supported_mime($event->mime) && $user->can(Permissions::BULK_IMPORT)) { $zip = new ZipArchive; if ($zip->open($event->tmpname) === true) { $json_data = $this->get_export_data($zip); if (empty($json_data)) { return; } $total = 0; $skipped = 0; $failed = 0; $database->commit(); while (!empty($json_data)) { $item = array_pop($json_data); $database->begin_transaction(); try { $image = Image::by_hash($item->hash); if ($image!=null) { $skipped++; log_info(BulkImportExportInfo::KEY, "Post $item->hash already present, skipping"); $database->commit(); continue; } $tmpfile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "shimmie_bulk_import"); $stream = $zip->getStream($item->hash); if ($zip === false) { throw new SCoreException("Could not import " . $item->hash . ": File not in zip"); } file_put_contents($tmpfile, $stream); $id = add_image($tmpfile, $item->filename, Tag::implode($item->tags)); if ($id==-1) { throw new SCoreException("Unable to import file $item->hash"); } $image = Image::by_id($id); if ($image==null) { throw new SCoreException("Unable to import file $item->hash"); } if ($item->source!=null) { $image->set_source($item->source); } send_event(new BulkImportEvent($image, $item)); $database->commit(); $total++; } catch (Exception $ex) { $failed++; try { $database->rollBack(); } catch (Exception $ex2) { log_error(BulkImportExportInfo::KEY, "Could not roll back transaction: " . $ex2->getMessage(), "Could not import " . $item->hash . ": " . $ex->getMessage()); } log_error(BulkImportExportInfo::KEY, "Could not import " . $item->hash . ": " . $ex->getMessage(), "Could not import " . $item->hash . ": " . $ex->getMessage()); continue; } finally { if (!empty($tmpfile) && is_file($tmpfile)) { unlink($tmpfile); } } } $event->image_id = -2; // default -1 = upload wasn't handled log_info( BulkImportExportInfo::KEY, "Imported $total items, skipped $skipped, $failed failed", "Imported $total items, skipped $skipped, $failed failed" ); } else { throw new SCoreException("Could not open zip archive"); } } } public function onBulkActionBlockBuilding(BulkActionBlockBuildingEvent $event) { global $user; if ($user->can(Permissions::BULK_EXPORT)) { $event->add_action(self::EXPORT_ACTION_NAME, "Export"); } } public function onBulkAction(BulkActionEvent $event) { global $user, $page; if ($user->can(Permissions::BULK_EXPORT) && ($event->action == self::EXPORT_ACTION_NAME)) { $download_filename = $user->name . '-' . date('YmdHis') . '.zip'; $zip_filename = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "shimmie_bulk_export"); $zip = new ZipArchive; $json_data = []; if ($zip->open($zip_filename, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE | ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE) === true) { foreach ($event->items as $image) { $img_loc = warehouse_path(Image::IMAGE_DIR, $image->hash, false); $export_event = new BulkExportEvent($image); send_event($export_event); $data = $export_event->fields; $data["hash"] = $image->hash; $data["tags"] = $image->get_tag_array(); $data["filename"] = $image->filename; $data["source"] = $image->source; array_push($json_data, $data); $zip->addFile($img_loc, $image->hash); } $json_data = json_encode($json_data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); $zip->addFromString(self::EXPORT_INFO_FILE_NAME, $json_data); $zip->close(); $page->set_mode(PageMode::FILE); $page->set_file($zip_filename, true); $page->set_filename($download_filename); $event->redirect = false; } } } // we don't actually do anything, just accept one upload and spawn several protected function media_check_properties(MediaCheckPropertiesEvent $event): void { } protected function check_contents(string $tmpname): bool { return false; } protected function create_thumb(string $hash, string $mime): bool { return false; } private function get_export_data(ZipArchive $zip): ?array { $info = $zip->getStream(self::EXPORT_INFO_FILE_NAME); if ($info !== false) { try { $json_string = stream_get_contents($info); $json_data = json_decode($json_string); } finally { fclose($info); } return $json_data; } else { return null; } } }