<?php /* * Load all the files into memory, sanitise the environment, but don't * actually do anything as far as the app is concerned */ global $config, $database, $user, $page, $_shm_ctx; require_once "core/sys_config.php"; require_once "core/polyfills.php"; require_once "core/util.php"; require_once "vendor/shish/libcontext-php/context.php"; require_once "vendor/autoload.php"; // set up and purify the environment _version_check(); _sanitise_environment(); // load base files $_shm_ctx->log_start("Opening files"); $_shm_files = array_merge( zglob("core/*.php"), zglob("core/{".ENABLED_MODS."}/*.php"), zglob("ext/{".ENABLED_EXTS."}/main.php") ); foreach($_shm_files as $_shm_filename) { if(basename($_shm_filename)[0] != "_") { require_once $_shm_filename; } } unset($_shm_files); unset($_shm_filename); $_shm_ctx->log_endok(); // connect to the database $_shm_ctx->log_start("Connecting to DB"); $database = new Database(); $config = new DatabaseConfig($database); $_shm_ctx->log_endok(); // load the theme parts $_shm_ctx->log_start("Loading themelets"); foreach(_get_themelet_files(get_theme()) as $themelet) { require_once $themelet; } unset($themelet); $page = class_exists("CustomPage") ? new CustomPage() : new Page(); $_shm_ctx->log_endok(); // hook up event handlers _load_event_listeners(); send_event(new InitExtEvent());