<?php /** * All the imageboard-specific bits of code should be in this file, everything * else in /core should be standard SCore bits. */ /** * \page search Shimmie2: Searching * * The current search system is built of several search item -> image ID list * translators, eg: * * \li the item "fred" will search the image_tags table to find image IDs with the fred tag * \li the item "size=640x480" will search the images table to find image IDs of 640x480 images * * So the search "fred size=640x480" will calculate two lists and take the * intersection. (There are some optimisations in there making it more * complicated behind the scenes, but as long as you can turn a single word * into a list of image IDs, making a search plugin should be simple) */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ * Classes * \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ $tag_n = 0; // temp hack $_flexihash = null; $_fh_last_opts = null; $order_sql = null; // this feels ugly require_once "lib/flexihash.php"; /** * An object representing an entry in the images table. As of 2.2, this no * longer necessarily represents an image per se, but could be a video, * sound file, or any other supported upload type. */ class Image { var $id = null; var $height, $width; var $hash, $filesize; var $filename, $ext; var $owner_ip; var $posted; var $source; var $locked; /** * One will very rarely construct an image directly, more common * would be to use Image::by_id, Image::by_hash, etc */ public function __construct($row=null) { if(!is_null($row)) { foreach($row as $name => $value) { // some databases use table.name rather than name $name = str_replace("images.", "", $name); $this->$name = $value; // hax } $this->posted_timestamp = strtotime($this->posted); // pray $this->locked = bool_escape($this->locked); assert(is_numeric($this->id)); assert(is_numeric($this->height)); assert(is_numeric($this->width)); } } /** * Find an image by ID * * @retval Image */ public static function by_id(/*int*/ $id) { assert(is_numeric($id)); global $database; $row = $database->get_row("SELECT * FROM images WHERE images.id=:id", array("id"=>$id)); return ($row ? new Image($row) : null); } /** * Find an image by hash * * @retval Image */ public static function by_hash(/*string*/ $hash) { assert(is_string($hash)); global $database; $row = $database->get_row("SELECT images.* FROM images WHERE hash=:hash", array("hash"=>$hash)); return ($row ? new Image($row) : null); } /** * Pick a random image out of a set * * @retval Image */ public static function by_random($tags=array()) { assert(is_array($tags)); $max = Image::count_images($tags); if ($max < 1) return null; // From Issue #22 - opened by HungryFeline on May 30, 2011. $rand = mt_rand(0, $max-1); $set = Image::find_images($rand, 1, $tags); if(count($set) > 0) return $set[0]; else return null; } /** * Search for an array of images * * @retval Array */ public static function find_images(/*int*/ $start, /*int*/ $limit, $tags=array()) { assert(is_numeric($start)); assert(is_numeric($limit)); assert(is_array($tags)); global $database, $user, $config, $order_sql; $images = array(); if($start < 0) $start = 0; if($limit < 1) $limit = 1; if(SPEED_HAX) { if(!$user->can("big_search") and count($tags) > 3) { throw new SCoreException("Anonymous users may only search for up to 3 tags at a time"); } } $querylet = Image::build_search_querylet($tags); $querylet->append(new Querylet(" ORDER BY ".($order_sql ?: "images.".$config->get_string("index_order")))); $querylet->append(new Querylet(" LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset", array("limit"=>$limit, "offset"=>$start))); #var_dump($querylet->sql); var_dump($querylet->variables); $result = $database->execute($querylet->sql, $querylet->variables); while($row = $result->fetch()) { $images[] = new Image($row); } $order_sql = null; return $images; } /* * Image-related utility functions */ /** * Count the number of image results for a given search */ public static function count_images($tags=array()) { assert(is_array($tags)); global $database; $tag_count = count($tags); if($tag_count === 0) { $total = $database->cache->get("image-count"); if(!$total) { $total = $database->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM images"); $database->cache->set("image-count", $total, 600); } return $total; } else if($tag_count === 1 && !preg_match("/[:=><\*\?]/", $tags[0])) { $term = Tag::resolve_alias($tags[0]); return $database->get_one( $database->scoreql_to_sql("SELECT count FROM tags WHERE SCORE_STRNORM(tag) = SCORE_STRNORM(:tag)"), array("tag"=>$term)); } else { $querylet = Image::build_search_querylet($tags); $result = $database->execute($querylet->sql, $querylet->variables); return $result->rowCount(); } } /** * Count the number of pages for a given search */ public static function count_pages($tags=array()) { assert(is_array($tags)); global $config, $database; return ceil(Image::count_images($tags) / $config->get_int('index_images')); } /* * Accessors & mutators */ /** * Find the next image in the sequence. * * Rather than simply $this_id + 1, one must take into account * deleted images and search queries * * @retval Image */ public function get_next($tags=array(), $next=true) { assert(is_array($tags)); assert(is_bool($next)); global $database; if($next) { $gtlt = "<"; $dir = "DESC"; } else { $gtlt = ">"; $dir = "ASC"; } if(count($tags) === 0) { $row = $database->get_row('SELECT images.* FROM images WHERE images.id '.$gtlt.' '.$this->id.' ORDER BY images.id '.$dir.' LIMIT 1'); } else { $tags[] = 'id'. $gtlt . $this->id; $querylet = Image::build_search_querylet($tags); $querylet->append_sql(' ORDER BY images.id '.$dir.' LIMIT 1'); $row = $database->get_row($querylet->sql, $querylet->variables); } return ($row ? new Image($row) : null); } /** * The reverse of get_next * * @retval Image */ public function get_prev($tags=array()) { return $this->get_next($tags, false); } /** * Find the User who owns this Image * * @retval User */ public function get_owner() { return User::by_id($this->owner_id); } /** * Set the image's owner */ public function set_owner(User $owner) { global $database; if($owner->id != $this->owner_id) { $database->execute("UPDATE images SET owner_id=:owner_id WHERE id=:id", array("owner_id"=>$owner->id, "id"=>$this->id)); log_info("core_image", "Owner for Image #{$this->id} set to {$owner->name}", false, array("image_id" => $this->id)); } } /** * Get this image's tags as an array */ public function get_tag_array() { global $database; if(!isset($this->tag_array)) { $this->tag_array = $database->get_col("SELECT tag FROM image_tags JOIN tags ON image_tags.tag_id = tags.id WHERE image_id=:id ORDER BY tag", array("id"=>$this->id)); } return $this->tag_array; } /** * Get this image's tags as a string */ public function get_tag_list() { return Tag::implode($this->get_tag_array()); } /** * Get the URL for the full size image * * @retval string */ public function get_image_link() { global $config; $image_ilink = $config->get_string('image_ilink'); // store a copy for speed. if( !empty($image_ilink) ) { /* empty is faster than strlen */ if(!startsWith($image_ilink, "http://") && !startsWith($image_ilink, "/")) { $image_ilink = make_link($image_ilink); } return $this->parse_link_template($image_ilink); } else if($config->get_bool('nice_urls', false)) { return $this->parse_link_template(make_link('_images/$hash/$id%20-%20$tags.$ext')); } else { return $this->parse_link_template(make_link('image/$id.$ext')); } } /** * Get a short link to the full size image * * @deprecated * @retval string */ public function get_short_link() { global $config; return $this->parse_link_template($config->get_string('image_slink')); } /** * Get the URL for the thumbnail * * @retval string */ public function get_thumb_link() { global $config; $image_tlink = $config->get_string('image_tlink'); // store a copy for speed. if( !empty($image_tlink) ) { /* empty is faster than strlen */ if(!startsWith($image_tlink, "http://") && !startsWith($image_tlink, "/")) { $image_tlink = make_link($image_tlink); } return $this->parse_link_template($image_tlink); } else if($config->get_bool('nice_urls', false)) { return $this->parse_link_template(make_link('_thumbs/$hash/thumb.jpg')); } else { return $this->parse_link_template(make_link('thumb/$id.jpg')); } } /** * Get the tooltip for this image, formatted according to the * configured template * * @retval string */ public function get_tooltip() { global $config; $tt = $this->parse_link_template($config->get_string('image_tip'), "no_escape"); // Removes the size tag if the file is an mp3 if($this->ext === 'mp3'){ $iitip = $tt; $mp3tip = array("0x0"); $h_tip = str_replace($mp3tip, " ", $iitip); // Makes it work with a variation of the default tooltips (I.E $tags // $filesize // $size) $justincase = array(" //", "// ", " //", "// ", " "); if(strstr($h_tip, " ")) { $h_tip = html_escape(str_replace($justincase, "", $h_tip)); }else{ $h_tip = html_escape($h_tip); } return $h_tip; } else { return $tt; } } /** * Figure out where the full size image is on disk * * @retval string */ public function get_image_filename() { return warehouse_path("images", $this->hash); } /** * Figure out where the thumbnail is on disk * * @retval string */ public function get_thumb_filename() { return warehouse_path("thumbs", $this->hash); } /** * Get the original filename * * @retval string */ public function get_filename() { return $this->filename; } /** * Get the image's mime type * * @retval string */ public function get_mime_type() { return getMimeType($this->get_image_filename(), $this->get_ext()); } /** * Get the image's filename extension * * @retval string */ public function get_ext() { return $this->ext; } /** * Get the image's source URL * * @retval string */ public function get_source() { return $this->source; } /** * Set the image's source URL */ public function set_source(/*string*/ $new_source) { global $database; $old_source = $this->source; if(empty($new_source)) $new_source = null; if($new_source != $old_source) { $database->execute("UPDATE images SET source=:source WHERE id=:id", array("source"=>$new_source, "id"=>$this->id)); log_info("core_image", "Source for Image #{$this->id} set to: $new_source (was $old_source)", false, array("image_id" => $this->id)); } } /** * Check if the image is locked. * @retval bool */ public function is_locked() { return $this->locked; } public function set_locked($tf) { global $database; $ln = $tf ? "Y" : "N"; $sln = $database->scoreql_to_sql('SCORE_BOOL_'.$ln); $sln = str_replace("'", "", $sln); $sln = str_replace('"', "", $sln); if(bool_escape($sln) !== $this->locked) { $database->execute("UPDATE images SET locked=:yn WHERE id=:id", array("yn"=>$sln, "id"=>$this->id)); log_info("core_image", "Setting Image #{$this->id} lock to: $ln", false, array("image_id" => $this->id)); } } /** * Delete all tags from this image. * * Normally in preparation to set them to a new set. */ public function delete_tags_from_image() { global $database; $database->execute( "UPDATE tags SET count = count - 1 WHERE id IN ". "(SELECT tag_id FROM image_tags WHERE image_id = :id)", array("id"=>$this->id)); $database->execute("DELETE FROM image_tags WHERE image_id=:id", array("id"=>$this->id)); } /** * Set the tags for this image */ public function set_tags($tags) { global $database; assert(is_array($tags)); $tags = array_map(array('Tag', 'sanitise'), $tags); $tags = Tag::resolve_aliases($tags); assert(is_array($tags)); assert(count($tags) > 0); $new_tags = implode(" ", $tags); if($new_tags != $this->get_tag_list()) { // delete old $this->delete_tags_from_image(); // insert each new tags foreach($tags as $tag) { $ttpe = new TagTermParseEvent($tag, $this->id); send_event($ttpe); if($ttpe->is_metatag()) { continue; } $id = $database->get_one( $database->scoreql_to_sql( "SELECT id FROM tags WHERE SCORE_STRNORM(tag) = SCORE_STRNORM(:tag)" ), array("tag"=>$tag)); if(empty($id)) { // a new tag $database->execute( "INSERT INTO tags(tag) VALUES (:tag)", array("tag"=>$tag)); $database->execute( "INSERT INTO image_tags(image_id, tag_id) VALUES(:id, (SELECT id FROM tags WHERE tag = :tag))", array("id"=>$this->id, "tag"=>$tag)); } else { // user of an existing tag $database->execute( "INSERT INTO image_tags(image_id, tag_id) VALUES(:iid, :tid)", array("iid"=>$this->id, "tid"=>$id)); } $database->execute( $database->scoreql_to_sql( "UPDATE tags SET count = count + 1 WHERE SCORE_STRNORM(tag) = SCORE_STRNORM(:tag)" ), array("tag"=>$tag)); } log_info("core_image", "Tags for Image #{$this->id} set to: ".implode(" ", $tags), false, array("image_id" => $this->id)); $database->cache->delete("image-{$this->id}-tags"); } } /** * Delete this image from the database and disk */ public function delete() { global $database; $this->delete_tags_from_image(); $database->execute("DELETE FROM images WHERE id=:id", array("id"=>$this->id)); log_info("core_image", 'Deleted Image #'.$this->id.' ('.$this->hash.')', false, array("image_id" => $this->id)); unlink($this->get_image_filename()); unlink($this->get_thumb_filename()); } /** * This function removes an image (and thumbnail) from the DISK ONLY. * It DOES NOT remove anything from the database. */ public function remove_image_only() { log_info("core_image", 'Removed Image File ('.$this->hash.')', false, array("image_id" => $this->id)); @unlink($this->get_image_filename()); @unlink($this->get_thumb_filename()); } /** * Someone please explain this * * @retval string */ public function parse_link_template($tmpl, $_escape="url_escape") { global $config; // don't bother hitting the database if it won't be used... $tags = ""; if(strpos($tmpl, '$tags') !== false) { // * stabs dynamically typed languages with a rusty spoon * $tags = $this->get_tag_list(); $tags = str_replace("/", "", $tags); $tags = preg_replace("/^\.+/", "", $tags); } $base_href = $config->get_string('base_href'); $fname = $this->get_filename(); $base_fname = strpos($fname, '.') ? substr($fname, 0, strrpos($fname, '.')) : $fname; $tmpl = str_replace('$id', $this->id, $tmpl); $tmpl = str_replace('$hash_ab', substr($this->hash, 0, 2), $tmpl); $tmpl = str_replace('$hash_cd', substr($this->hash, 2, 2), $tmpl); $tmpl = str_replace('$hash', $this->hash, $tmpl); $tmpl = str_replace('$tags', $_escape($tags), $tmpl); $tmpl = str_replace('$base', $base_href, $tmpl); $tmpl = str_replace('$ext', $this->ext, $tmpl); $tmpl = str_replace('$size', "{$this->width}x{$this->height}", $tmpl); $tmpl = str_replace('$filesize', to_shorthand_int($this->filesize), $tmpl); $tmpl = str_replace('$filename', $_escape($base_fname), $tmpl); $tmpl = str_replace('$title', $_escape($config->get_string("title")), $tmpl); $tmpl = str_replace('$date', $_escape(autodate($this->posted, false)), $tmpl); // nothing seems to use this, sending the event out to 50 exts is a lot of overhead if(!SPEED_HAX) { $plte = new ParseLinkTemplateEvent($tmpl, $this); send_event($plte); $tmpl = $plte->link; } global $_flexihash, $_fh_last_opts; $matches = array(); if(preg_match("/(.*){(.*)}(.*)/", $tmpl, $matches)) { $pre = $matches[1]; $opts = $matches[2]; $post = $matches[3]; if($opts != $_fh_last_opts) { $_fh_last_opts = $opts; $_flexihash = new Flexihash(); foreach(explode(",", $opts) as $opt) { $parts = explode("=", $opt); $parts_count = count($parts); $opt_val = ""; $opt_weight = 0; if($parts_count === 2) { $opt_val = $parts[0]; $opt_weight = $parts[1]; } elseif($parts_count === 1) { $opt_val = $parts[0]; $opt_weight = 1; } $_flexihash->addTarget($opt_val, $opt_weight); } } $choice = $_flexihash->lookup($pre.$post); $tmpl = $pre.$choice.$post; } return $tmpl; } private static function build_search_querylet($terms) { assert(is_array($terms)); global $database; if($database->get_driver_name() === "mysql") return Image::build_ugly_search_querylet($terms); else return Image::build_accurate_search_querylet($terms); } /** * WARNING: this description is no longer accurate, though it does get across * the general idea - the actual method has a few extra optimisiations * * "foo bar -baz user=foo" becomes * * SELECT * FROM images WHERE * images.id IN (SELECT image_id FROM image_tags WHERE tag='foo') * AND images.id IN (SELECT image_id FROM image_tags WHERE tag='bar') * AND NOT images.id IN (SELECT image_id FROM image_tags WHERE tag='baz') * AND images.id IN (SELECT id FROM images WHERE owner_name='foo') * * This is: * A) Incredibly simple: * Each search term maps to a list of image IDs * B) Runs really fast on a good database: * These lists are calucalted once, and the set intersection taken * C) Runs really slow on bad databases: * All the subqueries are executed every time for every row in the * images table. Yes, MySQL does suck this much. */ private static function build_accurate_search_querylet($terms) { global $database; $tag_querylets = array(); $img_querylets = array(); $positive_tag_count = 0; $stpe = new SearchTermParseEvent(null, $terms); send_event($stpe); if($stpe->is_querylet_set()) { foreach($stpe->get_querylets() as $querylet) { $img_querylets[] = new ImgQuerylet($querylet, true); } } $terms = Tag::resolve_aliases($terms); // parse the words that are searched for into // various types of querylet foreach($terms as $term) { $positive = true; if(is_string($term) && !empty($term) && ($term[0] == '-')) { $positive = false; $term = substr($term, 1); } if(strlen($term) === 0) { continue; } $stpe = new SearchTermParseEvent($term, $terms); send_event($stpe); if($stpe->is_querylet_set()) { foreach($stpe->get_querylets() as $querylet) { $img_querylets[] = new ImgQuerylet($querylet, $positive); } } else { $expansions = Tag::resolve_wildcard($term); if($expansions && $positive) $positive_tag_count++; foreach($expansions as $term) { $tag_querylets[] = new TagQuerylet($term, $positive); } } } // merge all the image metadata searches into one generic querylet $n = 0; $sql = ""; $terms = array(); foreach($img_querylets as $iq) { if($n++ > 0) $sql .= " AND"; if(!$iq->positive) $sql .= " NOT"; $sql .= " (" . $iq->qlet->sql . ")"; $terms = array_merge($terms, $iq->qlet->variables); } $img_search = new Querylet($sql, $terms); // How many tag querylets are there? $count_tag_querylets = count($tag_querylets); // no tags, do a simple search (+image metadata if we have any) if($count_tag_querylets === 0) { $query = new Querylet("SELECT images.* FROM images "); if(!empty($img_search->sql)) { $query->append_sql(" WHERE "); $query->append($img_search); } } // one positive tag (a common case), do an optimised search else if($count_tag_querylets === 1 && $tag_querylets[0]->positive) { $query = new Querylet($database->scoreql_to_sql(" SELECT images.* FROM images JOIN image_tags ON images.id=image_tags.image_id JOIN tags ON image_tags.tag_id=tags.id WHERE SCORE_STRNORM(tag) = SCORE_STRNORM(:tag) "), array("tag"=>$tag_querylets[0]->tag)); if(!empty($img_search->sql)) { $query->append_sql(" AND "); $query->append($img_search); } } // more than one positive tag, or more than zero negative tags else { $positive_tag_id_array = array(); $negative_tag_id_array = array(); $tags_ok = true; foreach($tag_querylets as $tq) { $tag_ids = $database->get_col( $database->scoreql_to_sql( "SELECT id FROM tags WHERE SCORE_STRNORM(tag) = SCORE_STRNORM(:tag)" ), array("tag"=>$tq->tag)); if($tq->positive) { $positive_tag_id_array = array_merge($positive_tag_id_array, $tag_ids); $tags_ok = count($tag_ids) > 0; if(!$tags_ok) break; } else { $negative_tag_id_array = array_merge($negative_tag_id_array, $tag_ids); } } if($tags_ok) { $have_pos = count($positive_tag_id_array) > 0; $have_neg = count($negative_tag_id_array) > 0; $sql = "SELECT images.* FROM images WHERE images.id IN ("; if($have_pos) { $positive_tag_id_list = join(', ', $positive_tag_id_array); $sql .= " SELECT image_id FROM image_tags WHERE tag_id IN ($positive_tag_id_list) GROUP BY image_id HAVING COUNT(image_id)>=$positive_tag_count "; } if($have_pos && $have_neg) { $sql .= " EXCEPT "; } if($have_neg) { $negative_tag_id_list = join(', ', $negative_tag_id_array); $sql .= " SELECT image_id FROM image_tags WHERE tag_id IN ($negative_tag_id_list) "; } $sql .= ")"; $query = new Querylet($sql); if(strlen($img_search->sql) > 0) { $query->append_sql(" AND "); $query->append($img_search); } } else { # one of the positive tags had zero results, therefor there # can be no results; "where 1=0" should shortcut things $query = new Querylet(" SELECT images.* FROM images WHERE 1=0 "); } } return $query; } /** * this function exists because mysql is a turd, see the docs for * build_accurate_search_querylet() for a full explanation */ private static function build_ugly_search_querylet($terms) { global $database; $tag_querylets = array(); $img_querylets = array(); $positive_tag_count = 0; $negative_tag_count = 0; $stpe = new SearchTermParseEvent(null, $terms); send_event($stpe); if($stpe->is_querylet_set()) { foreach($stpe->get_querylets() as $querylet) { $img_querylets[] = new ImgQuerylet($querylet, true); } } $terms = Tag::resolve_aliases($terms); reset($terms); // rewind to first element in array. // turn each term into a specific type of querylet foreach($terms as $term) { $negative = false; if( !empty($term) && ($term[0] == '-')) { $negative = true; $term = substr($term, 1); } $stpe = new SearchTermParseEvent($term, $terms); send_event($stpe); if($stpe->is_querylet_set()) { foreach($stpe->get_querylets() as $querylet) { $img_querylets[] = new ImgQuerylet($querylet, !$negative); } } else { $term = str_replace("*", "%", $term); $term = str_replace("?", "_", $term); if(!preg_match("/^[%_]+$/", $term)) { $tag_querylets[] = new TagQuerylet($term, !$negative); } } } // merge all the tag querylets into one generic one $sql = "0"; $terms = array(); foreach($tag_querylets as $tq) { global $tag_n; $sign = $tq->positive ? "+" : "-"; //$sql .= " $sign (tag LIKE :tag$tag_n)"; $sql .= ' '.$sign.' (tag LIKE :tag'.$tag_n.')'; //$terms["tag$tag_n"] = $tq->tag; $terms['tag'.$tag_n] = $tq->tag; $tag_n++; if($sign === "+") $positive_tag_count++; else $negative_tag_count++; } $tag_search = new Querylet($sql, $terms); // merge all the image metadata searches into one generic querylet $n = 0; $sql = ""; $terms = array(); foreach($img_querylets as $iq) { if($n++ > 0) $sql .= " AND"; if(!$iq->positive) $sql .= " NOT"; $sql .= " (" . $iq->qlet->sql . ")"; $terms = array_merge($terms, $iq->qlet->variables); } $img_search = new Querylet($sql, $terms); // no tags, do a simple search (+image metadata if we have any) if($positive_tag_count + $negative_tag_count == 0) { $query = new Querylet("SELECT images.*,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(posted) AS posted_timestamp FROM images "); if(!empty($img_search->sql)) { $query->append_sql(" WHERE "); $query->append($img_search); } } // one positive tag (a common case), do an optimised search else if($positive_tag_count === 1 && $negative_tag_count === 0) { $query = new Querylet( // MySQL is braindead, and does a full table scan on images, running the subquery once for each row -_- // "{$this->get_images} WHERE images.id IN (SELECT image_id FROM tags WHERE tag LIKE ?) ", " SELECT images.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(posted) AS posted_timestamp FROM tags, image_tags, images WHERE tag LIKE :tag0 AND tags.id = image_tags.tag_id AND image_tags.image_id = images.id ", $tag_search->variables); if(!empty($img_search->sql)) { $query->append_sql(" AND "); $query->append($img_search); } } // more than one positive tag, or more than zero negative tags else { $tag_id_array = array(); $tags_ok = true; foreach($tag_search->variables as $tag) { $tag_ids = $database->get_col("SELECT id FROM tags WHERE tag LIKE :tag", array("tag"=>$tag)); $tag_id_array = array_merge($tag_id_array, $tag_ids); $tags_ok = count($tag_ids) > 0; if(!$tags_ok) break; } if($tags_ok) { $tag_id_list = join(', ', $tag_id_array); $subquery = new Querylet(' SELECT images.*, SUM('.$tag_search->sql.') AS score FROM images LEFT JOIN image_tags ON image_tags.image_id = images.id JOIN tags ON image_tags.tag_id = tags.id WHERE tags.id IN ('.$tag_id_list.') GROUP BY images.id HAVING score = :score', array_merge( $tag_search->variables, array("score"=>$positive_tag_count) ) ); $query = new Querylet(' SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(posted) AS posted_timestamp FROM ('.$subquery->sql.') AS images ', $subquery->variables); if(!empty($img_search->sql)) { $query->append_sql(" WHERE "); $query->append($img_search); } } else { # there are no results, "where 1=0" should shortcut things $query = new Querylet(" SELECT images.* FROM images WHERE 1=0 "); } } $tag_n = 0; return $query; } } /** * A class for organising the tag related functions. * * All the methods are static, one should never actually use a tag object. */ class Tag { /** * Remove any excess fluff from a user-input tag */ public static function sanitise($tag) { assert(is_string($tag)); $tag = preg_replace("/[\s?*]/", "", $tag); $tag = preg_replace("/\.+/", ".", $tag); $tag = preg_replace("/^(\.+[\/\\\\])+/", "", $tag); return $tag; } /** * Turn any string or array into a valid tag array */ public static function explode($tags, $tagme=true) { assert(is_string($tags) || is_array($tags)); if(is_string($tags)) { $tags = explode(' ', trim($tags)); } //else if(is_array($tags)) { // do nothing //} $tag_array = array(); foreach($tags as $tag) { $tag = trim($tag, ", \t\n\r\0\x0B"); if(is_string($tag) && !empty($tag)) { $tag_array[] = $tag; } } if(count($tag_array) === 0 && $tagme) { $tag_array = array("tagme"); } sort($tag_array); return $tag_array; } public static function implode($tags) { assert(is_string($tags) || is_array($tags)); if(is_array($tags)) { sort($tags); $tags = implode(' ', $tags); } //else if(is_string($tags)) { // do nothing //} return $tags; } public static function resolve_alias($tag) { assert(is_string($tag)); $negative = false; if(!empty($tag) && ($tag[0] == '-')) { $negative = true; $tag = substr($tag, 1); } global $database; $newtag = $database->get_one( $database->scoreql_to_sql("SELECT newtag FROM aliases WHERE SCORE_STRNORM(oldtag)=SCORE_STRNORM(:tag)"), array("tag"=>$tag)); if(empty($newtag)) { $newtag = $tag; } return $negative ? "-$newtag" : $newtag; } public static function resolve_wildcard($tag) { // if there is no wildcard, return the tag if(strpos($tag, "*") === false) { return array($tag); } // if the whole match is wild, return null to save the database else if(str_replace("*", "", $tag) == "") { return array(); } // else find some matches else { global $database; $db_wild_tag = str_replace("%", "\%", $tag); $db_wild_tag = str_replace("*", "%", $db_wild_tag); $newtags = $database->get_col($database->scoreql_to_sql("SELECT tag FROM tags WHERE SCORE_STRNORM(tag) LIKE SCORE_STRNORM(?)"), array($db_wild_tag)); if(count($newtags) > 0) { $resolved = $newtags; } else { $resolved = array($tag); } return $resolved; } } /** * This function takes a list (array) of tags and changes any tags that have aliases * * @param $tags Array of tags * @return Array of tags */ public static function resolve_aliases($tags) { assert(is_array($tags)); $new = array(); $i = 0; $tag_count = count($tags); while($i<$tag_count) { $aliases = explode(' ', Tag::resolve_alias($tags[$i])); foreach($aliases as $alias){ if(!in_array($alias, $new)){ if($tags[$i] == $alias){ $new[] = $alias; }elseif(!in_array($alias, $tags)){ $tags[] = $alias; $tag_count++; } } } $i++; } $new = array_iunique($new); // remove any duplicate tags return $new; } } /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ * Misc functions * \* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /** * Move a file from PHP's temporary area into shimmie's image storage * heirachy, or throw an exception trying */ function move_upload_to_archive(DataUploadEvent $event) { $target = warehouse_path("images", $event->hash); if(!@copy($event->tmpname, $target)) { $errors = error_get_last(); // note: requires php 5.2 throw new UploadException("Failed to copy file from uploads ({$event->tmpname}) to archive ($target): {$errors['type']} / {$errors['message']}"); } return true; } /** * Given a full size pair of dimentions, return a pair scaled down to fit * into the configured thumbnail square, with ratio intact */ function get_thumbnail_size(/*int*/ $orig_width, /*int*/ $orig_height) { global $config; if($orig_width === 0) $orig_width = 192; if($orig_height === 0) $orig_height = 192; if($orig_width > $orig_height * 5) $orig_width = $orig_height * 5; if($orig_height > $orig_width * 5) $orig_height = $orig_width * 5; $max_width = $config->get_int('thumb_width'); $max_height = $config->get_int('thumb_height'); $xscale = ($max_height / $orig_height); $yscale = ($max_width / $orig_width); $scale = ($xscale < $yscale) ? $xscale : $yscale; if($scale > 1 && $config->get_bool('thumb_upscale')) { return array((int)$orig_width, (int)$orig_height); } else { return array((int)($orig_width*$scale), (int)($orig_height*$scale)); } } ?>