class PrivMsgTest extends ShimmiePHPUnitTestCase
    public function testPM()


        $this->set_field('subject', "message demo to test");
        $this->set_field('message', "message contents");

        $this->assert_text("message demo to test");
        $this->click("message demo to test");
        $this->assert_text("message contents");
        $this->assert_no_text("message demo to test");

        $this->assert_text("No such PM");
        // GET doesn't work due to auth token check
        //$this->assert_text("No such PM");
        $this->assert_text("Invalid action");


    public function testAdminAccess()


        $this->set_field('subject', "message demo to test");
        $this->set_field('message', "message contents");

        $this->assert_text("message demo to test");
        $this->click("message demo to test");
        $this->assert_text("message contents");

        # simpletest bug? - redirect(referrer) works in opera, not in
        # webtestcase, so we end up at the wrong page...
        $this->assert_title("test's Page");
        $this->assert_no_text("message demo to test");