<?php /* * Name: Private Messaging * Author: Shish <webmaster@shishnet.org> * License: GPLv2 * Description: Allow users to send messages to eachother * Documentation: * PMs show up on a user's profile page, readable by that user * as well as board admins. To send a PM, visit another user's * profile page and a box will be shown. */ class SendPMEvent extends Event { public function __construct($pm) { $this->pm = $pm; } } class PM { public function __construct($from_id=0, $from_ip="", $to_id=0, $subject="A Message", $message="Some Text", $read=False) { # PHP: the P stands for "really", the H stands for "awful" and the other P stands for "language" if(is_array($from_id)) { $a = $from_id; $this->id = $a["id"]; $this->from_id = $a["from_id"]; $this->from_ip = $a["from_ip"]; $this->to_id = $a["to_id"]; $this->sent_date = $a["sent_date"]; $this->subject = $a["subject"]; $this->message = $a["message"]; $this->is_read = undb_bool($a["is_read"]); } else { $this->id = -1; $this->from_id = $from_id; $this->from_ip = $from_ip; $this->to_id = $to_id; $this->subject = $subject; $this->message = $message; $this->is_read = $read; } } } class PrivMsg extends SimpleExtension { public function onInitExt($event) { global $config, $database; // shortcut to latest if($config->get_int("pm_version") < 1) { $database->create_table("private_message", " id SCORE_AIPK, from_id INTEGER NOT NULL, from_ip SCORE_INET NOT NULL, to_id INTEGER NOT NULL, sent_date DATETIME NOT NULL, subject VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, message TEXT NOT NULL, is_read SCORE_BOOL NOT NULL DEFAULT SCORE_BOOL_N, INDEX (to_id) "); $config->set_int("pm_version", 1); log_info("pm", "extension installed"); } } /* public function onUserBlockBuilding($event) { global $user; if(!$user->is_anonymous()) { $event->add_link("Private Messages", make_link("pm")); } } */ public function onUserPageBuilding($event) { global $page, $user; $duser = $event->display_user; if(!$user->is_anonymous() && !$duser->is_anonymous()) { if(($user->id == $duser->id) || $user->is_admin()) { $this->theme->display_pms($page, $this->get_pms($duser)); } if($user->id != $duser->id) { $this->theme->display_composer($page, $user, $duser); } } } public function onPageRequest($event) { global $database, $page, $user; if($event->page_matches("pm")) { if(!$user->is_anonymous()) { switch($event->get_arg(0)) { case "read": $pm_id = int_escape($event->get_arg(1)); $pm = $database->get_row("SELECT * FROM private_message WHERE id = ?", array($pm_id)); if(is_null($pm)) { $this->theme->display_error($page, "No such PM", "There is no PM #$pm_id"); } else if(($pm["to_id"] == $user->id) || $user->is_admin()) { $from_user = User::by_id(int_escape($pm["from_id"])); $database->get_row("UPDATE private_message SET is_read='Y' WHERE id = ?", array($pm_id)); $this->theme->display_message($page, $from_user, $user, new PM($pm)); } else { // permission denied } break; case "delete": $pm_id = int_escape($event->get_arg(1)); $pm = $database->get_row("SELECT * FROM private_message WHERE id = ?", array($pm_id)); if(is_null($pm)) { $this->theme->display_error($page, "No such PM", "There is no PM #$pm_id"); } else if(($pm["to_id"] == $user->id) || $user->is_admin()) { $database->execute("DELETE FROM private_message WHERE id = ?", array($pm_id)); log_info("pm", "Deleted PM #$pm_id"); $page->set_mode("redirect"); $page->set_redirect($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); } else { // permission denied } break; case "send": $to_id = int_escape($_POST["to_id"]); $from_id = $user->id; $subject = $_POST["subject"]; $message = $_POST["message"]; send_event(new SendPMEvent(new PM($from_id, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], $to_id, $subject, $message))); $page->set_mode("redirect"); $page->set_redirect($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); break; default: $this->theme->display_error($page, "Invalid action", "That's not something you can do with a PM"); break; } } } } public function onSendPM($event) { global $database; $database->execute(" INSERT INTO private_message( from_id, from_ip, to_id, sent_date, subject, message) VALUES(?, ?, ?, now(), ?, ?)", array($event->pm->from_id, $event->pm->from_ip, $event->pm->to_id, $event->pm->subject, $event->pm->message) ); log_info("pm", "Sent PM to User #{$event->pm->to_id}"); } private function get_pms(User $user) { global $database; $arr = $database->get_all(" SELECT private_message.*,user_from.name AS from_name FROM private_message JOIN users AS user_from ON user_from.id=from_id WHERE to_id = ? ", array($user->id)); $pms = array(); foreach($arr as $pm) { $pms[] = new PM($pm); } return $pms; } } ?>