Shimmie needs to be run via a web server with PHP support -- you appear to be either opening the file from your hard disk, or your web server is mis-configured.
If you've installed a web server on your desktop PC, you probably want to visit the local web server.
For more help with installation, visit the documentation wiki.
"; var_dump($sql); echo ""; $result = $schema->ExecuteSchema(); if(!$result) { die("Error creating tables from XML schema"); } } $db->Close(); } // }}} function insert_defaults($dsn, $admin_name, $admin_pass) { // {{{ $db = NewADOConnection($dsn); if(!$db) { die("Couldn't connect to \"$dsn\""); } else { $config_insert = $db->Prepare("INSERT INTO config(name, value) VALUES(?, ?)"); $user_insert = $db->Prepare("INSERT INTO users(name, pass, joindate, admin) VALUES(?, ?, now(), ?)"); $admin_pass = md5(strtolower($admin_name).$admin_pass); $db->Execute($user_insert, Array('Anonymous', null, 'N')); $db->Execute($config_insert, Array('anon_id', $db->Insert_ID())); $db->Execute($user_insert, Array($admin_name, $admin_pass, 'Y')); if(check_im_version() > 0) { $db->Execute($config_insert, Array('thumb_engine', 'convert')); } $db->Close(); } } // }}} function build_dirs() { // {{{ if(!file_exists("images")) @mkdir("images"); // *try* and make default dirs. Ignore any errors -- if(!file_exists("thumbs")) @mkdir("thumbs"); // if something is amiss, we'll tell the user later if(!file_exists("data")) @mkdir("data"); if( ((!file_exists("images") || !file_exists("thumbs") || !file_exists("data")) && !is_writable("./")) || (!is_writable("images") || !is_writable("thumbs") || !is_writable("data")) ) { print "Shimmie needs three folders in it's directory, 'images', 'thumbs', and 'data', and they need to be writable by the PHP user (if you see this error, if probably means the folders are owned by you, and they need to be writable by the web server).
Once you have created these folders, hit 'refresh' to continue.";
else {
assert(file_exists("images") && is_writable("images"));
assert(file_exists("thumbs") && is_writable("thumbs"));
assert(file_exists("data") && is_writable("data"));
if(!file_exists("images/ff")) {
for($i=0; $i<256; $i++) {
mkdir(sprintf("images/%02x", $i));
mkdir(sprintf("thumbs/%02x", $i));
} // }}}
function write_config($dsn) { // {{{
$file_content = "";
if(is_writable("./") && installer_write_file("config.php", $file_content)) {
else {
$h_file_content = htmlentities($file_content);
print << One done, Continue
} // }}}