* Description: Handle JPG, PNG, GIF, etc files */ class PixelFileHandler extends Extension { var $theme; public function receive_event($event) { if(is_null($this->theme)) $this->theme = get_theme_object("handle_pixel", "PixelFileHandlerTheme"); if(is_a($event, 'DataUploadEvent') && $this->supported_ext($event->type) && $this->check_contents($event->tmpname)) { $hash = $event->hash; $ha = substr($hash, 0, 2); if(!copy($event->tmpname, "images/$ha/$hash")) { $event->veto("Pixel Handler failed to move file from uploads to archive"); return; } send_event(new ThumbnailGenerationEvent($event->hash, $event->type)); $image = $this->create_image_from_data("images/$ha/$hash", $event->metadata); if(is_null($image)) { $event->veto("Pixel Handler failed to create image object from data"); return; } send_event(new ImageAdditionEvent($event->user, $image)); } if(is_a($event, 'ThumbnailGenerationEvent') && $this->supported_ext($event->type)) { $this->create_thumb($event->hash); } if(is_a($event, 'DisplayingImageEvent') && $this->supported_ext($event->image->ext)) { $this->theme->display_image($event->page, $event->image); } } private function supported_ext($ext) { $exts = array("jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "png"); foreach($exts as $supported) { if($ext == $supported) return true; } return false; } private function create_image_from_data($filename, $metadata) { global $config; $image = new Image(); $info = ""; if(!($info = getimagesize($filename))) return null; $image->width = $info[0]; $image->height = $info[1]; $image->filesize = $metadata['size']; $image->hash = $metadata['hash']; $image->filename = $metadata['filename']; $image->ext = $metadata['extension']; $image->tag_array = tag_explode($metadata['tags']); $image->source = $metadata['source']; return $image; } private function check_contents($file) { return (file_exists($file) && !is_null(getimagesize($file))); } private function create_thumb($hash) { $ha = substr($hash, 0, 2); $inname = "images/$ha/$hash"; $outname = "thumbs/$ha/$hash"; global $config; $ok = false; switch($config->get_string("thumb_engine")) { default: case 'gd': $ok = $this->make_thumb_gd($inname, $outname); break; case 'convert': $ok = $this->make_thumb_convert($inname, $outname); break; } return $ok; } // IM thumber {{{ private function make_thumb_convert($inname, $outname) { global $config; $w = $config->get_int("thumb_width"); $h = $config->get_int("thumb_height"); $q = $config->get_int("thumb_quality"); $mem = $config->get_int("thumb_max_memory") / 1024 / 1024; // IM takes memory in MB // "-limit memory $mem" broken? exec("convert {$inname}[0] -geometry {$w}x{$h} -quality {$q} jpg:$outname"); return true; } // }}} // GD thumber {{{ private function make_thumb_gd($inname, $outname) { global $config; $thumb = $this->get_thumb($inname); return imagejpeg($thumb, $outname, $config->get_int('thumb_quality')); } private function get_thumb($tmpname) { global $config; $info = getimagesize($tmpname); $width = $info[0]; $height = $info[1]; $memory_use = (filesize($tmpname)*2) + ($width*$height*4) + (4*1024*1024); $memory_limit = get_memory_limit(); if($memory_use > $memory_limit) { $w = $config->get_int('thumb_width'); $h = $config->get_int('thumb_height'); $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($w, min($h, 64)); $white = imagecolorallocate($thumb, 255, 255, 255); $black = imagecolorallocate($thumb, 0, 0, 0); imagefill($thumb, 0, 0, $white); imagestring($thumb, 5, 10, 24, "Image Too Large :(", $black); return $thumb; } else { $image = imagecreatefromstring($this->read_file($tmpname)); $tsize = get_thumbnail_size($width, $height); $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($tsize[0], $tsize[1]); imagecopyresampled( $thumb, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $tsize[0], $tsize[1], $width, $height ); return $thumb; } } // }}} } add_event_listener(new PixelFileHandler()); ?>