<?php /** * Name: Image List * Author: Shish <webmaster@shishnet.org> * Link: http://code.shishnet.org/shimmie2/ * License: GPLv2 * Description: Show a list of uploaded images * Documentation: * Here is a list of the search methods available out of the box; * Shimmie extensions may provide other filters: * <ul> * <li>by tag, eg * <ul> * <li>cat * <li>pie * <li>somethi* -- wildcards are supported * </ul> * <li>size (=, <, >, <=, >=) width x height, eg * <ul> * <li>size=1024x768 -- a specific wallpaper size * <li>size>=500x500 -- no small images * <li>size<1000x1000 -- no large images * </ul> * <li>width (=, <, >, <=, >=) width, eg * <ul> * <li>width=1024 -- find images with 1024 width * <li>width>2000 -- find images bigger than 2000 width * </ul> * <li>height (=, <, >, <=, >=) height, eg * <ul> * <li>height=768 -- find images with 768 height * <li>height>1000 -- find images bigger than 1000 height * </ul> * <li>ratio (=, <, >, <=, >=) width : height, eg * <ul> * <li>ratio=4:3, ratio=16:9 -- standard wallpaper * <li>ratio=1:1 -- square images * <li>ratio<1:1 -- tall images * <li>ratio>1:1 -- wide images * </ul> * <li>filesize (=, <, >, <=, >=) size, eg * <ul> * <li>filesize>1024 -- no images under 1KB * <li>filesize<=3MB -- shorthand filesizes are supported too * </ul> * <li>id (=, <, >, <=, >=) number, eg * <ul> * <li>id<20 -- search only the first few images * <li>id>=500 -- search later images * </ul> * <li>user=Username & poster=Username, eg * <ul> * <li>user=Shish -- find all of Shish's posts * <li>poster=Shish -- same as above * </ul> * <li>user_id=userID & poster_id=userID, eg * <ul> * <li>user_id=2 -- find all posts by user id 2 * <li>poster_id=2 -- same as above * </ul> * <li>hash=md5sum & md5=md5sum, eg * <ul> * <li>hash=bf5b59173f16b6937a4021713dbfaa72 -- find the "Taiga want up!" image * <li>md5=bf5b59173f16b6937a4021713dbfaa72 -- same as above * </ul> * <li>filetype=type & ext=type, eg * <ul> * <li>filetype=png -- find all PNG images * <li>ext=png -- same as above * </ul> * <li>filename=blah & name=blah, eg * <ul> * <li>filename=kitten -- find all images with "kitten" in the original filename * <li>name=kitten -- same as above * </ul> * <li>posted (=, <, >, <=, >=) date, eg * <ul> * <li>posted>=2009-12-25 posted<=2010-01-01 -- find images posted between christmas and new year * </ul> * <li>tags (=, <, >, <=, >=) count, eg * <ul> * <li>tags=1 -- search for images with only 1 tag * <li>tags>=10 -- search for images with 10 or more tags * <li>tags<25 -- search for images with less than 25 tags * </ul> * <li>source=(URL, any, none) eg * <ul> * <li>source=http://example.com -- find all images with "http://example.com" in the source * <li>source=any -- find all images with a source * <li>source=none -- find all images without a source * </ul> * <li>order=(id, width, height, filesize, filename)_(ASC, DESC), eg * <ul> * <li>order=width -- find all images sorted from highest > lowest width * <li>order=filesize_asc -- find all images sorted from lowest > highest filesize * </ul> * <li>order=random_####, eg * <ul> * <li>order=random_8547 -- find all images sorted randomly using 8547 as a seed * </ul> * </ul> * <p>Search items can be combined to search for images which match both, * or you can stick "-" in front of an item to search for things that don't * match it. * <p>Metatags can be followed by ":" rather than "=" if you prefer. * <br />I.E: "posted:2014-01-01", "id:>=500" etc. * <p>Some search methods provided by extensions: * <ul> * <li>Numeric Score * <ul> * <li>score (=, <, >, <=, >=) number -- seach by score * <li>upvoted_by=Username -- search for a user's likes * <li>downvoted_by=Username -- search for a user's dislikes * <li>upvoted_by_id=UserID -- search for a user's likes by user ID * <li>downvoted_by_id=UserID -- search for a user's dislikes by user ID * <li>order=score_(ASC, DESC) -- find all images sorted from by score * </ul> * <li>Image Rating * <ul> * <li>rating=se -- find safe and explicit images, ignore questionable and unknown * </ul> * <li>Favorites * <ul> * <li>favorites (=, <, >, <=, >=) number -- search for images favourited a certain number of times * <li>favourited_by=Username -- search for a user's choices by username * <li>favorited_by_userno=UserID -- search for a user's choice by userID * </ul> * <li>Notes * <ul> * <li>notes (=, <, >, <=, >=) number -- search by the number of notes an image has * <li>notes_by=Username -- search for images containing notes created by username * <li>notes_by_userno=UserID -- search for images containing notes created by userID * </ul> * <li>Artists * <ul> * <li>author=ArtistName -- search for images by artist * </ul> * <li>Image Comments * <ul> * <li>comments (=, <, >, <=, >=) number -- search for images by number of comments * <li>commented_by=Username -- search for images containing user's comments by username * <li>commented_by_userno=UserID -- search for images containing user's comments by userID * </ul> * <li>Pools * <ul> * <li>pool=(PoolID, any, none) -- search for images in a pool by PoolID. * <li>pool_by_name=PoolName -- search for images in a pool by PoolName. underscores are replaced with spaces * </ul> * <li>Post Relationships * <ul> * <li>parent=(parentID, any, none) -- search for images by parentID / if they have, do not have a parent * <li>child=(any, none) -- search for images which have, or do not have children * </ul> * </ul> */ /* * SearchTermParseEvent: * Signal that a search term needs parsing */ class SearchTermParseEvent extends Event { /** @var null|string */ public $term = null; /** @var string[] */ public $context = []; /** @var Querylet[] */ public $querylets = []; public function __construct(string $term=null, array $context=[]) { $this->term = $term; $this->context = $context; } public function is_querylet_set(): bool { return (count($this->querylets) > 0); } public function get_querylets(): array { return $this->querylets; } public function add_querylet(Querylet $q) { $this->querylets[] = $q; } } class SearchTermParseException extends SCoreException { } class PostListBuildingEvent extends Event { /** @var array */ public $search_terms = []; /** @var array */ public $parts = []; /** * #param string[] $search */ public function __construct(array $search) { $this->search_terms = $search; } public function add_control(string $html, int $position=50) { while (isset($this->parts[$position])) { $position++; } $this->parts[$position] = $html; } } class Index extends Extension { /** @var int */ private $stpen = 0; // search term parse event number public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event) { global $config; $config->set_default_int("index_images", 24); $config->set_default_bool("index_tips", true); $config->set_default_string("index_order", "id DESC"); } public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event) { global $database, $page, $user; if ($event->page_matches("post/list")) { if (isset($_GET['search'])) { // implode(explode()) to resolve aliases and sanitise $search = url_escape(Tag::implode(Tag::explode($_GET['search'], false))); if (empty($search)) { $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link("post/list/1")); } else { $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link('post/list/'.$search.'/1')); } return; } $search_terms = $event->get_search_terms(); $page_number = $event->get_page_number(); $page_size = $event->get_page_size(); $count_search_terms = count($search_terms); try { #log_debug("index", "Search for ".Tag::implode($search_terms), false, array("terms"=>$search_terms)); $total_pages = Image::count_pages($search_terms); $images = []; if (SPEED_HAX) { if (!$user->can("big_search")) { $fast_page_limit = 500; if ($total_pages > $fast_page_limit) $total_pages = $fast_page_limit; if ($page_number > $fast_page_limit) { $this->theme->display_error( 404, "Search limit hit", "Only $fast_page_limit pages of results are searchable - " . "if you want to find older results, use more specific search terms" ); return; } } if ($count_search_terms === 0 && ($page_number < 10)) { // extra caching for the first few post/list pages $images = $database->cache->get("post-list:$page_number"); if (!$images) { $images = Image::find_images(($page_number-1)*$page_size, $page_size, $search_terms); $database->cache->set("post-list:$page_number", $images, 60); } } } if (!$images) { $images = Image::find_images(($page_number-1)*$page_size, $page_size, $search_terms); } } catch (SearchTermParseException $stpe) { // FIXME: display the error somewhere $total_pages = 0; $images = []; } $count_images = count($images); if ($count_search_terms === 0 && $count_images === 0 && $page_number === 1) { $this->theme->display_intro($page); send_event(new PostListBuildingEvent($search_terms)); } elseif ($count_search_terms > 0 && $count_images === 1 && $page_number === 1) { $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect(make_link('post/view/'.$images[0]->id)); } else { $plbe = new PostListBuildingEvent($search_terms); send_event($plbe); $this->theme->set_page($page_number, $total_pages, $search_terms); $this->theme->display_page($page, $images); if (count($plbe->parts) > 0) { $this->theme->display_admin_block($plbe->parts); } } } } public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event) { $sb = new SetupBlock("Index Options"); $sb->position = 20; $sb->add_label("Show "); $sb->add_int_option("index_images"); $sb->add_label(" images on the post list"); $event->panel->add_block($sb); } public function onImageInfoSet(ImageInfoSetEvent $event) { global $database; if (SPEED_HAX) { $database->cache->delete("thumb-block:{$event->image->id}"); } } public function onPageNavBuilding(PageNavBuildingEvent $event) { $event->add_nav_link("posts", new Link('post/list'), "Posts", NavLink::is_active(["post","view"]),20); } public function onPageSubNavBuilding(PageSubNavBuildingEvent $event) { if($event->parent=="posts") { $event->add_nav_link("posts_all", new Link('post/list'), "All"); } } public function onHelpPageBuilding(HelpPageBuildingEvent $event) { if($event->key===HelpPages::SEARCH) { $block = new Block(); $block->header = "General"; $block->body = $this->theme->get_help_html(); $event->add_block($block, 0); } } public function onSearchTermParse(SearchTermParseEvent $event) { $matches = []; // check for tags first as tag based searches are more common. if (preg_match("/^tags([:]?<|[:]?>|[:]?<=|[:]?>=|[:|=])(\d+)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $cmp = ltrim($matches[1], ":") ?: "="; $count = $matches[2]; $event->add_querylet( new Querylet("EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM image_tags it LEFT JOIN tags t ON it.tag_id = t.id WHERE images.id = it.image_id GROUP BY image_id HAVING COUNT(*) $cmp $count )") ); } elseif (preg_match("/^ratio([:]?<|[:]?>|[:]?<=|[:]?>=|[:|=])(\d+):(\d+)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $cmp = preg_replace('/^:/', '=', $matches[1]); $args = ["width{$this->stpen}"=>int_escape($matches[2]), "height{$this->stpen}"=>int_escape($matches[3])]; $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("width / height $cmp :width{$this->stpen} / :height{$this->stpen}", $args)); } elseif (preg_match("/^(filesize|id)([:]?<|[:]?>|[:]?<=|[:]?>=|[:|=])(\d+[kmg]?b?)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $col = $matches[1]; $cmp = ltrim($matches[2], ":") ?: "="; $val = parse_shorthand_int($matches[3]); $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.$col $cmp :val{$this->stpen}", ["val{$this->stpen}"=>$val])); } elseif (preg_match("/^(hash|md5)[=|:]([0-9a-fA-F]*)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $hash = strtolower($matches[2]); $event->add_querylet(new Querylet('images.hash = :hash', ["hash" => $hash])); } elseif (preg_match("/^(phash)[=|:]([0-9a-fA-F]*)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $phash = strtolower($matches[2]); $event->add_querylet(new Querylet('images.phash = :phash', ["phash" => $phash])); } elseif (preg_match("/^(filetype|ext)[=|:]([a-zA-Z0-9]*)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $ext = strtolower($matches[2]); $event->add_querylet(new Querylet('images.ext = :ext', ["ext" => $ext])); } elseif (preg_match("/^(filename|name)[=|:]([a-zA-Z0-9]*)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $filename = strtolower($matches[2]); $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.filename LIKE :filename{$this->stpen}", ["filename{$this->stpen}"=>"%$filename%"])); } elseif (preg_match("/^(source)[=|:](.*)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $source = strtolower($matches[2]); if (preg_match("/^(any|none)$/i", $source)) { $not = ($source == "any" ? "NOT" : ""); $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.source IS $not NULL")); } else { $event->add_querylet(new Querylet('images.source LIKE :src', ["src"=>"%$source%"])); } } elseif (preg_match("/^posted([:]?<|[:]?>|[:]?<=|[:]?>=|[:|=])([0-9-]*)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { // TODO Make this able to search = without needing a time component. $cmp = ltrim($matches[1], ":") ?: "="; $val = $matches[2]; $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.posted $cmp :posted{$this->stpen}", ["posted{$this->stpen}"=>$val])); } elseif (preg_match("/^size([:]?<|[:]?>|[:]?<=|[:]?>=|[:|=])(\d+)x(\d+)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $cmp = ltrim($matches[1], ":") ?: "="; $args = ["width{$this->stpen}"=>int_escape($matches[2]), "height{$this->stpen}"=>int_escape($matches[3])]; $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("width $cmp :width{$this->stpen} AND height $cmp :height{$this->stpen}", $args)); } elseif (preg_match("/^width([:]?<|[:]?>|[:]?<=|[:]?>=|[:|=])(\d+)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $cmp = ltrim($matches[1], ":") ?: "="; $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("width $cmp :width{$this->stpen}", ["width{$this->stpen}"=>int_escape($matches[2])])); } elseif (preg_match("/^height([:]?<|[:]?>|[:]?<=|[:]?>=|[:|=])(\d+)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $cmp = ltrim($matches[1], ":") ?: "="; $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("height $cmp :height{$this->stpen}", ["height{$this->stpen}"=>int_escape($matches[2])])); } elseif (preg_match("/^order[=|:](id|width|height|filesize|filename)[_]?(desc|asc)?$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $ord = strtolower($matches[1]); $default_order_for_column = preg_match("/^(id|filename)$/", $matches[1]) ? "ASC" : "DESC"; $sort = isset($matches[2]) ? strtoupper($matches[2]) : $default_order_for_column; Image::$order_sql = "images.$ord $sort"; $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("1=1")); //small hack to avoid metatag being treated as normal tag } elseif (preg_match("/^order[=|:]random[_]([0-9]{1,4})$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { //order[=|:]random requires a seed to avoid duplicates //since the tag can't be changed during the parseevent, we instead generate the seed during submit using js $seed = $matches[1]; Image::$order_sql = "RAND($seed)"; $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("1=1")); //small hack to avoid metatag being treated as normal tag } $this->stpen++; } }