<? class YShout { function YShout($path, $admin = false) { global $storage; // Redo to check for folders or just not break, because nonexistent files should be allowed. // if (!file_exists($path)) error('That file does not exist.'); $this->storage = new $storage($path, true); $this->admin = $admin; } function posts() { global $null; $this->storage->open(); $s = $this->storage->load(); $this->storage->close($null); if ($s) return $s['posts']; } function info() { global $null; $s = $this->storage->open(true); $this->storage->close($null); if ($s) return $s['info']; } function postsAfter($ts) { $allPosts = $this->posts(); $posts = array(); /* for ($i = sizeof($allPosts) - 1; $i > -1; $i--) { $post = $allPosts[$i]; if ($post['timestamp'] > $ts) $posts[] = $post; } */ foreach($allPosts as $post) { if ($post['timestamp'] > $ts) $posts[] = $post; } $this->postProcess($posts); return $posts; } function latestPosts($num) { $allPosts = $this->posts(); $posts = array_slice($allPosts, -$num, $num); $this->postProcess($posts); return array_values($posts); } function hasPostsAfter($ts) { $info = $this->info(); $timestamp = $info['latestTimestamp']; return $timestamp > $ts; } function post($nickname, $message) { global $prefs; if ($this->banned(ip()) /* && !$this->admin*/) return false; if (!$this->validate($message, $prefs['messageLength'])) return false; if (!$this->validate($nickname, $prefs['nicknameLength'])) return false; $message = trim(clean($message)); $nickname = trim(clean($nickname)); if ($message == '') return false; if ($nickname == '') return false; $timestamp = ts(); $message = $this->censor($message); $nickname = $this->censor($nickname); $post = array( 'nickname' => $nickname, 'message' => $message, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'admin' => $this->admin, 'uid' => md5($timestamp . ' ' . $nickname), 'adminInfo' => array( 'ip' => ip() ) ); $s = $this->storage->open(true); $s['posts'][] = $post; if (sizeof($s['posts']) > $prefs['history']) $this->truncate($s['posts']); $s['info']['latestTimestamp'] = $post['timestamp']; $this->storage->close($s); $this->postProcess($post); return $post; } function truncate(&$array) { global $prefs; $array = array_slice($array, -$prefs['history']); $array = array_values($array); } function clear() { global $null; $this->storage->open(true); $this->storage->resetArray(); // ? Scared to touch it... Misspelled though. Update: Touched! Used to be $nulls... $this->storage->close($null); } function bans() { global $storage, $null; $s = new $storage('yshout.bans'); $s->open(); $bans = $s->load(); $s->close($null); return $bans; } function ban($ip, $nickname = '', $info = '') { global $storage; $s = new $storage('yshout.bans'); $bans = $s->open(true); $bans[] = array( 'ip' => $ip, 'nickname' => $nickname, 'info' => $info, 'timestamp' => ts() ); $s->close($bans); } function banned($ip) { global $storage, $null; $s = new $storage('yshout.bans'); $bans = $s->open(true); $s->close($null); foreach($bans as $ban) { if ($ban['ip'] == $ip) return true; } return false; } function unban($ip) { global $storage; $s = new $storage('yshout.bans'); $bans = $s->open(true); foreach($bans as $key=>$value) if ($value['ip'] == $ip) { unset($bans[$key]); } $bans = array_values($bans); $s->close($bans); } function unbanAll() { global $storage, $null; $s = new $storage('yshout.bans'); $s->open(true); $s->resetArray(); $s->close($null); } function delete($uid) { global $prefs, $storage; $s = $this->storage->open(true); $posts = $s['posts']; foreach($posts as $key=>$value) { if (!isset($value['uid'])) unset($posts['key']); else if($value['uid'] == $uid) unset($posts[$key]); } $s['posts'] = array_values($posts); $this->storage->close($s); return true; } function validate($str, $maxLen) { return len($str) <= $maxLen; } function censor($str) { global $prefs; $cWords = explode(' ', $prefs['censorWords']); $words = explode(' ', $str); $endings = '|ed|es|ing|s|er|ers'; $arrEndings = explode('|', $endings); foreach ($cWords as $cWord) foreach ($words as $i=>$word) { $pattern = '/^(' . $cWord . ')+(' . $endings . ')\W*$/i'; $words[$i] = preg_replace($pattern, str_repeat('*', strlen($word)), $word); } return implode(' ', $words); } function postProcess(&$post) { if (isset($post['message'])) { if ($this->banned($post['adminInfo']['ip'])) $post['banned'] = true; if (!$this->admin) unset($post['adminInfo']); } else { foreach($post as $key=>$value) { if ($this->banned($value['adminInfo']['ip'])) $post[$key]['banned'] = true; if (!$this->admin) unset($post[$key]['adminInfo']); } } } } ?>