<?php declare(strict_types=1); use MicroCRUD\ActionColumn; use MicroCRUD\InetColumn; use MicroCRUD\StringColumn; use MicroCRUD\DateColumn; use MicroCRUD\TextColumn; use MicroCRUD\EnumColumn; use MicroCRUD\Table; class IPBanTable extends Table { public function __construct(\FFSPHP\PDO $db) { parent::__construct($db); $this->table = "bans"; $this->base_query = " SELECT * FROM ( SELECT bans.*, users.name AS banner FROM bans JOIN users ON banner_id=users.id ) AS tbl1 "; $this->size = 100; $this->limit = 1000000; $this->set_columns([ new InetColumn("ip", "IP"), new EnumColumn("mode", "Mode", [ "Block"=>"block", "Firewall"=>"firewall", "Ghost"=>"ghost", "Anon Ghost"=>"anon-ghost" ]), new TextColumn("reason", "Reason"), new StringColumn("banner", "Banner"), new DateColumn("added", "Added"), new DateColumn("expires", "Expires"), new ActionColumn("id"), ]); $this->order_by = ["expires", "id"]; $this->flags = [ "all" => ["((expires > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) OR (expires IS NULL))", null], ]; $this->create_url = make_link("ip_ban/create"); $this->delete_url = make_link("ip_ban/delete"); $this->table_attrs = ["class" => "zebra"]; } } class RemoveIPBanEvent extends Event { public $id; public function __construct(int $id) { parent::__construct(); $this->id = $id; } } class AddIPBanEvent extends Event { public $ip; public $mode; public $reason; public $expires; public function __construct(string $ip, string $mode, string $reason, ?string $expires) { parent::__construct(); $this->ip = trim($ip); $this->mode = $mode; $this->reason = trim($reason); $this->expires = $expires; } } class IPBan extends Extension { /** @var IPBanTheme */ protected $theme; public function get_priority(): int { return 10; } public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event) { global $config; $config->set_default_string( "ipban_message", '<p>IP <b>$IP</b> has been banned until <b>$DATE</b> by <b>$ADMIN</b> because of <b>$REASON</b> <p>If you couldn\'t possibly be guilty of what you\'re banned for, the person we banned probably had a dynamic IP address and so do you. <p>See <a href="http://whatismyipaddress.com/dynamic-static">http://whatismyipaddress.com/dynamic-static</a> for more information. <p>$CONTACT' ); } public function onUserLogin(UserLoginEvent $event) { global $cache, $config, $database, $page, $_shm_user_classes; // Get lists of banned IPs and banned networks $ips = $cache->get("ip_bans"); $networks = $cache->get("network_bans"); if ($ips === false || $networks === false) { $rows = $database->get_pairs(" SELECT ip, id FROM bans WHERE ((expires > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) OR (expires IS NULL)) "); $ips = []; # "" => 123; $networks = []; # "" => 456; foreach ($rows as $ip => $id) { if (str_contains($ip, '/')) { $networks[$ip] = $id; } else { $ips[$ip] = $id; } } $cache->set("ip_bans", $ips, 60); $cache->set("network_bans", $networks, 60); } // Check if our current IP is in either of the ban lists $active_ban_id = ( $this->find_active_ban($ips, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $networks) ?? $this->find_active_ban($ips, @$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], $networks) ); // If an active ban is found, act on it if (!is_null($active_ban_id)) { $row = $database->get_row("SELECT * FROM bans WHERE id=:id", ["id"=>$active_ban_id]); if (empty($row)) { return; } $msg = $config->get_string("ipban_message_{$row['mode']}") ?? $config->get_string("ipban_message"); $msg = str_replace('$IP', $row["ip"], $msg); $msg = str_replace('$DATE', $row['expires'] ?? 'the end of time', $msg); $msg = str_replace('$ADMIN', User::by_id($row['banner_id'])->name, $msg); $msg = str_replace('$REASON', $row['reason'], $msg); $contact_link = contact_link(); if (!empty($contact_link)) { $msg = str_replace('$CONTACT', "<a href='$contact_link'>Contact the staff (be sure to include this message)</a>", $msg); } else { $msg = str_replace('$CONTACT', "", $msg); } $msg .= "<!-- $active_ban_id / {$row["mode"]} -->"; if ($row["mode"] == "ghost") { $b = new Block(null, $msg, "main", 0); $b->is_content = false; $page->add_block($b); $page->add_cookie("nocache", "Ghost Banned", time()+60*60*2, "/"); $event->user->class = $_shm_user_classes["ghost"]; } elseif ($row["mode"] == "anon-ghost") { if ($event->user->is_anonymous()) { $b = new Block(null, $msg, "main", 0); $b->is_content = false; $page->add_block($b); $page->add_cookie("nocache", "Ghost Banned", time()+60*60*2, "/"); $event->user->class = $_shm_user_classes["ghost"]; } } else { header("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden"); print "$msg"; exit; } } } public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event) { if ($event->page_matches("ip_ban")) { global $database, $page, $user; if ($user->can(Permissions::BAN_IP)) { if ($event->get_arg(0) == "create") { $user->ensure_authed(); $input = validate_input(["c_ip"=>"string", "c_mode"=>"string", "c_reason"=>"string", "c_expires"=>"optional,date"]); send_event(new AddIPBanEvent($input['c_ip'], $input['c_mode'], $input['c_reason'], $input['c_expires'])); $page->flash("Ban for {$input['c_ip']} added"); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("ip_ban/list")); } elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "delete") { $user->ensure_authed(); $input = validate_input(["d_id"=>"int"]); send_event(new RemoveIPBanEvent($input['d_id'])); $page->flash("Ban removed"); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("ip_ban/list")); } elseif ($event->get_arg(0) == "list") { $_GET['c_banner'] = $user->name; $_GET['c_added'] = date('Y-m-d'); $t = new IPBanTable($database->raw_db()); $t->token = $user->get_auth_token(); $t->inputs = $_GET; $this->theme->display_bans($page, $t->table($t->query()), $t->paginator()); } } else { $this->theme->display_permission_denied(); } } } public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event) { global $config; $sb = $event->panel->create_new_block("IP Ban"); $sb->add_longtext_option("ipban_message", 'Message to show to banned users:<br>(with $IP, $DATE, $ADMIN, $REASON, and $CONTACT)'); if ($config->get_string("ipban_message_ghost")) { $sb->add_longtext_option("ipban_message_ghost", 'Message to show to ghost users:'); } if ($config->get_string("ipban_message_anon-ghost")) { $sb->add_longtext_option("ipban_message_anon-ghost", 'Message to show to ghost anons:'); } } public function onPageSubNavBuilding(PageSubNavBuildingEvent $event) { global $user; if ($event->parent==="system") { if ($user->can(Permissions::BAN_IP)) { $event->add_nav_link("ip_bans", new Link('ip_ban/list'), "IP Bans", NavLink::is_active(["ip_ban"])); } } } public function onUserBlockBuilding(UserBlockBuildingEvent $event) { global $user; if ($user->can(Permissions::BAN_IP)) { $event->add_link("IP Bans", make_link("ip_ban/list")); } } public function onAddIPBan(AddIPBanEvent $event) { global $cache, $user, $database; $sql = "INSERT INTO bans (ip, mode, reason, expires, banner_id) VALUES (:ip, :mode, :reason, :expires, :admin_id)"; $database->execute($sql, ["ip"=>$event->ip, "mode"=>$event->mode, "reason"=>$event->reason, "expires"=>$event->expires, "admin_id"=>$user->id]); $cache->delete("ip_bans"); $cache->delete("network_bans"); log_info("ipban", "Banned ({$event->mode}) {$event->ip} because '{$event->reason}' until {$event->expires}"); } public function onRemoveIPBan(RemoveIPBanEvent $event) { global $cache, $database; $ban = $database->get_row("SELECT * FROM bans WHERE id = :id", ["id"=>$event->id]); if ($ban) { $database->execute("DELETE FROM bans WHERE id = :id", ["id"=>$event->id]); $cache->delete("ip_bans"); $cache->delete("network_bans"); log_info("ipban", "Removed {$ban['ip']}'s ban"); } } public function onDatabaseUpgrade(DatabaseUpgradeEvent $event) { global $database; // shortcut to latest if ($this->get_version("ext_ipban_version") < 1) { $database->create_table("bans", " id SCORE_AIPK, banner_id INTEGER NOT NULL, mode VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'block', ip SCORE_INET NOT NULL, reason TEXT NOT NULL, added TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, expires TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (banner_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, "); $database->execute("CREATE INDEX bans__expires ON bans(expires)"); $this->set_version("ext_ipban_version", 10); } // === if ($this->get_version("ext_ipban_version") < 1) { $database->execute("CREATE TABLE bans ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, ip char(15) default NULL, date TIMESTAMP default NULL, end TIMESTAMP default NULL, reason varchar(255) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) )"); $this->set_version("ext_ipban_version", 1); } if ($this->get_version("ext_ipban_version") == 1) { $database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans ADD COLUMN banner_id INTEGER NOT NULL AFTER id"); $this->set_version("ext_ipban_version", 2); } if ($this->get_version("ext_ipban_version") == 2) { $database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans DROP COLUMN date"); $database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans CHANGE ip ip CHAR(20) NOT NULL"); $database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans CHANGE reason reason TEXT NOT NULL"); $database->execute("CREATE INDEX bans__end ON bans(end)"); $this->set_version("ext_ipban_version", 3); } if ($this->get_version("ext_ipban_version") == 3) { $database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans CHANGE end old_end DATE NOT NULL"); $database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans ADD COLUMN end INTEGER"); $database->execute("UPDATE bans SET end = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(old_end)"); $database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans DROP COLUMN old_end"); $database->execute("CREATE INDEX bans__end ON bans(end)"); $this->set_version("ext_ipban_version", 4); } if ($this->get_version("ext_ipban_version") == 4) { $database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans CHANGE end end_timestamp INTEGER"); $this->set_version("ext_ipban_version", 5); } if ($this->get_version("ext_ipban_version") == 5) { $database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans CHANGE ip ip VARCHAR(15)"); $this->set_version("ext_ipban_version", 6); } if ($this->get_version("ext_ipban_version") == 6) { $database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans ADD FOREIGN KEY (banner_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE CASCADE"); $this->set_version("ext_ipban_version", 7); } if ($this->get_version("ext_ipban_version") == 7) { $database->execute($database->scoreql_to_sql("ALTER TABLE bans CHANGE ip ip SCORE_INET")); $database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans ADD COLUMN added TIMESTAMP NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"); $this->set_version("ext_ipban_version", 8); } if ($this->get_version("ext_ipban_version") == 8) { $database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans ADD COLUMN mode VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'block'"); $this->set_version("ext_ipban_version", 9); } if ($this->get_version("ext_ipban_version") == 9) { $database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans ADD COLUMN expires TIMESTAMP DEFAULT NULL"); $database->execute("UPDATE bans SET expires = to_date('1970/01/01', 'YYYY/MM/DD') + (end_timestamp * interval '1 seconds')"); $database->execute("ALTER TABLE bans DROP COLUMN end_timestamp"); $database->execute("CREATE INDEX bans__expires ON bans(expires)"); $this->set_version("ext_ipban_version", 10); } } public function find_active_ban($ips, $remote, $networks) { if (!$remote) { return null; } $active_ban_id = null; if (isset($ips[$remote])) { $active_ban_id = $ips[$remote]; } else { foreach ($networks as $range => $ban_id) { if (ip_in_range($remote, $range)) { $active_ban_id = $ban_id; } } } return $active_ban_id; } }