mode = $mode; } /** * Set the page's MIME type */ public function set_type($type) { $this->type = $type; } //@} // ============================================== /** @name "data" mode */ //@{ /** @private */ var $data = ""; /** @private */ var $filename = null; /** * Set the raw data to be sent */ public function set_data($data) { $this->data = $data; } /** * Set the recommended download filename */ public function set_filename($filename) { $this->filename = $filename; } //@} // ============================================== /** @name "redirect" mode */ //@{ /** @private */ var $redirect = ""; /** * Set the URL to redirect to (remember to use make_link() if linking * to a page in the same site) */ public function set_redirect($redirect) { $this->redirect = $redirect; } //@} // ============================================== /** @name "page" mode */ //@{ /** @privatesection */ var $title = ""; var $heading = ""; var $subheading = ""; var $quicknav = ""; var $html_headers = array(); var $http_headers = array(); var $blocks = array(); /** @publicsection */ /** * Set the window title */ public function set_title($title) { $this->title = $title; } /** * Set the main heading */ public function set_heading($heading) { $this->heading = $heading; } /** * Set the sub heading */ public function set_subheading($subheading) { $this->subheading = $subheading; } /** * Add a line to the HTML head section */ public function add_html_header($line, $position=50) { while(isset($this->html_headers[$position])) $position++; $this->html_headers[$position] = $line; } /** * Add a http header to be sent to the client. */ public function add_http_header($line, $position=50) { while(isset($this->http_headers[$position])) $position++; $this->http_headers[$position] = $line; } /** * Get all the HTML headers that are currently set and return as a string. */ public function get_all_html_headers() { $data = ''; foreach ($this->html_headers as $line) { $data .= $line . "\n"; } return $data; } /** * Removes all currently set HTML headers. (Be careful..) */ public function delete_all_html_headers() { $this->html_headers = array(); } /** * Add a Block of data */ public function add_block(Block $block) { $this->blocks[] = $block; } //@} // ============================================== /** * Display the page according to the mode and data given */ public function display() { global $page; header("Content-type: ".$this->type); header("X-Powered-By: SCore-".SCORE_VERSION); if (!headers_sent()) { foreach($this->http_headers as $head){ header($head); } } else { print "Error: Headers have already been sent to the client."; } switch($this->mode) { case "page": header("Cache-control: no-cache"); usort($this->blocks, "blockcmp"); $this->add_auto_html_headers(); $layout = new Layout(); $layout->display_page($page); break; case "data": header("Content-Length: ".strlen($this->data)); if(!is_null($this->filename)) { header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$this->filename); } print $this->data; break; case "redirect": header("Location: {$this->redirect}"); print "You should be redirected to {$this->redirect}"; break; default: print "Invalid page mode"; break; } } protected function add_auto_html_headers() { $data_href = get_base_href(); /* Attempt to cache the CSS & JavaScript files */ if ($this->add_cached_auto_html_headers() === FALSE) { // caching failed, add all files to html_headers. foreach(glob("lib/*.css") as $css) { $this->add_html_header(""); } $css_files = glob("ext/*/style.css"); if($css_files) { foreach($css_files as $css_file) { $this->add_html_header(""); } } foreach(glob("lib/*.js") as $js) { $this->add_html_header(""); } $js_files = glob("ext/*/script.js"); if($js_files) { foreach($js_files as $js_file) { $this->add_html_header(""); } } } } /** * Automatic caching of CSS and Javascript files * * Allows site admins to have Shimmie automatically cache and minify all CSS and JS files. * This is done to reduce the number of HTTP requests (recommended by the Yahoo high-performance * guidelines). It combines all of the CSS and JavaScript files into one for each type, and * stores them in cached files to serve the client. Changes to the CSS or JavaScript files are * caught by taking the md5sum of the concatenated files. * * Note: This can be somewhat problematic, as it edits the links to your CSS files (as well * as the links to images inside them). * Also, the directory cache directory needs to be writeable by the php/webserver user. * PLEASE: Ensure that you test your site out throughly after enabling this module! * Either that, or don't use this module unless you are sure of what it is doing. * * TODO: Before performing the regex's, compute the md5 of the CSS files and store somewhere to check later. (performance reasons.) * * @return * This function returns FALSE if it failed to cache the files, * and returns TRUE if it was successful. */ private function add_cached_auto_html_headers() { global $config; if (!$config->get_bool("autocache_css") || !$config->get_bool("autocache_js")) { return false; // caching disabled } $cache_location = $config->get_string("autocache_location", 'data/cache'); // Detect is there is a trailing slash, and add one if not. $cache_location = ((strrpos($cache_location, '/') + 1) == strlen($cache_location)) ? $cache_location : $cache_location.'/'; // Create directory if needed. if(!file_exists($cache_location)) { if (is_writeable($cache_location) && !mkdir($cache_location, 0750, true)) { return false; // failed to create directory } } $data_href = get_base_href(); /* ----- CSS Files ----- */ if ($config->get_bool("autocache_css")) { // First get all the CSS from the lib directory $contents_from_lib = ''; $css_files = glob("lib/*.css"); if($css_files) { foreach($css_files as $css_file) { $contents_from_lib .= file_get_contents($css_file); } // Can't directly cache the CSS files, as they might have relative locations to images, etc. in them. // We have to adjust the URLs accordingly before saving the cached file. $pattern = '/url[\s]*\([\s]*["\']?([^"\'\)]+)["\']?[\s]*\)/'; $replace = 'url("../../lib/${1}")'; $contents_from_lib = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $contents_from_lib); } // Next get all the CSS from the extensions $contents_from_extensions = ''; $css_files = glob("ext/*/style.css"); if($css_files) { foreach($css_files as $css_file) { $contents_from_extensions .= file_get_contents($css_file); } // Can't directly cache the CSS files, as they might have relative locations to images, etc. in them. // We have to adjust the URLs accordingly before saving the cached file. $pattern = '/url[\s]*\([\s]*["\']?([^"\'\)]+)["\']?[\s]*\)/'; $replace = 'url("../../${1}")'; $contents_from_extensions = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $contents_from_extensions); } // Combine the two $data = $contents_from_lib .' '. $contents_from_extensions; // Minify the CSS if enabled. if ($config->get_bool("autocache_min_css")){ // not supported yet. } // compute the MD5 sum of the concatenated CSS files $md5sum = md5($data); if (!file_exists($cache_location.$md5sum.'.css')) { // remove any old cached CSS files. $mask = '*.css'; array_map( 'unlink', glob( $mask ) ); // output the combined file if (file_put_contents($cache_location.$md5sum.'.css', $data, LOCK_EX) === FALSE) { return false; // failed to write the file } } // tell the client where to get the css cache file $this->add_html_header(''); } /* ----- JavaScript Files ----- */ if ($config->get_bool("autocache_js")) { $data = ''; $js_files = glob("lib/*.js"); if($js_files) { foreach($js_files as $js_file) { $data .= file_get_contents($js_file); } } $js_files = glob("ext/*/script.js"); if($js_files) { foreach($js_files as $js_file) { $data .= file_get_contents($js_file); } } // Minify the JS if enabled. if ($config->get_bool("autocache_min_js")){ // not supported yet. } // compute the MD5 sum of the concatenated JavaScript files $md5sum = md5($data); if (!file_exists($cache_location.$md5sum.'.js')) { // remove any old cached js files. $mask = '*.js'; array_map( 'unlink', glob( $mask ) ); // output the combined file if (file_put_contents($cache_location.$md5sum.'.js', $data, LOCK_EX) === FALSE) { return false; } } // tell the client where to get the js cache file $this->add_html_header(''); } return true; } } ?>