<?php declare(strict_types=1); class FileExtension { public const ANI = 'ani'; public const ASC = 'asc'; public const ASF = 'asf'; public const ASX = 'asx'; public const AVI = 'avi'; public const BMP = 'bmp'; public const BZIP = 'bz'; public const BZIP2 = 'bz2'; public const CBR = 'cbr'; public const CBZ = 'cbz'; public const CBT = 'cbt'; public const CBA = 'cbA'; public const CB7 = 'cb7'; public const CSS = 'css'; public const CSV = 'csv'; public const CUR = 'cur'; public const FLASH = 'swf'; public const FLASH_VIDEO = 'flv'; public const GIF = 'gif'; public const GZIP = 'gz'; public const HTML = 'html'; public const HTM = 'htm'; public const ICO = 'ico'; public const JFIF = 'jfif'; public const JFI = 'jfi'; public const JPEG = 'jpeg'; public const JPG = 'jpg'; public const JS = 'js'; public const JSON = 'json'; public const MKV = 'mkv'; public const MP3 = 'mp3'; public const MP4 = 'mp4'; public const M4V = 'm4v'; public const M4A = 'm4a'; public const MPEG = 'mpeg'; public const MPG = 'mpg'; public const OGG = 'ogg'; public const OGG_VIDEO = 'ogv'; public const OGG_AUDIO = 'oga'; public const PDF = 'pdf'; public const PHP = 'php'; public const PHP5 = 'php5'; public const PNG = 'png'; public const PSD = 'psd'; public const PPM = 'ppm'; public const MOV = 'mov'; public const RSS = 'rss'; public const SVG = 'svg'; public const TAR = 'tar'; public const TEXT = 'txt'; public const TIFF = 'tiff'; public const TIF = 'tif'; public const WAV = 'wav'; public const WEBM = 'webm'; public const WEBP = 'webp'; public const WMA = 'wma'; public const WMV = 'wmv'; public const XML = 'xml'; public const XSL = 'xsl'; public const ZIP = 'zip'; /** * Returns the main file extension associated with the specified mimetype. */ public static function get_for_mime(string $mime): ?string { if (empty($mime)) { return null; } if ($mime==MimeType::OCTET_STREAM) { return null; } $data = MimeMap::get_for_mime($mime); if ($data!=null) { return $data[MimeMap::MAP_EXT][0]; } return null; } /** * Returns all the file extension associated with the specified mimetype. */ public static function get_all_for_mime(string $mime): array { if (empty($mime)) { return []; } if ($mime==MimeType::OCTET_STREAM) { return []; } $data = MimeMap::get_for_mime($mime); if ($data!=null) { return $data[MimeMap::MAP_EXT]; } return []; } }