id = int_escape($row['id']); $this->name = $row['name']; $this->email = $row['email']; $this->join_date = $row['joindate']; $this->passhash = $row['pass']; $this->class = $_user_classes[$row["class"]]; } public static function by_session(/*string*/ $name, /*string*/ $session) { global $config, $database; $row = $database->cache->get("user-session-$name-$session"); if(!$row) { if($database->get_driver_name() === "mysql") { $query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = :name AND md5(concat(pass, :ip)) = :sess"; } else { $query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = :name AND md5(pass || :ip) = :sess"; } $row = $database->get_row($query, array("name"=>$name, "ip"=>get_session_ip($config), "sess"=>$session)); $database->cache->set("user-session-$name-$session", $row, 600); } return is_null($row) ? null : new User($row); } public static function by_id(/*int*/ $id) { assert(is_numeric($id)); global $database; if($id === 1) { $cached = $database->cache->get('user-id:'.$id); if($cached) return new User($cached); } $row = $database->get_row("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id", array("id"=>$id)); if($id === 1) $database->cache->set('user-id:'.$id, $row, 600); return is_null($row) ? null : new User($row); } public static function by_name(/*string*/ $name) { assert(is_string($name)); global $database; $row = $database->get_row($database->scoreql_to_sql("SELECT * FROM users WHERE SCORE_STRNORM(name) = SCORE_STRNORM(:name)"), array("name"=>$name)); return is_null($row) ? null : new User($row); } public static function by_name_and_hash(/*string*/ $name, /*string*/ $hash) { assert(is_string($name)); assert(is_string($hash)); assert(strlen($hash) == 32); global $database; $row = $database->get_row($database->scoreql_to_sql("SELECT * FROM users WHERE SCORE_STRNORM(name) = SCORE_STRNORM(:name) AND pass = :hash"), array("name"=>$name, "hash"=>$hash)); return is_null($row) ? null : new User($row); } public static function by_list(/*int*/ $offset, /*int*/ $limit=50) { assert(is_numeric($offset)); assert(is_numeric($limit)); global $database; $rows = $database->get_all("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id >= :start AND id < :end", array("start"=>$offset, "end"=>$offset+$limit)); return array_map("_new_user", $rows); } /* * useful user object functions start here */ public function can($ability) { return $this->class->can($ability); } /** * Test if this user is anonymous (not logged in) * * @retval bool */ public function is_anonymous() { global $config; return ($this->id === $config->get_int('anon_id')); } /** * Test if this user is logged in * * @retval bool */ public function is_logged_in() { global $config; return ($this->id !== $config->get_int('anon_id')); } /** * Test if this user is an administrator * * @retval bool */ public function is_admin() { return ($this->class->name === "admin"); } public function set_class(/*string*/ $class) { assert(is_string($class)); global $database; $database->Execute("UPDATE users SET class=:class WHERE id=:id", array("class"=>$class, "id"=>$this->id)); log_info("core-user", 'Set class for '.$this->name.' to '.$class); } public function set_password(/*string*/ $password) { global $database; $hash = md5(strtolower($this->name) . $password); $database->Execute("UPDATE users SET pass=:hash WHERE id=:id", array("hash"=>$hash, "id"=>$this->id)); log_info("core-user", 'Set password for '.$this->name); } public function set_email(/*string*/ $address) { global $database; $database->Execute("UPDATE users SET email=:email WHERE id=:id", array("email"=>$address, "id"=>$this->id)); log_info("core-user", 'Set email for '.$this->name); } /** * Get a snippet of HTML which will render the user's avatar, be that * a local file, a remote file, a gravatar, a something else, etc * @retval String of HTML */ public function get_avatar_html() { // FIXME: configurable global $config; if($config->get_string("avatar_host") === "gravatar") { if(!empty($this->email)) { $hash = md5(strtolower($this->email)); $s = $config->get_string("avatar_gravatar_size"); $d = urlencode($config->get_string("avatar_gravatar_default")); $r = $config->get_string("avatar_gravatar_rating"); return ""; } } return ""; } /** * Get an auth token to be used in POST forms * * password = secret, avoid storing directly * passhash = md5(password), so someone who gets to the database can't get passwords * sesskey = md5(passhash . IP), so if it gets sniffed it can't be used from another IP, * and it can't be used to get the passhash to generate new sesskeys * authtok = md5(sesskey, salt), presented to the user in web forms, to make sure that * the form was generated within the session. Salted and re-hashed so that * reading a web page from the user's cache doesn't give access to the session key * * @retval String containing auth token (MD5sum) */ public function get_auth_token() { global $config; $salt = DATABASE_DSN; $addr = get_session_ip($config); return md5(md5($this->passhash . $addr) . "salty-csrf-" . $salt); } public function get_auth_html() { $at = $this->get_auth_token(); return ''; } public function check_auth_token() { return (isset($_POST["auth_token"]) && $_POST["auth_token"] == $this->get_auth_token()); } } ?>