<?php class MediaTheme extends Themelet { public function display_form(array $types) { global $page; $html = "Use this to force scanning for media properties."; $html .= make_form(make_link("admin/media_rescan")); $html .= "<table class='form'>"; $html .= "<tr><th>Image Type</th><td><select name='media_rescan_type'><option value=''>All</option>"; foreach ($types as $type) { $html .= "<option value='".$type["ext"]."'>".$type["ext"]." (".$type["count"].")</option>"; } $html .= "</select></td></tr>"; $html .= "<tr><td colspan='2'><input type='submit' value='Scan Media Information'></td></tr>"; $html .= "</table></form>\n"; $page->add_block(new Block("Media Tools", $html)); } public function get_buttons_html(int $image_id): string { return " ".make_form(make_link("media_rescan/"))." <input type='hidden' name='image_id' value='$image_id'> <input type='submit' value='Scan Media Properties'> </form> "; } public function get_help_html() { return '<p>Search for items based on the type of media.</p> <div class="command_example"> <pre>content:audio</pre> <p>Returns items that contain audio, including videos and audio files.</p> </div> <div class="command_example"> <pre>content:video</pre> <p>Returns items that contain video, including animated GIFs.</p> </div> <p>These search terms depend on the items being scanned for media content. Automatic scanning was implemented in mid-2019, so items uploaded before, or items uploaded on a system without ffmpeg, will require additional scanning before this will work.</p> '; } }