<?php declare(strict_types=1); class CustomCommentListTheme extends CommentListTheme { public function display_comment_list(array $images, int $page_number, int $total_pages, bool $can_post) { global $config, $page, $user; $page->disable_left(); // parts for the whole page $prev = $page_number - 1; $next = $page_number + 1; $h_prev = ($page_number <= 1) ? "Prev" : "<a href='".make_link("comment/list/$prev")."'>Prev</a>"; $h_index = "<a href='".make_link()."'>Index</a>"; $h_next = ($page_number >= $total_pages) ? "Next" : "<a href='".make_link("comment/list/$next")."'>Next</a>"; $nav = "$h_prev | $h_index | $h_next"; $page->set_title("Comments"); $page->set_heading("Comments"); $page->add_block(new Block("Navigation", $nav, "left")); $this->display_paginator($page, "comment/list", null, $page_number, $total_pages); // parts for each image $position = 10; $comment_captcha = $config->get_bool('comment_captcha'); $comment_limit = $config->get_int("comment_list_count", 10); foreach ($images as $pair) { $image = $pair[0]; $comments = $pair[1]; $thumb_html = $this->build_thumb_html($image); $s = " "; $un = $image->get_owner()->name; $t = ""; foreach ($image->get_tag_array() as $tag) { $u_tag = url_escape($tag); $t .= "<a href='".make_link("post/list/$u_tag/1")."'>".html_escape($tag)."</a> "; } $p = autodate($image->posted); $r = Extension::is_enabled(RatingsInfo::KEY) ? "<b>Rating</b> ".Ratings::rating_to_human($image->rating) : ""; $comment_html = "<b>Date</b> $p $s <b>User</b> $un $s $r<br><b>Tags</b> $t<p> "; $comment_count = count($comments); if ($comment_limit > 0 && $comment_count > $comment_limit) { //$hidden = $comment_count - $comment_limit; $comment_html .= "<p>showing $comment_limit of $comment_count comments</p>"; $comments = array_slice($comments, -$comment_limit); } foreach ($comments as $comment) { $comment_html .= $this->comment_to_html($comment); } if ($can_post) { if (!$user->is_anonymous()) { $comment_html .= $this->build_postbox($image->id); } else { if (!$comment_captcha) { $comment_html .= $this->build_postbox($image->id); } else { $comment_html .= "<a href='".make_link("post/view/".$image->id)."'>Add Comment</a>"; } } } $html = " <table><tr> <td style='width: 220px;'>$thumb_html</td> <td style='text-align: left;'>$comment_html</td> </tr></table> "; $page->add_block(new Block(" ", $html, "main", $position++)); } } public function display_recent_comments(array $comments) { // no recent comments in this theme } protected function comment_to_html(Comment $comment, bool $trim=false): string { global $user; $tfe = new TextFormattingEvent($comment->comment); send_event($tfe); //$i_uid = $comment->owner_id; $h_name = html_escape($comment->owner_name); //$h_poster_ip = html_escape($comment->poster_ip); $h_comment = ($trim ? substr($tfe->stripped, 0, 50)."..." : $tfe->formatted); $i_comment_id = $comment->comment_id; $i_image_id = $comment->image_id; $h_posted = autodate($comment->posted); $h_userlink = "<a class='username' href='".make_link("user/$h_name")."'>$h_name</a>"; $h_del = ""; if ($user->can(Permissions::DELETE_COMMENT)) { $comment_preview = substr(html_unescape($tfe->stripped), 0, 50); $j_delete_confirm_message = json_encode("Delete comment by {$comment->owner_name}:\n$comment_preview"); $h_delete_script = html_escape("return confirm($j_delete_confirm_message);"); $h_delete_link = make_link("comment/delete/$i_comment_id/$i_image_id"); $h_del = " - <a onclick='$h_delete_script' href='$h_delete_link'>Del</a>"; } //$h_imagelink = $trim ? "<a href='".make_link("post/view/$i_image_id")."'>>>></a>\n" : ""; if ($trim) { return "<p class='comment'>$h_userlink $h_del<br/>$h_posted<br/>$h_comment</p>"; } else { return " <table class='comment'><tr> <td class='meta'>$h_userlink<br/>$h_posted$h_del</td> <td>$h_comment</td> </tr></table> "; } } }