($size_difference)); } elseif ($size_difference<0) { $page->flash("Transcoded $total items, increased size by ".human_filesize(-1*$size_difference)); } else { $page->flash("Transcoded $total items, no size difference"); } } break; } } private function can_convert_mime($engine, $mime): bool { return MediaEngine::is_input_supported($engine, $mime); } private function get_supported_output_mimes($engine, ?String $omit_mime = null): array { $output = []; foreach (self::OUTPUT_MIMES as $key=> $value) { if ($value=="") { $output[$key] = $value; continue; } if (MediaEngine::is_output_supported($engine, $value) &&(empty($omit_mime)||$omit_mime!=$value)) { $output[$key] = $value; } } return $output; } private function transcode_and_replace_image(Image $image_obj, String $target_mime): Image { $original_file = warehouse_path(Image::IMAGE_DIR, $image_obj->hash); $tmp_filename = $this->transcode_image($original_file, $image_obj->get_mime(), $target_mime); $new_image = new Image(); $new_image->hash = md5_file($tmp_filename); $new_image->filesize = filesize($tmp_filename); $new_image->filename = $image_obj->filename; $new_image->width = $image_obj->width; $new_image->height = $image_obj->height; /* Move the new image into the main storage location */ $target = warehouse_path(Image::IMAGE_DIR, $new_image->hash); if (!@copy($tmp_filename, $target)) { throw new ImageTranscodeException("Failed to copy new image file from temporary location ({$tmp_filename}) to archive ($target)"); } /* Remove temporary file */ @unlink($tmp_filename); send_event(new ImageReplaceEvent($image_obj->id, $new_image)); return $new_image; } private function transcode_image(String $source_name, String $source_mime, string $target_mime): string { global $config; if ($source_mime==$target_mime) { throw new ImageTranscodeException("Source and target MIMEs are the same: ".$source_mime); } $engine = $config->get_string(TranscodeConfig::ENGINE); if (!$this->can_convert_mime($engine, $source_mime)) { throw new ImageTranscodeException("Engine $engine does not support input MIME $source_mime"); } if (!MediaEngine::is_output_supported($engine, $target_mime)) { throw new ImageTranscodeException("Engine $engine does not support output MIME $target_mime"); } switch ($engine) { case "gd": return $this->transcode_image_gd($source_name, $source_mime, $target_mime); case "convert": return $this->transcode_image_convert($source_name, $source_mime, $target_mime); default: throw new ImageTranscodeException("No engine specified"); } } private function transcode_image_gd(String $source_name, String $source_mime, string $target_mime): string { global $config; $q = $config->get_int(TranscodeConfig::QUALITY); $tmp_name = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "shimmie_transcode"); $image = imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($source_name)); try { $result = false; switch ($target_mime) { case MimeType::WEBP: $result = imagewebp($image, $tmp_name, $q); break; case MimeType::PNG: $result = imagepng($image, $tmp_name, 9); break; case MimeType::JPEG: // In case of alpha channels $width = imagesx($image); $height = imagesy($image); $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); if ($new_image===false) { throw new ImageTranscodeException("Could not create image with dimensions $width x $height"); } try { $background_color = Media::hex_color_allocate($new_image, $config->get_string(TranscodeConfig::ALPHA_COLOR)); if ($background_color===false) { throw new ImageTranscodeException("Could not allocate background color"); } if (imagefilledrectangle($new_image, 0, 0, $width, $height, $background_color)===false) { throw new ImageTranscodeException("Could not fill background color"); } if (imagecopy($new_image, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height)===false) { throw new ImageTranscodeException("Could not copy source image to new image"); } $result = imagejpeg($new_image, $tmp_name, $q); } finally { imagedestroy($new_image); } break; } } finally { imagedestroy($image); } if ($result===false) { throw new ImageTranscodeException("Error while transcoding ".$source_name." to ".$target_mime); } return $tmp_name; } private function transcode_image_convert(String $source_name, String $source_mime, string $target_mime): string { global $config; $q = $config->get_int(TranscodeConfig::QUALITY); $convert = $config->get_string(MediaConfig::CONVERT_PATH); if (empty($convert)) { throw new ImageTranscodeException("ImageMagick path not configured"); } $ext = Media::determine_ext($target_mime); $args = " -background "; if (Media::supports_alpha($target_mime)) { $args .= "none "; } else { $args .= "\"".$config->get_string(TranscodeConfig::ALPHA_COLOR)."\" "; } $args .= " -flatten "; switch ($target_mime) { case MimeType::PNG: $args .= ' -define png:compression-level=9'; break; case MimeType::WEBP_LOSSLESS: $args .= ' -define webp:lossless=true -quality 100 '; break; default: $args .= ' -quality '.$q; break; } $tmp_name = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "shimmie_transcode"); $source_type = FileExtension::get_for_mime($source_mime); $format = '"%s" %s:"%s" %s %s:"%s" 2>&1'; $cmd = sprintf($format, $convert, $source_type, $source_name, $args, $ext, $tmp_name); $cmd = str_replace("\"convert\"", "convert", $cmd); // quotes are only needed if the path to convert contains a space; some other times, quotes break things, see github bug #27 exec($cmd, $output, $ret); log_debug('transcode', "Transcoding with command `$cmd`, returns $ret"); if ($ret!==0) { throw new ImageTranscodeException("Transcoding failed with command ".$cmd.", returning ".implode("\r\n", $output)); } return $tmp_name; } }