<?php declare(strict_types=1);

require_once "vendor/ifixit/php-akismet/akismet.class.php";

class CommentPostingEvent extends Event
    /** @var  int */
    public $image_id;
    /** @var User */
    public $user;
    /** @var string  */
    public $comment;

    public function __construct(int $image_id, User $user, string $comment)
        $this->image_id = $image_id;
        $this->user = $user;
        $this->comment = $comment;

 * A comment is being deleted. Maybe used by spam
 * detectors to get a feel for what should be deleted
 * and what should be kept?
class CommentDeletionEvent extends Event
    /** @var  int */
    public $comment_id;

    public function __construct(int $comment_id)
        $this->comment_id = $comment_id;

class CommentPostingException extends SCoreException

class Comment
    public $owner;
    public $owner_id;
    public $owner_name;
    public $owner_email;
    public $owner_class;
    public $comment;
    public $comment_id;
    public $image_id;
    public $poster_ip;
    public $posted;

    public function __construct($row)
        $this->owner = null;
        $this->owner_id = $row['user_id'];
        $this->owner_name = $row['user_name'];
        $this->owner_email = $row['user_email']; // deprecated
        $this->owner_class = $row['user_class'];
        $this->comment =  $row['comment'];
        $this->comment_id =  $row['comment_id'];
        $this->image_id =  $row['image_id'];
        $this->poster_ip =  $row['poster_ip'];
        $this->posted =  $row['posted'];

    public static function count_comments_by_user(User $user): int
        global $database;
        return (int)$database->get_one("
			SELECT COUNT(*) AS count
			FROM comments
			WHERE owner_id=:owner_id
		", ["owner_id"=>$user->id]);

    public function get_owner(): User
        if (empty($this->owner)) {
            $this->owner = User::by_id($this->owner_id);
        return $this->owner;

class CommentList extends Extension
    /** @var CommentListTheme $theme */
    public $theme;

    public function onInitExt(InitExtEvent $event)
        global $config;
        $config->set_default_int('comment_window', 5);
        $config->set_default_int('comment_limit', 10);
        $config->set_default_int('comment_list_count', 10);
        $config->set_default_int('comment_count', 5);
        $config->set_default_bool('comment_captcha', false);

    public function onDatabaseUpgrade(DatabaseUpgradeEvent $event)
        global $database;
        if ($this->get_version("ext_comments_version") < 3) {
            // shortcut to latest
            if ($this->get_version("ext_comments_version") < 1) {
                $database->create_table("comments", "
					id SCORE_AIPK,
					image_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
					owner_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
					owner_ip SCORE_INET NOT NULL,
					comment TEXT NOT NULL,
                $database->execute("CREATE INDEX comments_image_id_idx ON comments(image_id)", []);
                $database->execute("CREATE INDEX comments_owner_id_idx ON comments(owner_id)", []);
                $database->execute("CREATE INDEX comments_posted_idx ON comments(posted)", []);
                $this->set_version("ext_comments_version", 3);

            // the whole history
            if ($this->get_version("ext_comments_version") < 1) {
                $database->create_table("comments", "
					id SCORE_AIPK,
					image_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
					owner_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
					owner_ip CHAR(16) NOT NULL,
					comment TEXT NOT NULL
                $database->execute("CREATE INDEX comments_image_id_idx ON comments(image_id)", []);
                $this->set_version("ext_comments_version", 1);

            if ($this->get_version("ext_comments_version") == 1) {
                $database->Execute("CREATE INDEX comments_owner_ip ON comments(owner_ip)");
                $database->Execute("CREATE INDEX comments_posted ON comments(posted)");
                $this->set_version("ext_comments_version", 2);

            if ($this->get_version("ext_comments_version") == 2) {
                $this->set_version("ext_comments_version", 3);
                $database->Execute("ALTER TABLE comments ADD FOREIGN KEY (image_id) REFERENCES images(id) ON DELETE CASCADE");
                $database->Execute("ALTER TABLE comments ADD FOREIGN KEY (owner_id) REFERENCES users(id) ON DELETE RESTRICT");

            // FIXME: add foreign keys, bump to v3

    public function onPageNavBuilding(PageNavBuildingEvent $event)
        $event->add_nav_link("comment", new Link('comment/list'), "Comments");

    public function onPageSubNavBuilding(PageSubNavBuildingEvent $event)
        if ($event->parent=="comment") {
            $event->add_nav_link("comment_list", new Link('comment/list'), "All");
            $event->add_nav_link("comment_help", new Link('ext_doc/comment'), "Help");

    public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event)
        if ($event->page_matches("comment")) {
            switch ($event->get_arg(0)) {
                case "add": $this->onPageRequest_add(); break;
                case "delete": $this->onPageRequest_delete($event); break;
                case "bulk_delete": $this->onPageRequest_bulk_delete(); break;
                case "list": $this->onPageRequest_list($event); break;
                case "beta-search": $this->onPageRequest_beta_search($event); break;

    private function onPageRequest_add()
        global $user, $page;
        if (isset($_POST['image_id']) && isset($_POST['comment'])) {
            try {
                $i_iid = int_escape($_POST['image_id']);
                $cpe = new CommentPostingEvent($_POST['image_id'], $user, $_POST['comment']);
            } catch (CommentPostingException $ex) {
                $this->theme->display_error(403, "Comment Blocked", $ex->getMessage());

    private function onPageRequest_delete(PageRequestEvent $event)
        global $user, $page;
        if ($user->can(Permissions::DELETE_COMMENT)) {
            // FIXME: post, not args
            if ($event->count_args() === 3) {
                send_event(new CommentDeletionEvent(int_escape($event->get_arg(1))));
                $page->flash("Deleted comment");
                if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
                } else {
                    $page->set_redirect(make_link("post/view/" . $event->get_arg(2)));
        } else {

    private function onPageRequest_bulk_delete()
        global $user, $database, $page;
        if ($user->can(Permissions::DELETE_COMMENT) && !empty($_POST["ip"])) {
            $ip = $_POST['ip'];

            $comment_ids = $database->get_col("
				SELECT id
				FROM comments
				WHERE owner_ip=:ip
			", ["ip" => $ip]);
            $num = count($comment_ids);
            log_warning("comment", "Deleting $num comments from $ip");
            foreach ($comment_ids as $cid) {
                send_event(new CommentDeletionEvent($cid));
            $page->flash("Deleted $num comments");

        } else {

    private function onPageRequest_list(PageRequestEvent $event)
        $page_num = $event->try_page_num(1);

    private function onPageRequest_beta_search(PageRequestEvent $event)
        $search = $event->get_arg(1);
        $page_num = $event->try_page_num(2);
        $duser = User::by_name($search);
        $i_comment_count = Comment::count_comments_by_user($duser);
        $com_per_page = 50;
        $total_pages = (int)ceil($i_comment_count / $com_per_page);
        $page_num = clamp($page_num, 1, $total_pages);
        $comments = $this->get_user_comments($duser->id, $com_per_page, ($page_num - 1) * $com_per_page);
        $this->theme->display_all_user_comments($comments, $page_num, $total_pages, $duser);

    public function onAdminBuilding(AdminBuildingEvent $event)

    public function onPostListBuilding(PostListBuildingEvent $event)
        global $cache, $config;
        $cc = $config->get_int("comment_count");
        if ($cc > 0) {
            $recent = $cache->get("recent_comments");
            if (empty($recent)) {
                $recent = $this->get_recent_comments($cc);
                $cache->set("recent_comments", $recent, 60);
            if (count($recent) > 0) {

    public function onUserPageBuilding(UserPageBuildingEvent $event)
        $i_days_old = ((time() - strtotime($event->display_user->join_date)) / 86400) + 1;
        $i_comment_count = Comment::count_comments_by_user($event->display_user);
        $h_comment_rate = sprintf("%.1f", ($i_comment_count / $i_days_old));
        $event->add_stats("Comments made: $i_comment_count, $h_comment_rate per day");

        $recent = $this->get_user_comments($event->display_user->id, 10);
        $this->theme->display_recent_user_comments($recent, $event->display_user);

    public function onDisplayingImage(DisplayingImageEvent $event)
        global $user;

    // TODO: split akismet into a separate class, which can veto the event
    public function onCommentPosting(CommentPostingEvent $event)
        $this->add_comment_wrapper($event->image_id, $event->user, $event->comment);

    public function onCommentDeletion(CommentDeletionEvent $event)
        global $database;
			DELETE FROM comments
			WHERE id=:comment_id
		", ["comment_id"=>$event->comment_id]);
        log_info("comment", "Deleting Comment #{$event->comment_id}");

    public function onSetupBuilding(SetupBuildingEvent $event)
        $sb = new SetupBlock("Comment Options");
        $sb->add_bool_option("comment_captcha", "Require CAPTCHA for anonymous comments: ");
        $sb->add_label("<br>Limit to ");
        $sb->add_label(" comments per ");
        $sb->add_label(" minutes");
        $sb->add_label("<br>Show ");
        $sb->add_label(" recent comments on the index");
        $sb->add_label("<br>Show ");
        $sb->add_label(" comments per image on the list");
        $sb->add_label("<br>Make samefags public ");

    public function onSearchTermParse(SearchTermParseEvent $event)
        if (is_null($event->term)) {

        $matches = [];
        if (preg_match("/^comments([:]?<|[:]?>|[:]?<=|[:]?>=|[:|=])(\d+)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) {
            $cmp = ltrim($matches[1], ":") ?: "=";
            $comments = $matches[2];
            $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.id IN (SELECT DISTINCT image_id FROM comments GROUP BY image_id HAVING count(image_id) $cmp $comments)"));
        } elseif (preg_match("/^commented_by[=|:](.*)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) {
            $user_id = User::name_to_id($matches[1]);
            $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.id IN (SELECT image_id FROM comments WHERE owner_id = $user_id)"));
        } elseif (preg_match("/^commented_by_userno[=|:]([0-9]+)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) {
            $user_id = int_escape($matches[1]);
            $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.id IN (SELECT image_id FROM comments WHERE owner_id = $user_id)"));

    public function onHelpPageBuilding(HelpPageBuildingEvent $event)
        if ($event->key===HelpPages::SEARCH) {
            $block = new Block();
            $block->header = "Comments";
            $block->body = $this->theme->get_help_html();

    private function build_page(int $current_page)
        global $cache, $database, $user;

        $where = SPEED_HAX ? "WHERE posted > now() - interval '24 hours'" : "";

        $total_pages = $cache->get("comment_pages");
        if (empty($total_pages)) {
            $total_pages = (int)($database->get_one("
				FROM (SELECT COUNT(image_id) AS c1 FROM comments $where GROUP BY image_id) AS s1
			") / 10);
            $cache->set("comment_pages", $total_pages, 600);
        $total_pages = max($total_pages, 1);

        $current_page = clamp($current_page, 1, $total_pages);

        $threads_per_page = 10;
        $start = $threads_per_page * ($current_page - 1);

        $result = $database->Execute("
			SELECT image_id,MAX(posted) AS latest
			FROM comments
			GROUP BY image_id
			ORDER BY latest DESC
			LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset
		", ["limit"=>$threads_per_page, "offset"=>$start]);

        $user_ratings = Extension::is_enabled(RatingsInfo::KEY) ? Ratings::get_user_class_privs($user) : "";

        $images = [];
        while ($row = $result->fetch()) {
            $image = Image::by_id((int)$row["image_id"]);
            if (
                Extension::is_enabled(RatingsInfo::KEY) && !is_null($image) &&
                !in_array($image->rating, $user_ratings)
            ) {
                $image = null; // this is "clever", I may live to regret it
            if (!is_null($image)) {
                $comments = $this->get_comments($image->id);
                $images[] = [$image, $comments];

        $this->theme->display_comment_list($images, $current_page, $total_pages, $user->can(Permissions::CREATE_COMMENT));

     * #return Comment[]
    private function get_generic_comments(string $query, array $args): array
        global $database;
        $rows = $database->get_all($query, $args);
        $comments = [];
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            $comments[] = new Comment($row);
        return $comments;

     * #return Comment[]
    private function get_recent_comments(int $count): array
        return $this->get_generic_comments("
				users.id as user_id, users.name as user_name, users.email as user_email, users.class as user_class,
				comments.comment as comment, comments.id as comment_id,
				comments.image_id as image_id, comments.owner_ip as poster_ip,
				comments.posted as posted
			FROM comments
			LEFT JOIN users ON comments.owner_id=users.id
			ORDER BY comments.id DESC
			LIMIT :limit
		", ["limit"=>$count]);

     * #return Comment[]
    private function get_user_comments(int $user_id, int $count, int $offset=0): array
        return $this->get_generic_comments("
				users.id as user_id, users.name as user_name, users.email as user_email, users.class as user_class,
				comments.comment as comment, comments.id as comment_id,
				comments.image_id as image_id, comments.owner_ip as poster_ip,
				comments.posted as posted
			FROM comments
			LEFT JOIN users ON comments.owner_id=users.id
			WHERE users.id = :user_id
			ORDER BY comments.id DESC
			LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset
		", ["user_id"=>$user_id, "offset"=>$offset, "limit"=>$count]);

     * #return Comment[]
    private function get_comments(int $image_id): array
        return $this->get_generic_comments("
				users.id as user_id, users.name as user_name, users.email as user_email, users.class as user_class,
				comments.comment as comment, comments.id as comment_id,
				comments.image_id as image_id, comments.owner_ip as poster_ip,
				comments.posted as posted
			FROM comments
			LEFT JOIN users ON comments.owner_id=users.id
			WHERE comments.image_id=:image_id
			ORDER BY comments.id ASC
		", ["image_id"=>$image_id]);

    private function is_comment_limit_hit(): bool
        global $config, $database;

        // sqlite fails at intervals
        if ($database->get_driver_name() === DatabaseDriver::SQLITE) {
            return false;

        $window = int_escape($config->get_int('comment_window'));
        $max = int_escape($config->get_int('comment_limit'));

        if ($database->get_driver_name() == DatabaseDriver::MYSQL) {
            $window_sql = "interval $window minute";
        } else {
            $window_sql = "interval '$window minute'";

        // window doesn't work as an SQL param because it's inside quotes >_<
        $result = $database->get_all("
			FROM comments
			WHERE owner_ip = :remote_ip AND posted > now() - $window_sql
		", ["remote_ip"=>$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']]);

        return (count($result) >= $max);

    private function hash_match(): bool
        return ($_POST['hash'] == $this->get_hash());

     * get a hash which semi-uniquely identifies a submission form,
     * to stop spam bots which download the form once then submit
     * many times.
     * FIXME: assumes comments are posted via HTTP...
    public static function get_hash(): string
        return md5($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . date("%Y%m%d"));

    private function is_spam_akismet(string $text): bool
        global $config, $user;
        if (strlen($config->get_string('comment_wordpress_key')) > 0) {
            $comment = [
                'author'       => $user->name,
                'email'        => $user->email,
                'website'      => '',
                'body'         => $text,
                'permalink'    => '',

            # akismet breaks if there's no referrer in the environment; so if there
            # isn't, supply one manually
            if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
                $comment['referrer'] = 'none';
                log_warning("comment", "User '{$user->name}' commented with no referrer: $text");
            if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
                $comment['user_agent'] = 'none';
                log_warning("comment", "User '{$user->name}' commented with no user-agent: $text");

            $akismet = new Akismet(

            if ($akismet->errorsExist()) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return $akismet->isSpam();

        return false;

    private function is_dupe(int $image_id, string $comment): bool
        global $database;
        return (bool)$database->get_row("
			FROM comments
			WHERE image_id=:image_id AND comment=:comment
		", ["image_id"=>$image_id, "comment"=>$comment]);
    // do some checks

    private function add_comment_wrapper(int $image_id, User $user, string $comment)
        global $database, $page;

        if (!$user->can(Permissions::BYPASS_COMMENT_CHECKS)) {
            // will raise an exception if anything is wrong
            $this->comment_checks($image_id, $user, $comment);

        // all checks passed
        if ($user->is_anonymous()) {
            $page->add_cookie("nocache", "Anonymous Commenter", time()+60*60*24, "/");
            "INSERT INTO comments(image_id, owner_id, owner_ip, posted, comment) ".
                "VALUES(:image_id, :user_id, :remote_addr, now(), :comment)",
            ["image_id"=>$image_id, "user_id"=>$user->id, "remote_addr"=>$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], "comment"=>$comment]
        $cid = $database->get_last_insert_id('comments_id_seq');
        $snippet = substr($comment, 0, 100);
        $snippet = str_replace("\n", " ", $snippet);
        $snippet = str_replace("\r", " ", $snippet);
        log_info("comment", "Comment #$cid added to Image #$image_id: $snippet", null, ["image_id"=>$image_id, "comment_id"=>$cid]);

    private function comment_checks(int $image_id, User $user, string $comment)
        global $config, $page;

        // basic sanity checks
        if (!$user->can(Permissions::CREATE_COMMENT)) {
            throw new CommentPostingException("Anonymous posting has been disabled");
        } elseif (is_null(Image::by_id($image_id))) {
            throw new CommentPostingException("The image does not exist");
        } elseif (trim($comment) == "") {
            throw new CommentPostingException("Comments need text...");
        } elseif (strlen($comment) > 9000) {
            throw new CommentPostingException("Comment too long~");

        // advanced sanity checks
        elseif (strlen($comment)/strlen(gzcompress($comment)) > 10) {
            throw new CommentPostingException("Comment too repetitive~");
        } elseif ($user->is_anonymous() && !$this->hash_match()) {
            $page->add_cookie("nocache", "Anonymous Commenter", time()+60*60*24, "/");
            throw new CommentPostingException(
                "Comment submission form is out of date; refresh the ".
                    "comment form to show you aren't a spammer~"

        // database-querying checks
        elseif ($this->is_comment_limit_hit()) {
            throw new CommentPostingException("You've posted several comments recently; wait a minute and try again...");
        } elseif ($this->is_dupe($image_id, $comment)) {
            throw new CommentPostingException("Someone already made that comment on that image -- try and be more original?");

        // rate-limited external service checks last
        elseif ($config->get_bool('comment_captcha') && !captcha_check()) {
            throw new CommentPostingException("Error in captcha");
        } elseif ($user->is_anonymous() && $this->is_spam_akismet($comment)) {
            throw new CommentPostingException("Akismet thinks that your comment is spam. Try rewriting the comment, or logging in.");