mode = $mode;
* Set the page's MIME type
public function set_type($type) {
$this->type = $type;
// ==============================================
/** @name "data" mode */
/** @private */
var $data = "";
/** @private */
var $filename = null;
* Set the raw data to be sent
public function set_data($data) {
$this->data = $data;
* Set the recommended download filename
public function set_filename($filename) {
$this->filename = $filename;
// ==============================================
/** @name "redirect" mode */
/** @private */
var $redirect = "";
* Set the URL to redirect to (remember to use make_link() if linking
* to a page in the same site)
public function set_redirect($redirect) {
$this->redirect = $redirect;
// ==============================================
/** @name "page" mode */
/** @privatesection */
var $title = "";
var $heading = "";
var $subheading = "";
var $quicknav = "";
var $html_headers = array();
var $http_headers = array();
var $blocks = array();
/** @publicsection */
* Set the window title
public function set_title($title) {
$this->title = $title;
* Set the main heading
public function set_heading($heading) {
$this->heading = $heading;
* Set the sub heading
public function set_subheading($subheading) {
$this->subheading = $subheading;
* Add a line to the HTML head section
public function add_html_header($line, $position=50) {
while(isset($this->html_headers[$position])) $position++;
$this->html_headers[$position] = $line;
* Add a http header to be sent to the client.
public function add_http_header($line, $position=50) {
while(isset($this->http_headers[$position])) $position++;
$this->http_headers[$position] = $line;
* Add a Block of data
public function add_block(Block $block) {
$this->blocks[] = $block;
// ==============================================
* Display the page according to the mode and data given
public function display() {
global $page;
header("Content-type: ".$this->type);
header("X-Powered-By: SCore-".SCORE_VERSION);
if (!headers_sent()) {
foreach($this->http_headers as $head){ header($head); }
} else {
print "Error: Headers have already been sent to the client.";
switch($this->mode) {
case "page":
header("Cache-control: no-cache");
usort($this->blocks, "blockcmp");
$layout = new Layout();
case "data":
header("Content-Length: ".strlen($this->data));
if(!is_null($this->filename)) {
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$this->filename);
print $this->data;
case "redirect":
header("Location: {$this->redirect}");
print "You should be redirected to {$this->redirect}";
print "Invalid page mode";
protected function add_auto_html_headers() {
$data_href = get_base_href();
/* Attempt to cache the CSS & JavaScript files */
if ($this->add_cached_auto_html_headers() === FALSE) {
// caching failed, add all files to html_headers.
foreach(glob("lib/*.css") as $css) {
$css_files = glob("ext/*/style.css");
if($css_files) {
foreach($css_files as $css_file) {
foreach(glob("lib/*.js") as $js) {
$js_files = glob("ext/*/script.js");
if($js_files) {
foreach($js_files as $js_file) {
This function caches the CSS and JavaScript files.
This is done to reduce the number of HTTP requests (recommended by
the Yahoo high-performance guidelines). It combines all of the CSS
and JavaScript files into one for each type, and stores them in
cached files to serve the client. Changes to the CSS or JavaScript
files are caught by taking the md5sum of the concatenated files.
private function add_cached_auto_html_headers()
$cache_location = 'data/cache/';
$data_href = get_base_href();
if(!file_exists($cache_location)) {
if (!mkdir($cache_location, 0750, true)) {
return false; // failed to create directory
/* ----- CSS Files ----- */
// First get all the CSS from the lib directory
$data_1 = '';
$css_files = glob("lib/*.css");
if($css_files) {
foreach($css_files as $css_file) {
$data_1 .= file_get_contents($css_file);
// Can't directly cache the CSS files, as they might have relative locations to images, etc. in them.
// We have to adjust the URLs accordingly before saving the cached file.
$pattern = '/url[\s]*\([\s]*["\']?([^"\'\)]+)["\']?[\s]*\)/';
$replace = 'url("../../lib/${1}")';
$data_1 = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $data_1);
// Next get all the CSS from the extensions
$data_2 = '';
$css_files = glob("ext/*/style.css");
if($css_files) {
foreach($css_files as $css_file) {
$data_2 .= file_get_contents($css_file);
// Can't directly cache the CSS files, as they might have relative locations to images, etc. in them.
// We have to adjust the URLs accordingly before saving the cached file.
$pattern = '/url[\s]*\([\s]*["\']?([^"\'\)]+)["\']?[\s]*\)/';
$replace = 'url("../../${1}")';
$data_2 = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $data_2);
// Combine the two
$data = $data_1 . $data_2;
// compute the MD5 sum of the concatenated CSS files
$md5sum = md5($data);
if (!file_exists($cache_location.$md5sum.'.css')) {
// remove any old cached CSS files.
$mask = '*.css';
array_map( 'unlink', glob( $mask ) );
// output the combined file
if (file_put_contents($cache_location.$md5sum.'.css', $data, LOCK_EX) === FALSE) {
return false;
// tell the client where to get the css cache file
/* ----- JavaScript Files ----- */
$data = '';
$js_files = glob("lib/*.js");
if($js_files) {
foreach($js_files as $js_file) {
$data .= file_get_contents($js_file);
$js_files = glob("ext/*/script.js");
if($js_files) {
foreach($js_files as $js_file) {
$data .= file_get_contents($js_file);
// compute the MD5 sum of the concatenated JavaScript files
$md5sum = md5($data);
if (!file_exists($cache_location.$md5sum.'.js')) {
// remove any old cached js files.
$mask = '*.js';
array_map( 'unlink', glob( $mask ) );
// output the combined file
if (file_put_contents($cache_location.$md5sum.'.js', $data, LOCK_EX) === FALSE) {
return false;
// tell the client where to get the js cache file
return true;