page_matches("api/danbooru")) { global $page; $page->set_mode(PageMode::DATA); if ($event->page_matches("api/danbooru/add_post") || $event->page_matches("api/danbooru/post/create.xml")) { // No XML data is returned from this function $page->set_mime(MimeType::TEXT); $this->api_add_post(); } elseif ($event->page_matches("api/danbooru/find_posts") || $event->page_matches("api/danbooru/post/index.xml")) { $page->set_mime(MimeType::XML_APPLICATION); $page->set_data($this->api_find_posts()); } elseif ($event->page_matches("api/danbooru/find_tags")) { $page->set_mime(MimeType::XML_APPLICATION); $page->set_data($this->api_find_tags()); } // Hackery for danbooruup 0.3.2 providing the wrong view url. This simply redirects to the proper // Shimmie view page // Example: danbooruup says the url is https://shimmie/api/danbooru/post/show/123 // This redirects that to https://shimmie/post/view/123 elseif ($event->page_matches("api/danbooru/post/show")) { $fixedlocation = make_link("post/view/" . $event->get_arg(0)); $page->set_mode(PageMode::REDIRECT); $page->set_redirect($fixedlocation); } } } /** * Turns out I use this a couple times so let's make it a utility function * Authenticates a user based on the contents of the login and password parameters * or makes them anonymous. Does not set any cookies or anything permanent. */ private function authenticate_user() { global $config, $user; if (isset($_REQUEST['login']) && isset($_REQUEST['password'])) { // Get this user from the db, if it fails the user becomes anonymous // Code borrowed from /ext/user $name = $_REQUEST['login']; $pass = $_REQUEST['password']; $duser = User::by_name_and_pass($name, $pass); if (!is_null($duser)) { $user = $duser; } else { $user = User::by_id($config->get_int("anon_id", 0)); } send_event(new UserLoginEvent($user)); } } /** * find_tags() * Find all tags that match the search criteria. * * Parameters * - id: A comma delimited list of tag id numbers. * - name: A comma delimited list of tag names. * - tags: any typical tag query. See Tag#parse_query for details. * - after_id: limit results to tags with an id number after after_id. Useful if you only want to refresh */ private function api_find_tags(): string { global $database; $results = []; if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $idlist = explode(",", $_GET['id']); foreach ($idlist as $id) { $sqlresult = $database->get_all( "SELECT id,tag,count FROM tags WHERE id = :id", ['id'=>$id] ); foreach ($sqlresult as $row) { $results[] = [$row['count'], $row['tag'], $row['id']]; } } } elseif (isset($_GET['name'])) { $namelist = explode(",", $_GET['name']); foreach ($namelist as $name) { $sqlresult = $database->get_all( "SELECT id,tag,count FROM tags WHERE LOWER(tag) = LOWER(:tag)", ['tag'=>$name] ); foreach ($sqlresult as $row) { $results[] = [$row['count'], $row['tag'], $row['id']]; } } } // Currently disabled to maintain identical functionality to danbooru 1.0's own "broken" find_tags elseif (false && isset($_GET['tags'])) { $start = isset($_GET['after_id']) ? int_escape($_GET['offset']) : 0; $tags = Tag::explode($_GET['tags']); assert(!is_null($start) && !is_null($tags)); } else { $start = isset($_GET['after_id']) ? int_escape($_GET['offset']) : 0; $sqlresult = $database->get_all( "SELECT id,tag,count FROM tags WHERE count > 0 AND id >= :id ORDER BY id DESC", ['id'=>$start] ); foreach ($sqlresult as $row) { $results[] = [$row['count'], $row['tag'], $row['id']]; } } // Tag results collected, build XML output $xml = "\n"; foreach ($results as $tag) { $xml .= xml_tag("tag", [ "type" => "0", "counts" => $tag[0], "name" => $tag[1], "id" => $tag[2], ]); } $xml .= ""; return $xml; } /** * find_posts() * Find all posts that match the search criteria. Posts will be ordered by id descending. * * Parameters: * - md5: md5 hash to search for (comma delimited) * - id: id to search for (comma delimited) * - tags: what tags to search for * - limit: limit * - page: page number * - after_id: limit results to posts added after this id * * #return string */ private function api_find_posts() { $results = []; $this->authenticate_user(); $start = 0; if (isset($_GET['md5'])) { $md5list = explode(",", $_GET['md5']); foreach ($md5list as $md5) { $results[] = Image::by_hash($md5); } $count = count($results); } elseif (isset($_GET['id'])) { $idlist = explode(",", $_GET['id']); foreach ($idlist as $id) { $results[] = Image::by_id(int_escape($id)); } $count = count($results); } else { $limit = isset($_GET['limit']) ? int_escape($_GET['limit']) : 100; // Calculate start offset. if (isset($_GET['page'])) { // Danbooru API uses 'page' >= 1 $start = (int_escape($_GET['page']) - 1) * $limit; } elseif (isset($_GET['pid'])) { // Gelbooru API uses 'pid' >= 0 $start = int_escape($_GET['pid']) * $limit; } else { $start = 0; } $tags = isset($_GET['tags']) ? Tag::explode($_GET['tags']) : []; $count = Image::count_images($tags); $results = Image::find_images(max($start, 0), min($limit, 100), $tags); } // Now we have the array $results filled with Image objects // Let's display them $xml = "\n"; foreach ($results as $img) { // Sanity check to see if $img is really an image object // If it isn't (e.g. someone requested an invalid md5 or id), break out of the this if (!is_object($img)) { continue; } $taglist = $img->get_tag_list(); $owner = $img->get_owner(); $previewsize = get_thumbnail_size($img->width, $img->height); $xml .= xml_tag("post", [ "id" => $img->id, "md5" => $img->hash, "file_name" => $img->filename, "file_url" => $img->get_image_link(), "height" => $img->height, "width" => $img->width, "preview_url" => $img->get_thumb_link(), "preview_height" => $previewsize[1], "preview_width" => $previewsize[0], "rating" => "?", "date" => $img->posted, "is_warehoused" => false, "tags" => $taglist, "source" => $img->source, "score" => 0, "author" => $owner->name ]); } $xml .= ""; return $xml; } /** * add_post() * Adds a post to the database. * * Parameters: * - login: login * - password: password * - file: file as a multipart form * - source: source url * - title: title **IGNORED** * - tags: list of tags as a string, delimited by whitespace * - md5: MD5 hash of upload in hexadecimal format * - rating: rating of the post. can be explicit, questionable, or safe. **IGNORED** * * Notes: * - The only necessary parameter is tags and either file or source. * - If you want to sign your post, you need a way to authenticate your account, either by supplying login and password, or by supplying a cookie. * - If an account is not supplied or if it doesn‘t authenticate, he post will be added anonymously. * - If the md5 parameter is supplied and does not match the hash of what‘s on the server, the post is rejected. * * Response * The response depends on the method used: * Post: * - X-Danbooru-Location set to the URL for newly uploaded post. * Get: * - Redirected to the newly uploaded post. */ private function api_add_post() { global $user, $page; $danboorup_kludge = 1; // danboorup for firefox makes broken links out of location: /path // Check first if a login was supplied, if it wasn't check if the user is logged in via cookie // If all that fails, it's an anonymous upload $this->authenticate_user(); // Now we check if a file was uploaded or a url was provided to transload // Much of this code is borrowed from /ext/upload if (!$user->can(Permissions::CREATE_IMAGE)) { $page->set_code(409); $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Errors: authentication error"); return; } if (isset($_FILES['file'])) { // A file was POST'd in $file = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']; $filename = $_FILES['file']['name']; // If both a file is posted and a source provided, I'm assuming source is the source of the file if (isset($_REQUEST['source']) && !empty($_REQUEST['source'])) { $source = $_REQUEST['source']; } else { $source = null; } } elseif (isset($_FILES['post'])) { $file = $_FILES['post']['tmp_name']['file']; $filename = $_FILES['post']['name']['file']; if (isset($_REQUEST['post']['source']) && !empty($_REQUEST['post']['source'])) { $source = $_REQUEST['post']['source']; } else { $source = null; } } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['source']) || isset($_REQUEST['post']['source'])) { // A url was provided $source = isset($_REQUEST['source']) ? $_REQUEST['source'] : $_REQUEST['post']['source']; $file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "shimmie_transload"); $ok = transload($source, $file); if (!$ok) { $page->set_code(409); $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Errors: fopen read error"); return; } $filename = basename($source); } else { // Nothing was specified at all $page->set_code(409); $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Errors: no input files"); return; } // Get tags out of url $posttags = Tag::explode(isset($_REQUEST['tags']) ? $_REQUEST['tags'] : $_REQUEST['post']['tags']); // Was an md5 supplied? Does it match the file hash? $hash = md5_file($file); if (isset($_REQUEST['md5']) && strtolower($_REQUEST['md5']) != $hash) { $page->set_code(409); $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Errors: md5 mismatch"); return; } // Upload size checking is now performed in the upload extension // It is also currently broken due to some confusion over file variable ($tmp_filename?) // Does it exist already? $existing = Image::by_hash($hash); if (!is_null($existing)) { $page->set_code(409); $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Errors: duplicate"); $existinglink = make_link("post/view/" . $existing->id); if ($danboorup_kludge) { $existinglink = make_http($existinglink); } $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Location: $existinglink"); return; } // Fire off an event which should process the new file and add it to the db $fileinfo = pathinfo($filename); $metadata = []; $metadata['filename'] = $fileinfo['basename']; if (array_key_exists('extension', $fileinfo)) { $metadata['extension'] = $fileinfo['extension']; } $metadata['tags'] = $posttags; $metadata['source'] = $source; //log_debug("danbooru_api","========== NEW($filename) ========="); //log_debug("danbooru_api", "upload($filename): fileinfo(".var_export($fileinfo,TRUE)."), metadata(".var_export($metadata,TRUE).")..."); try { $nevent = new DataUploadEvent($file, $metadata); //log_debug("danbooru_api", "send_event(".var_export($nevent,TRUE).")"); send_event($nevent); // If it went ok, grab the id for the newly uploaded image and pass it in the header $newimg = Image::by_hash($hash); // FIXME: Unsupported file doesn't throw an error? $newid = make_link("post/view/" . $newimg->id); if ($danboorup_kludge) { $newid = make_http($newid); } // Did we POST or GET this call? if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Location: $newid"); } else { $page->add_http_header("Location: $newid"); } } catch (UploadException $ex) { // Did something screw up? $page->set_code(409); $page->add_http_header("X-Danbooru-Errors: exception - " . $ex->getMessage()); } } }