<?php /* * An object representing a row in the "users" table. */ class User { var $config; var $database; var $id; var $name; var $email; var $join_date; var $days_old; var $admin; /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Initialisation * * * * User objects shouldn't be created directly, they should be * * fetched from the database like so: * * * * $user = User::by_name($config, $database, "bob"); * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ public function User(Config $config, Database $database, $row) { $this->config = $config; $this->database = $database; $this->id = int_escape($row['id']); $this->name = $row['name']; $this->email = $row['email']; $this->join_date = $row['joindate']; $this->days_old = 0; // $row['days_old']; $this->admin = ($row['admin'] == 'Y'); } public static function by_session(Config $config, Database $database, $name, $session) { $row = $database->get_row( "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ? AND md5(concat(pass, ?)) = ?", array($name, get_session_ip($config), $session) ); return is_null($row) ? null : new User($config, $database, $row); } public static function by_id(Config $config, Database $database, $id) { assert(is_numeric($id)); $row = $database->get_row("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", array($id)); return is_null($row) ? null : new User($config, $database, $row); } public static function by_name(Config $config, Database $database, $name) { assert(is_string($name)); $row = $database->get_row("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ?", array($name)); return is_null($row) ? null : new User($config, $database, $row); } public static function by_name_and_hash(Config $config, Database $database, $name, $hash) { assert(is_string($name)); assert(is_string($hash)); assert(strlen($hash) == 32); $row = $database->get_row("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = ? AND pass = ?", array($name, $hash)); return is_null($row) ? null : new User($config, $database, $row); } /* * useful user object functions start here */ public function is_anonymous() { return ($this->id == $this->config->get_int('anon_id')); } public function is_admin() { return $this->admin; } public function set_admin($admin) { assert(is_bool($admin)); $yn = $admin ? 'Y' : 'N'; $this->database->Execute("UPDATE users SET admin=? WHERE id=?", array($yn, $this->id)); } public function set_password($password) { $hash = md5(strtolower($this->name) . $password); $this->database->Execute("UPDATE users SET pass=? WHERE id=?", array($hash, $this->id)); } public function get_days_old() { return $this->days_old; } public function get_image_count() { global $database; return $database->db->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM images WHERE owner_id=?", array($this->id)); } public function get_comment_count() { global $database; return $database->db->GetOne("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM comments WHERE owner_id=?", array($this->id)); } } ?>