<?php class WikiTheme { /* * Show a page * * $page = the shimmie page object * $wiki_page = the wiki page, has ->title and ->body * $nav_page = a wiki page object with navigation, has ->body */ public function display_page(Page $page, WikiPage $wiki_page, WikiPage $nav_page) { if(is_null($nav_page)) { $nav_page = new WikiPage(); $nav_page->body = ""; } $tfe = new TextFormattingEvent($nav_page->body); send_event($tfe); global $user; if($user->is_admin()) { $tfe->formatted .= "<p>(<a href='".make_link("wiki/wiki:sidebar", "edit=on")."'>Edit</a>)"; } $page->set_title(html_escape($wiki_page->title)); $page->set_heading(html_escape($wiki_page->title)); $page->add_block(new NavBlock()); $page->add_block(new Block("Wiki Index", $tfe->formatted, "left", 20)); $page->add_block(new Block("Content", $this->create_display_html($wiki_page))); } public function display_page_editor(Page $page, WikiPage $wiki_page) { $page->set_title(html_escape($wiki_page->title)); $page->set_heading(html_escape($wiki_page->title)); $page->add_block(new NavBlock()); $page->add_block(new Block("Editor", $this->create_edit_html($wiki_page))); } protected function can_edit(User $user, WikiPage $page) { global $config; if(!is_null($page) && $page->is_locked() && !$user->is_admin()) return false; if($config->get_bool("wiki_edit_anon", false) && $user->is_anonymous()) return true; if($config->get_bool("wiki_edit_user", false) && !$user->is_anonymous()) return true; if($user->is_admin()) return true; return false; } protected function create_edit_html(WikiPage $page) { $h_title = html_escape($page->title); $u_title = url_escape($page->title); $i_revision = int_escape($page->revision) + 1; global $user; if($user->is_admin()) { $val = $page->is_locked() ? " checked" : ""; $lock = "<br>Lock page: <input type='checkbox' name='lock'$val>"; } else { $lock = ""; } return " <form action='".make_link("wiki/$u_title", "save=on")."' method='POST'> <input type='hidden' name='title' value='$h_title'> <input type='hidden' name='revision' value='$i_revision'> <textarea name='body' style='width: 100%' rows='20'>".html_escape($page->body)."</textarea> $lock <br><input type='submit' value='Save'> </form> "; } protected function create_display_html(WikiPage $page) { $owner = $page->get_owner(); $tfe = new TextFormattingEvent($page->body); send_event($tfe); $html = "<div class='wiki-page'>"; $html .= $tfe->formatted; $html .= "<hr>"; $html .= "<p class='wiki-footer'>Revision {$page->revision} by ". "<a href='".make_link("user/{$owner->name}")."'>{$owner->name}</a> at {$page->date} "; global $user; if($this->can_edit($user, $page)) { $html .= "[<a href='".make_link("wiki/{$page->title}", "edit=on")."'>edit</a>] "; } $html .= "</p></div>"; return $html; } } ?>