<?php class PoolsTheme extends Themelet { /** * Adds a block to the panel with information on the pool(s) the image is in. */ public function pool_info($linksPools) { global $page; if(count($linksPools) > 0) { $page->add_block(new Block("Pools", implode("<br>", $linksPools), "left")); } } public function get_adder_html(Image $image, /*array*/ $pools) { $editor = ""; $h = ""; foreach($pools as $pool) { $h .= "<option value='".$pool['id']."'>".html_escape($pool['title'])."</option>"; } $editor = "\n".make_form(make_link("pool/add_post"))." <select name='pool_id'> $h </select> <input type='hidden' name='image_id' value='{$image->id}'> <input type='submit' value='Add Image to Pool'> </form> "; return $editor; } /* * HERE WE SHOWS THE LIST OF POOLS */ public function list_pools(Page $page, /*array*/ $pools, /*int*/ $pageNumber, /*int*/ $totalPages) { global $user; $html = ' <table id="poolsList" class="zebra"> <thead><tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Creator</th> <th>Posts</th> <th>Public</th> </tr></thead><tbody>'; $n = 0; // Build up the list of pools. foreach($pools as $pool) { $oe = ($n++ % 2 == 0) ? "even" : "odd"; $pool_link = '<a href="'.make_link("pool/view/".$pool['id']).'">'.html_escape($pool['title'])."</a>"; $user_link = '<a href="'.make_link("user/".url_escape($pool['user_name'])).'">'.html_escape($pool['user_name'])."</a>"; $public = ($pool['public'] == "Y" ? "Yes" : "No"); $html .= "<tr class='$oe'>". "<td class='left'>".$pool_link."</td>". "<td>".$user_link."</td>". "<td>".$pool['posts']."</td>". "<td>".$public."</td>". "</tr>"; } $html .= "</tbody></table>"; $nav_html = ' <a href="'.make_link().'">Index</a> <br><a href="'.make_link("pool/new").'">Create Pool</a> <br><a href="'.make_link("pool/updated").'">Pool Changes</a> '; $blockTitle = "Pools"; $page->set_title(html_escape($blockTitle)); $page->set_heading(html_escape($blockTitle)); $page->add_block(new Block($blockTitle, $html, "main", 10)); $page->add_block(new Block("Navigation", $nav_html, "left", 10)); $this->display_paginator($page, "pool/list", null, $pageNumber, $totalPages); } /* * HERE WE DISPLAY THE NEW POOL COMPOSER */ public function new_pool_composer(Page $page) { $create_html = " ".make_form(make_link("pool/create"))." <table> <tr><td>Title:</td><td><input type='text' name='title'></td></tr> <tr><td>Public?</td><td><input name='public' type='checkbox' value='Y' checked='checked'/></td></tr> <tr><td>Description:</td><td><textarea name='description'></textarea></td></tr> <tr><td colspan='2'><input type='submit' value='Create' /></td></tr> </table> </form> "; $blockTitle = "Create Pool"; $page->set_title(html_escape($blockTitle)); $page->set_heading(html_escape($blockTitle)); $page->add_block(new Block("Create Pool", $create_html, "main", 20)); } private function display_top(/*array*/ $pools, /*string*/ $heading, $check_all=false) { global $page, $user; $page->set_title($heading); $page->set_heading($heading); if(count($pools) == 1) { $pool = $pools[0]; if($pool['public'] == "Y" || $user->is_admin()) {// IF THE POOL IS PUBLIC OR IS ADMIN SHOW EDIT PANEL if(!$user->is_anonymous()) {// IF THE USER IS REGISTERED AND LOGGED IN SHOW EDIT PANEL $this->sidebar_options($page, $pool, $check_all); } } $page->add_block(new Block(html_escape($pool['title']), html_escape($pool['description']), "main", 10)); } else { $pool_info = ' <table id="poolsList" class="zebra"> <thead><tr> <th class="left">Title</th> <th class="left">Description</th> </tr></thead><tbody>'; $n = 0; foreach($pools as $pool) { $oe = ($n++ % 2 == 0) ? "even" : "odd"; $pool_info .= "<tr class='$oe'>". "<td class='left'>".html_escape($pool['title'])."</td>". "<td class='left'>".html_escape($pool['description'])."</td>". "</tr>"; // this will make disasters if more than one pool comes in the parameter if($pool['public'] == "Y" || $user->is_admin()) {// IF THE POOL IS PUBLIC OR IS ADMIN SHOW EDIT PANEL if(!$user->is_anonymous()) {// IF THE USER IS REGISTERED AND LOGGED IN SHOW EDIT PANEL $this->sidebar_options($page, $pool, $check_all); } } } $pool_info .= "</tbody></table>"; $page->add_block(new Block($heading, $pool_info, "main", 10)); } } /* * HERE WE DISPLAY THE POOL WITH TITLE DESCRIPTION AND IMAGES WITH PAGINATION */ public function view_pool(/*array*/ $pools, /*array*/ $images, /*int*/ $pageNumber, /*int*/ $totalPages) { global $user, $page; $this->display_top($pools, "Pool: ".html_escape($pools[0]['title'])); $pool_images = ''; foreach($images as $image) { $thumb_html = $this->build_thumb_html($image); $pool_images .= "\n".$thumb_html."\n"; } $page->add_block(new Block("Viewing Posts", $pool_images, "main", 30)); $this->display_paginator($page, "pool/view/".$pools[0]['id'], null, $pageNumber, $totalPages); } /* * HERE WE DISPLAY THE POOL OPTIONS ON SIDEBAR BUT WE HIDE REMOVE OPTION IF THE USER IS NOT THE OWNER OR ADMIN */ public function sidebar_options(Page $page, $pool, /*bool*/ $check_all) { global $user; $editor = "\n".make_form( make_link('pool/import') ).' <input type="text" name="pool_tag" id="edit_pool_tag" value="Please enter a tag" onclick="this.value=\'\';"/> <input type="submit" name="edit" id="edit_pool_import_btn" value="Import"/> <input type="hidden" name="pool_id" value="'.$pool['id'].'"> </form> '.make_form( make_link('pool/edit') ).' <input type="submit" name="edit" id="edit_pool_btn" value="Edit Pool"/> <input type="hidden" name="edit_pool" value="yes"> <input type="hidden" name="pool_id" value="'.$pool['id'].'"> </form> '.make_form( make_link('pool/order') ).' <input type="submit" name="edit" id="edit_pool_order_btn" value="Order Pool"/> <input type="hidden" name="order_view" value="yes"> <input type="hidden" name="pool_id" value="'.$pool['id'].'"> </form> '; if($user->id == $pool['user_id'] || $user->is_admin()){ $editor .= " <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- function confirm_action() { return confirm('Are you sure that you want to delete this pool?'); } //--> </script> ".make_form(make_link("pool/nuke"))." <input type='submit' name='delete' id='delete_pool_btn' value='Delete Pool' onclick='return confirm_action()' /> <input type='hidden' name='pool_id' value='".$pool['id']."'> </form> "; } if($check_all) { $editor .= " <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- function setAll(value) { var a=new Array(); a=document.getElementsByName('check[]'); var p=0; for(i=0;i<a.length;i++){ a[i].checked = value; } } //--> </script> <br><input type='button' name='CheckAll' value='Check All' onClick='setAll(true)'> <input type='button' name='UnCheckAll' value='Uncheck All' onClick='setAll(false)'> "; } $page->add_block(new Block("Manage Pool", $editor, "left", 10)); } /* * HERE WE DISPLAY THE RESULT OF THE SEARCH ON IMPORT */ public function pool_result(Page $page, /*array*/ $images, /*int*/ $pool_id) { // TODO: this could / should be done using jQuery $pool_images = " <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'> <!-- function setAll(value) { var a=new Array(); a=document.getElementsByName('check[]'); var p=0; for(i=0;i<a.length;i++) { a[i].checked = value; } } function confirm_action() { return confirm('Are you sure you want to add selected posts to this pool?'); } //--> </script> "; $pool_images .= "<form action='".make_link("pool/add_posts")."' method='POST' name='checks'>"; foreach($images as $image) { $thumb_html = $this->build_thumb_html($image); $pool_images .= '<span class="thumb">'. $thumb_html .'<br>'. '<input name="check[]" type="checkbox" value="'.$image->id.'" />'. '</span>'; } $pool_images .= "<br>". "<input type='submit' name='edit' id='edit_pool_add_btn' value='Add Selected' onclick='return confirm_action()'/>". "<input type='hidden' name='pool_id' value='".$pool_id."'>". "</form>"; $page->add_block(new Block("Import", $pool_images, "main", 10)); $editor = " <input type='button' name='CheckAll' value='Check All' onClick='setAll(true)'> <input type='button' name='UnCheckAll' value='Uncheck All' onClick='setAll(false)'> "; $page->add_block(new Block("Manage Pool", $editor, "left", 10)); } /* * HERE WE DISPLAY THE POOL ORDERER * WE LIST ALL IMAGES ON POOL WITHOUT PAGINATION AND WITH A TEXT INPUT TO SET A NUMBER AND CHANGE THE ORDER */ public function edit_order(Page $page, /*array*/ $pools, /*array*/ $images) { global $user; $this->display_top($pools, "Sorting Pool"); $pool_images = "\n<form action='".make_link("pool/order")."' method='POST' name='checks'>"; $n = 0; foreach($images as $pair) { $image = $pair[0]; $thumb_html = $this->build_thumb_html($image); $pool_images .= '<span class="thumb">'."\n".$thumb_html."\n". '<br><input name="imgs['.$n.'][]" type="text" style="max-width:50px;" value="'.$image->image_order.'" />'. '<input name="imgs['.$n.'][]" type="hidden" value="'.$image->id.'" />'. '</span>'; $n++; } $pool_images .= "<br>". "<input type='submit' name='edit' id='edit_pool_order' value='Order'/>". "<input type='hidden' name='pool_id' value='".$pools[0]['id']."'>". "</form>"; $page->add_block(new Block("Sorting Posts", $pool_images, "main", 30)); } /* * HERE WE DISPLAY THE POOL EDITOR * WE LIST ALL IMAGES ON POOL WITHOUT PAGINATION AND WITH * A CHECKBOX TO SELECT WHICH IMAGE WE WANT TO REMOVE */ public function edit_pool(Page $page, /*array*/ $pools, /*array*/ $images) { global $user; $this->display_top($pools, "Editing Pool", true); $pool_images = "\n<form action='".make_link("pool/remove_posts")."' method='POST' name='checks'>"; foreach($images as $pair) { $image = $pair[0]; $thumb_html = $this->build_thumb_html($image); $pool_images .= '<span class="thumb">'."\n".$thumb_html."\n". '<br><input name="check[]" type="checkbox" value="'.$image->id.'" />'. '</span>'; } $pool_images .= "<br>". "<input type='submit' name='edit' id='edit_pool_remove_sel' value='Remove Selected'/>". "<input type='hidden' name='pool_id' value='".$pools[0]['id']."'>". "</form>"; $page->add_block(new Block("Editing Posts", $pool_images, "main", 30)); } /* * HERE WE DISPLAY THE HISTORY LIST */ public function show_history($histories, /*int*/ $pageNumber, /*int*/ $totalPages) { global $page; $html = ' <table id="poolsList" class="zebra"> <thead><tr> <th>Pool</th> <th>Post Count</th> <th>Changes</th> <th>Updater</th> <th>Date</th> <th>Action</th> </tr></thead><tbody>'; $n = 0; foreach($histories as $history) { $oe = ($n++ % 2 == 0) ? "even" : "odd"; $pool_link = "<a href='".make_link("pool/view/".$history['pool_id'])."'>".html_escape($history['title'])."</a>"; $user_link = "<a href='".make_link("user/".url_escape($history['user_name']))."'>".html_escape($history['user_name'])."</a>"; $revert_link = "<a href='".make_link("pool/revert/".$history['id'])."'>Revert</a>"; if ($history['action'] == 1) { $prefix = "+"; } elseif ($history['action'] == 0) { $prefix = "-"; } $images = trim($history['images']); $images = explode(" ", $images); $image_link = ""; foreach ($images as $image) { $image_link .= "<a href='".make_link("post/view/".$image)."'>".$prefix.$image." </a>"; } $html .= "<tr class='$oe'>". "<td class='left'>".$pool_link."</td>". "<td>".$history['count']."</td>". "<td>".$image_link."</td>". "<td>".$user_link."</td>". "<td>".$history['date']."</td>". "<td>".$revert_link."</td>". "</tr>"; } $html .= "</tbody></table>"; $page->set_title("Recent Changes"); $page->set_heading("Recent Changes"); $page->add_block(new Block("Recent Changes", $html, "main", 10)); $this->display_paginator($page, "pool/updated", null, $pageNumber, $totalPages); } /** * Display an error message to the user. */ public function display_error(/*string*/ $errMessage) { global $page; $page->set_title("Error"); $page->set_heading("Error"); $page->add_block(new Block("Error", $errMessage, "main", 10)); } } ?>