get_string('theme', 'material'); $site_name = $config->get_string('title'); $data_href = get_base_href(); $main_page = $config->get_string('main_page'); $contact_link = $config->get_string('contact_link'); $site_link = make_link(); $header_html = ""; ksort($page->html_headers); foreach($page->html_headers as $line) { $header_html .= "\t\t$line\n"; } $left_block_html = ""; $main_block_html = ""; $head_block_html = ""; $sub_block_html = ""; $drawer_block_html = ""; //use exampled in user.theme.php & view.theme.php $toolbar_block_html = ""; // not used at this point $subtoolbar_block_html = ""; // use exampled in user.theme.php $navigation = ""; $h_search = "
"; foreach($page->blocks as $block) { switch($block->section) { case "toolbar": $toolbar_block_html .= $this->get_html($block, "toolbar"); break; case "subtoolbar": $subtoolbar_block_html .= $this->get_html($block, "subtoolbar"); break; case "left": if($block->header == "Navigation"){ $subtoolbar_block_html = $this->rework_navigation($block); break; } // $left_block_html .= $block->get_html(true); $left_block_html .= $this->get_html($block, "full", true, "left-blocks nav-card mdl-cell--4-col-tablet"); break; case "head": $head_block_html .= $this->get_html($block, "third", true, "nav-card head-blocks"); break; case "drawer": $drawer_block_html .= $this->get_html($block, "full", true, "nav-card drawer-blocks"); break; case "main": // $main_block_html .= $block->get_html(false); $main_block_html .= $this->get_html($block, "main", true, ""); break; case "subheading": // $sub_block_html .= $block->body; // $this->block_to_html($block, true); $sub_block_html .= $this->get_html($block, "third", true, "nav-card"); break; default: print "

error: {$block->header} using an unknown section ({$block->section})"; break; } } $debug = get_debug_info(); $contact = empty($contact_link) ? "" : "
Contact"; /*$subheading = empty($page->subheading) ? "" : "

"; $wrapper = ""; if(strlen($page->heading) > 100) { $wrapper = ' style="height: 3em; overflow: auto;"'; } */ $flash = get_prefixed_cookie("flash_message"); $flash_html = ""; if($flash) { $flash_html = "".nl2br(html_escape($flash))." [X]"; set_prefixed_cookie("flash_message", "", -1, "/"); } print << {$page->title} $header_html
$h_search {$toolbar_block_html}
$head_block_html $sub_block_html
$flash_html $main_block_html
$debug $contact
EOD; } public function rework_navigation(Block $block){ $h = $block->header; $b = $block->body; $i = $block->id; $dom = new DomDocument(); $dom->loadHTML($b); $output = array(); $html = "
\n"; return $html; } /** * Get the HTML for this block. from core * * @param bool $hidable * @return string */ public function get_html(Block $block, $section="main", $hidable=false, $extra_class="") { $h = $block->header; $b = $block->body; $i = $block->id; $i = preg_replace('/[^\w-]/', '', $i);//blotter extention id has `!` if($section == "toolbar"){ $html = "
\n"; return $html; } if($section == "subtoolbar"){ $html = "
\n"; return $html; } if($section == "full"){ $html = "
"; $h_toggler = $hidable ? " shm-toggler" : ""; if(!empty($h)) $html .="


"; if(!empty($b)) $html .="
"; $html .= "
\n"; return $html; } if($section == "third"){ $html = "
"; $h_toggler = $hidable ? " shm-toggler" : ""; if(!empty($h)) $html .="


"; if(!empty($b)) $html .="
"; $html .= "
\n"; return $html; } $html = "
"; $h_toggler = $hidable ? " shm-toggler" : ""; if(!empty($h)) $html .= "


"; if(!empty($b)) $html .= "
"; $html .= "
\n"; return $html; } } //@todo fix ext/blotter id tag //@todo fix table row error for ext/ip_ban //@todo fix table row error for ext/image_hash_ban //@todo fix table row error for ext/untag //@todo fix ext private-messages gives Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'href' of null when no messages are there..