Install Error

Warning: Composer vendor folder does not exist!

Shimmie is unable to find the composer vendor directory.
Have you followed the composer setup instructions found in the README?

If you are not intending to do any development with Shimmie, it is highly recommend you use one of the pre-packaged releases found on Github instead.

EOD; http_response_code(500); exit; } try { require_once "core/_bootstrap.php"; $_shm_ctx->log_start(@$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], true, true); // start the page generation waterfall $user = _get_user(); if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli' || PHP_SAPI == 'phpdbg') { send_event(new CommandEvent($argv)); } else { send_event(new PageRequestEvent(_get_query())); $page->display(); } if($database->transaction===true) { $database->commit(); } // saving cache data and profiling data to disk can happen later if (function_exists("fastcgi_finish_request")) { fastcgi_finish_request(); } $_shm_ctx->log_endok(); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($database) { $database->rollback(); } _fatal_error($e); $_shm_ctx->log_ender(); } log_slow();