<?php declare(strict_types=1); class BanWordsInfo extends ExtensionInfo { public const KEY = "ban_words"; public $key = self::KEY; public $name = "Comment Word Ban"; public $url = self::SHIMMIE_URL; public $authors = self::SHISH_AUTHOR; public $license = self::LICENSE_GPLV2; public $description = "For stopping spam and other comment abuse"; public $documentation = "Allows an administrator to ban certain words from comments. This can be a very simple but effective way of stopping spam; just add \"viagra\", \"porn\", etc to the banned words list. <p>Regex bans are also supported, allowing more complicated bans like <code>/http:.*\.cn\//</code> to block links to chinese websites, or <code>/.*?http.*?http.*?http.*?http.*?/</code> to block comments with four (or more) links in. <p>Note that for non-regex matches, only whole words are matched, eg banning \"sex\" would block the comment \"get free sex call this number\", but allow \"This is a photo of Bob from Essex\""; }