* Link: http://code.shishnet.org/shimmie2/ * License: GPLv2 * Description: Show a list of uploaded images * Documentation: * Here is a list of the search methods available out of the box; * Shimmie extensions may provide other filters: *
Search items can be combined to search for images which match both, * or you can stick "-" in front of an item to search for things that don't * match it. */ /* * SearchTermParseEvent: * Signal that a search term needs parsing */ class SearchTermParseEvent extends Event { var $term = null; var $context = null; var $querylets = array(); public function SearchTermParseEvent($term, $context) { $this->term = $term; $this->context = $context; } public function is_querylet_set() { return (count($this->querylets) > 0); } public function get_querylets() { return $this->querylets; } public function add_querylet($q) { $this->querylets[] = $q; } } class SearchTermParseException extends SCoreException { } class PostListBuildingEvent extends Event { var $search_terms = null; public function __construct($search) { $this->search_terms = $search; } } class Index extends SimpleExtension { public function onInitExt($event) { global $config; $config->set_default_int("index_width", 3); $config->set_default_int("index_height", 4); $config->set_default_bool("index_tips", true); } public function onPageRequest($event) { global $config, $database, $page, $user; if($event->page_matches("post/list")) { if(isset($_GET['search'])) { $search = url_escape(trim($_GET['search'])); if(empty($search)) { $page->set_mode("redirect"); $page->set_redirect(make_link("post/list/1")); } else { $page->set_mode("redirect"); $page->set_redirect(make_link("post/list/$search/1")); } return; } $search_terms = array(); $page_number = 1; if($event->count_args() == 1) { $page_number = int_escape($event->get_arg(0)); } else if($event->count_args() == 2) { $search_terms = explode(' ', $event->get_arg(0)); $page_number = int_escape($event->get_arg(1)); } if($page_number == 0) $page_number = 1; // invalid -> 0 $total_pages = Image::count_pages($search_terms); $count = $config->get_int('index_width') * $config->get_int('index_height'); $images = Image::find_images(($page_number-1)*$count, $count, $search_terms); if(count($search_terms) == 0 && count($images) == 0 && $page_number == 1) { $this->theme->display_intro($page); send_event(new PostListBuildingEvent($search_terms)); } else if(count($search_terms) > 0 && count($images) == 1 && $page_number == 1) { $page->set_mode("redirect"); $page->set_redirect(make_link("post/view/{$images[0]->id}")); } else { send_event(new PostListBuildingEvent($search_terms)); $this->theme->set_page($page_number, $total_pages, $search_terms); $this->theme->display_page($page, $images); } } } public function onSetupBuilding($event) { $sb = new SetupBlock("Index Options"); $sb->position = 20; $sb->add_label("Index table size "); $sb->add_int_option("index_width"); $sb->add_label(" x "); $sb->add_int_option("index_height"); $sb->add_label(" images"); $event->panel->add_block($sb); } public function onSearchTermParse($event) { $matches = array(); if(preg_match("/^size(<|>|<=|>=|=)(\d+)x(\d+)$/", $event->term, $matches)) { $cmp = $matches[1]; $args = array(int_escape($matches[2]), int_escape($matches[3])); $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("width $cmp ? AND height $cmp ?", $args)); } else if(preg_match("/^ratio(<|>|<=|>=|=)(\d+):(\d+)$/", $event->term, $matches)) { $cmp = $matches[1]; $args = array(int_escape($matches[2]), int_escape($matches[3])); $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("width / height $cmp ? / ?", $args)); } else if(preg_match("/^(filesize|id)(<|>|<=|>=|=)(\d+[kmg]?b?)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $col = $matches[1]; $cmp = $matches[2]; $val = parse_shorthand_int($matches[3]); $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.$col $cmp ?", array($val))); } else if(preg_match("/^(hash|md5)=([0-9a-fA-F]*)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $hash = strtolower($matches[2]); $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.hash = '$hash'")); } else if(preg_match("/^(filetype|ext)=([a-zA-Z0-9]*)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $ext = strtolower($matches[2]); $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.ext = '$ext'")); } else if(preg_match("/^(filename|name)=([a-zA-Z0-9]*)$/i", $event->term, $matches)) { $filename = strtolower($matches[2]); $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.filename LIKE '%$filename%'")); } else if(preg_match("/^posted=(([0-9\*]*)?(-[0-9\*]*)?(-[0-9\*]*)?)$/", $event->term, $matches)) { $val = str_replace("*", "%", $matches[1]); $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.posted LIKE '%$val%'")); } else if(preg_match("/tags(<|>|<=|>=|=)(\d+)/", $event->term, $matches)) { $cmp = $matches[1]; $tags = $matches[2]; $event->add_querylet(new Querylet("images.id IN (SELECT DISTINCT image_id FROM image_tags GROUP BY image_id HAVING count(image_id) $cmp $tags)")); } } } ?>