, contributions by Shish and Agasa. */ class BulkActionBlockBuildingEvent extends Event { /** @var array */ public $actions = array(); /** * @param string $name */ public function add_action(String $action, String $confirmation_message = "", String $block = "", int $position = 40) { if($block==null) $block = ""; array_push($this->actions, array( "block"=>$block, "confirmation_message"=>$confirmation_message, "action"=>$action, "position"=>$position) ); } } class BulkActionEvent extends Event { public $action; public $items; public $page_request; function __construct (String $action, PageRequestEvent $pageRequestEvent, array $items) { $this->action = $action; $this->page_request = $pageRequestEvent; $this->items = $items; } } class BulkActions extends Extension { public function onPostListBuilding(PostListBuildingEvent $event) { global $config, $page, $user; $this->theme->display_selector($page, $event, $config, Tag::implode($event->search_terms)); } public function onBulkActionBlockBuilding(BulkActionBlockBuildingEvent $event) { global $user; if ($user->can("delete_image")) { $event->add_action("Delete","Delete selected images?","",10); } if ($user->can("bulk_edit_image_tag")) { $event->add_action("Tag","",$this->theme->render_tag_input(),10); } if ($user->can("bulk_edit_image_source")) { $event->add_action("Set Source","",$this->theme->render_source_input(),10); } } public function onBulkAction(BulkActionEvent $event) { global $user; switch($event->action) { case "Delete": if ($user->can("delete_image")) { $this->delete_items($event->items); } break; case "Tag": if (!isset($_POST['bulk_tags'])) { return; } if ($user->can("bulk_edit_image_tag")) { $tags = $_POST['bulk_tags']; $replace = false; if(isset($_POST['bulk_tags_replace']) && $_POST['bulk_tags_replace']=="true") { $replace = true; } $this->tag_items($event->items, $tags, $replace); } break; case "Set Source": if (!isset($_POST['bulk_source'])) { return; } if ($user->can("bulk_edit_image_source")) { $source = $_POST['bulk_source']; $this->set_source($event->items, $source); } break; } } public function onPageRequest(PageRequestEvent $event) { global $page, $user; if ($event->page_matches("bulk_action") && $user->is_admin()) { if (!isset($_POST['bulk_action'])) { return; } $action = $_POST['bulk_action']; $items = []; if(isset($_POST['bulk_selected_ids'])&&$_POST['bulk_selected_ids']!="") { $data = json_decode($_POST['bulk_selected_ids']); if(is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $id) { if(is_numeric($id)) { $item = Image::by_id(int_escape($id)); array_push($items, $item); } } } if(sizeof($items)>0) { reset($items); // rewind to first element in array. $newEvent = new BulkActionEvent($action, $event, $items); send_event($newEvent); } } else if(isset($_POST['bulk_query'])&&$_POST['bulk_query']!="") { $query = $_POST['bulk_query']; if($query!=null&&$query!="") { $n = 0; while (true) { $items = Image::find_images($n, 100, Tag::explode($query)); if (count($items) == 0) { break; } reset($items); // rewind to first element in array. $newEvent = new BulkActionEvent($action, $event, $items); send_event($newEvent); $n += 100; } } } $page->set_mode("redirect"); if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] = make_link(); } $page->set_redirect($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } } private function delete_items(array $items) { $total = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { try { send_event(new ImageDeletionEvent($item)); $total++; } catch(Exception $e) { flash_message("Error while removing $item->id: ".$e->getMessage(), "error"); } } flash_message("Deleted $total items"); } private function tag_items(array $items, string $tags, bool $replace) { $tags = Tag::explode($tags); $pos_tag_array = []; $neg_tag_array = []; foreach ($tags as $new_tag) { if (strpos($new_tag, '-') === 0) { $neg_tag_array[] = substr($new_tag, 1); } else { $pos_tag_array[] = $new_tag; } } $total = 0; if ($replace) { foreach ($items as $item) { send_event(new TagSetEvent($item, $tags)); $total++; } } else { foreach ($items as $item) { $img_tags = []; if (!empty($neg_tag_array)) { $img_tags = array_merge($pos_tag_array, $item->get_tag_array()); $img_tags = array_diff($img_tags, $neg_tag_array); } else { $img_tags =array_merge($tags, $item->get_tag_array()); } send_event(new TagSetEvent($item, $img_tags)); $total++; } } flash_message("Tagged $total items"); } private function set_source(array $items, String $source) { $total = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { try { send_event(new SourceSetEvent($item, $source)); $total++; } catch(Exception $e) { flash_message("Error while setting source for $item->id: ".$e->getMessage(), "error"); } } flash_message("Set source for $total items"); } }